Top 27 Books & Reference Apps Like FAUST. J. W. Goethe - Best Alternatives

FAUST. J. W. Goethe Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best FAUST. J. W. Goethe alternatives for Android? We have listed 27 Books & Reference that are similar to FAUST. J. W. Goethe. Pick one from this list to be your new FAUST. J. W. Goethe app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FAUST. J. W. Goethe on your Android devices.

Top 27 Apps Like FAUST. J. W. Goethe - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FAUST. J. W. Goethe alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like FAUST. J. W. Goethe 2025.

Faust - Goethe

Faust - Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust is a tragic play in two parts: Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil (translated as: Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy) and Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy)....

Price: Free Developer: mafapps
Faust (Spanish Edition)

Faust (Spanish Edition)

Fausto de Goethe vuelve a trabajar el mito medieval tardío de un erudito brillante tan desilusionado que decide hacer un contrato con Mefistófeles. El diablo hará todo lo que le pida en la Tierra y busca otorgarle un momento...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: APM STUDIO
Mahayana Buddhist Sutras - 佛经

Mahayana Buddhist Sutras - 佛经

An apps. that allow user to browse Mahayana Buddhist Sutras and Mantras in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Font size can be adjust larger or smaller at the action menu. Pinyin in Simplified Chinese or Zhuyin in Traditional...

Price: Free Developer: J Walker
Kingdom of Ash - Sarah J. Maas Pdf Novel

Kingdom of Ash - Sarah J. Maas Pdf Novel

Price: Free Developer: Teach Me
The Deerslayer by J. F. Cooper

The Deerslayer by J. F. Cooper

James Fenimore Cooper, The DeerslayerVirtual Entertainment, 2016Series: World adventure classic booksFirst story about Natty Bumppo as "Deerslayer": a young frontiersman in early 18th-century New York, who objects to the practice of taking scalps, on grounds that every living thing...

Price: Free Developer: Virtual Entertainment


Menu of the book:1) Go to the page.2) Add / Remove tab.3) Go to the tab.4) Display Mode: Day / Night.5) Change the settings: font size, paper, page turning effectPride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first...

Price: Free Developer: GoldenLIB
「COCORO BOOKS」書籍・コミック・新聞・雑誌

「COCORO BOOKS」書籍・コミック・新聞・雑誌

このアプリは、シャープ株式会社の電子書籍ストア「COCORO BOOKS」専用のビューアアプリです。小説、ラノベ、コミック、写真集、雑誌など40万冊以上の電子書籍に加え、『日経新聞 電子版』もお楽しみいただけます。青空文庫をはじめ無料の電子書籍も1万冊以上。おトクなプリペイド式のポイントシステムもございます。■特長<コンテンツが充実・おトク>・小説、ラノベ、コミック、写真集、雑誌、実用書、ビジネス書など豊富な品揃え・青空文庫をはじめ無料で読める電子書籍が1万冊以上・雑誌は高精細画質で、拡大してもくっきり綺麗・『日経新聞 電子版』も読める・半額を中心としたお買い得商品が毎日登場する「日替わりセール」・いつでもおトクなプリペイド式のポイントシステム<シャープだから安心・便利>・買った本はクラウド上の「ネット書庫」で自動バックアップ・機種変更をしても引き続き読める・同時に最大5台の端末で利用できる・決済方法は、クレジットカード、ドコモケータイ払い、auかんたん決済、WebMoney(ウェブマネー)から選べる・ダウンロードしておけば圏外でも読める・海外でも利用できる・閲覧中に気になる単語があれば、購入した辞書で調べることができる・定期購読した雑誌が自動で届く・シークレットモードで本棚の本を隠すことができる<読みやすい>・多くの電子書籍ストアで採用されているシャープのEPUB電子書籍ビューアで読みやすい・文字サイズを変更できる・フォントの種類を変更できる・文字色と背景色を変更できる・ルビ表示、太文字表示、段組み表示など自分好みに調整できる・挿絵など画像を拡大できる・端末の音量ボタンでページめくりできる・ページめくりのエフェクトを変更できる・拡大したままページめくりできる・しおり(ブックマーク)、マーカーを利用できる・気になる言葉や登場人物名で本文中を検索できる※上記特長の詳細および制限事項はこちらをご確認ください。(■アプリ動作条件・Android(TM)5.0以上・表示解像度:800×480以上・外部または内部ストレージがある端末※すべての端末での動作を保証するものではありません。(アプリ動作環境を満たさない場合は起動制限を行っている場合があります)※機種によってはコンテンツの保存先に「外部」(SDカード)を選択できない場合があります。※動作対象外の機種はこちらをご確認ください。(■ご利用方法について詳細なご利用方法はこちらをご確認ください。([重要]●使い勝手や品質維持のため、ver.4.0.3からAndroid5.0未満の端末を、ver.3.4.4からAndroid4.0未満の端末を、それぞれサポート対象外とさせていただきます。お客様にはご不便をおかけしますが、ご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。■お問い合わせサービス サポートセンター問合せフォーム: (■直近の更新情報v4.1.1・Target SDK 29に対応しました・ストレージ仕様変更に伴い保存先[標準]の場所を変更しました※アップデート後の初回アプリ起動時に保存先[標準]のデータを移動します・軽微な不具合対応■コンテンツご協力©荒木飛呂彦・LUCKY LAND COMMUNICATIONS/集英社瀬田貞二 C.S.ルイス/岩波書店CREA Traveler Autumn No31/文藝春秋dancyu 2012年12月号/プレジデント社

