Do you want to find the best Contact Tracer - Location tracker alternatives for Android? We have listed 32 Health & Fitness that are similar to Contact Tracer - Location tracker. Pick one from this list to be your new Contact Tracer - Location tracker app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Contact Tracer - Location tracker on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Contact Tracer - Location tracker alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like Contact Tracer - Location tracker 2025.
Coconut oil is a safe to eat oil that is refined extracted from the kernel and the meat of fully-grown coconuts harvested from the palm. This oil is widely known for its high concentration of saturated fats that make...
Looking for Workout App for men and women? Get fit with the best women workout - fitness app! Sweat 7 mins a day to get a perfect bikini body! Yes. A high-intensity 7-minute workout to lose weight, tone muscles,...
Contact Diary is a simple app that allows you to keep a record of the people you have met and the events you have attended to recently. In the undesired event that your medical condition changes, Contact Diary is...
This is the free version of Contact Diary: The only difference is that this free version contains advertisements, but all functionalities are the same.Contact Diary is a simple app that allows you to keep a record of the...
Contact DiaryKeep a privacy friendly log of your contacts.Keep this contact diary and record when you met with whom.Just hold on to who you met with. The location can optionally be determined by GPS. The contacts can be added...
NOTE: UnitedHealthcare® offers this wellness program to employers; it may be included with your health plan. Confirm your eligibility by checking with your company’s HR representative.It pays to take steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Simply put, UnitedHealthcare MotionTM...
You can improve your brainpower by eating the right kinds of food. Here are some of your favored drinks, food, nutritional supplements, flavorings, and condiments that nourish your brain so that it can operate clearly and quickly, as it...
In this app, you will find scientifically proven ways to cleanse and heal your liver. Eating clean, fresh, healthy, natural, organic, and wholesome foods that are endowed with healthy fats and cutting back on your intake of carbs and...
Niacin is an important form of the Vitamin B3. Niacin helps your cells to convert fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy. You can say that it creates the energy from your food. It is also helpful to increase the...
You often see food in the supermarket with the word “natural” on the label usually surrounded with leaves or with a picture evoking the outdoors. But everything that is natural is not good for you. The truth is cyanide...
NZ COVID Tracer is the Ministry of Health’s official contact tracing mobile app. It helps you protect your friends, whānau and community by enabling faster contact tracing. Help contact tracing go faster by creating a private digital diary...
Tracer is a health information and advisory app for the dissemination of health information as well as a survey tool for receiving general opinion on general health issues.
어플을 설치하신 후 밴드와 동기화 하여 사용자의 평소 생활 정보 확인과 아파트 출입 스마트 키로 사용할 수 있습니다. 걸음 수, 심박 수, 칼로리 소모량, 수면시간 등에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.각 항목들의 경우 일정 주기마다 그래프로 데이터가 저장되어 이를...
This is the compatible application for Partron smartbands users.After installing app and sync to the Band, users can check their daily life and exercise through this application. It shows information on the user's daily life such as steps, sleep...
NEW! A fun, free motivation to move further! Capture real world places and compete against neighbors with every step you take.Whether walking to your workplace or running a marathon, capture the places you move through to build a formidable...
MANTENHA SUA ROTINA DE TREINOS EM QUALQUER LUGARTransforme seu corpo e ganhe mais saúde e motivação treinando com os melhores professores da Bio Ritmo.No TORQ, você encontra diversos programas completos direcionados para seu objetivo fitness (como emagrecimento, ganho de...
Track your runs and walks on the Stride map, and play against others to control the biggest territory. Join thousands of players and your friends to compete for control over your city or town. Whether walking to work, training...
This is the compatible application for C-Fit user.After installing app and sync to the Band, users can check their daily life and exercise through this application. Urban Mode shows information on the user's daily life such as steps, sleep...
Welcome to the ICAN LookUp APP. This APP is a state-