Price: Free Developer: SHARP CORPORATION
Fiqhi Masail Ka Majmua (Urdu)

Fiqhi Masail Ka Majmua (Urdu)

Fiqhi Masail Ka Majmu'a (Masail ki Tauzeeh) in Urdu as per fataawa of Grand Ayatullah Al Uzma Sayed Ali Al Husaini Al Khamnenei for Shia Isna/Asna Ashri (Fiqh e Jafari)فقہی مسائل کا مجموعہ (مسائل کی توضیح) مطابق فتاوٰی...

Price: Free Developer: Anwar Husain J. Husain
سبل السـلام

سبل السـلام

يحتوي التطبيق على الرسالة العملية لسماحة المرجع الديني الشيخ محمد اليعقوبي (دام ظله) كما تم تضمين التطبيق كتاب مناسك الحج وأيضاً كتاب الرسالة الاستفتائية مضافا إلى إمكانية ارسالة استفتاءاتكم إلى لجنة الاستفتاءات في مكتب سماحة المرجع.

Price: Free Developer: ahmed.j.muhamed
J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) in English

J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) in English

The Phillips New Testamen is an English translation of the New Testament of the Bible translated by Anglican clergyman J. B. Phillips.Remember, in the moments of greatest darkness, Close your eyes, calm down, take a deep breath and let...

Price: Free Developer: AguijonSoft
المجموعة الشعرية الكاملة

المجموعة الشعرية الكاملة

Price: Free Developer: Ali saedi
Добрая Баба Яга. Детская сказка.

Добрая Баба Яга. Детская сказка.

Сказка про Бабу Ягу.Что из Бабы-Яги сделало добрую красавицу? Почему отвалились бородавки и разгладились морщины, а седые пакли превратились в золотистые кудри?Интересно? Тайна откроется в сказке :)Сборник из 6 сказок про Бабу Ягу – это сказки про веру в...

Price: Free Developer: Juliya Shlepanova
Free ToTok Guide HD Video and Voice Calls Chats

Free ToTok Guide HD Video and Voice Calls Chats

Price: Free Developer: Blaine.W
W'BOOKS Free Lending Book App

W'BOOKS Free Lending Book App

You have a huge library and books that you cannot afford to give to anyone, but it is also people who cannot say no to what you want to borrow your books. The more you borrowed, the more likely...

Price: Free Developer: 3l Apps
Adam Sy Muhammad S.A.W

Adam Sy Muhammad S.A.W

Adam Sy Muhammad S.A.W Adam sy Muhammad S.A.W is best islamic book in urdu. You Can get more islamic information through this islamic book. Read urdu islamic book Adam sy Muhammad in urdu free. We make this application...

Price: Free Developer: AbdalianApps786
Hadees e Mubaraka-Farmane Mustafa S.A.W

Hadees e Mubaraka-Farmane Mustafa S.A.W

Hadees e Mubaraka-Farmane Mustafa S.A.W is free apps for android mobile user.******Feature******* Easy to use** HD Graphics*** Go to Page Number option to move on your selected page**** Menu Scene with options of show app, rate us, more apps,...

Price: Free Developer: IslamicAppsStudio
Hadees Mubarak S.A.W

Hadees Mubarak S.A.W

Hadees Mubarak S.A.W is free apps for android mobile user.******Feature******* Easy to use** HD Graphics*** Go to Page Number option to move on your selected page**** Menu Scene with options of show app, rate us, more apps, about us...

Price: Free Developer: IslamicAppsStudio
Nizam-E-Mustafa (S.A.W.W)

Nizam-E-Mustafa (S.A.W.W)

Allah Muhammad (S.A.W.W) Ahmed Rasool Nabi kareem learn islam islamic books religion pray prayer dua sahaba namaz salat salaat roza fasting haj jahad peace help hadees ayat ayaat Emam sheikh sarhandi rabbani sarhindi maktubat raza ahle sunnat wal jammat...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Amjad
ishq e Rasool (S.A.W.W)

ishq e Rasool (S.A.W.W)

Allah, Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Ahmed, Rasool, Nabi, kareem, learn, islam, islamic, books, religion, pray, prayer, dua, sahaba, namaz, salat, salaat, roza, fasting, haj, jahad, peace, help, hadees, ayat, ayaat, Emam, sheikh, sarhandi, rabbani, sarhindi, maktubat, raza, ahle sunnat wal jammat,...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Amjad
Seerat un Nabi S.A.W.W in Urdu / seerat un nabi

Seerat un Nabi S.A.W.W in Urdu / seerat un nabi

We know all Muslims in the world want to read and learn the seerat of our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Not only Muslims even non Muslims say there is no one like him in this world.As a Muslim, we...

Price: Free Developer: Deen-E-Haq
Seerat E Mustafa S.A.W.W Urdu Part 2

Seerat E Mustafa S.A.W.W Urdu Part 2

Seerat e Mustafa S.A.W.W is one of the most famous and authentic Seerat-e-Rasul-Allah of the Islamic prophet Muhammad(SAWW).Prophet Muhammad SAW was born in Makkah, around 570 C.E. He is the model for humanity for all walks of life to...

Price: Free Developer: AppsBit
Seerat E Mustafa S.A.W.W Urdu Part 1

Seerat E Mustafa S.A.W.W Urdu Part 1

sirah nabi muhammad S.A.W.W (hazrat muhammad saw ki zindagi) is one of the most famous and authentic seerah of prophet muhammad peace be upon him is urdu application.Prophet Muhammad SAW was born in Makkah, around 570 C.E. He is...

Price: Free Developer: AppsBit
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Poems

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Poems

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) is German philosopher, poet, writer and statesman. The man radically influenced non-European and world literature. His work The Sorrows of Young Werther can be considered the world's first...

Price: Free Developer: Aleksej Kolomijczuk
Goethe Quotes

Goethe Quotes

Johann Wolfgang Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. His body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of metres and styles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an...

Price: Free Developer: Bookdepth
Goethe’s Novels

Goethe’s Novels

The Sorrows of Young Werther, Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Letters from Switzerland, Letters from ItalyJohann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. His works include: four novels; epic and lyric poetry;...

Price: Free Developer: classics e-books


El Altísimo, molesto con Fausto por sus deseos de saber todos los secretos de la creación y el de igualarse a él, apuesta con Mefistófeles, el Diablo, a provocar que Fausto caiga en la tentación y el pecado. Fausto...

Price: Free Developer: REALIDAD B

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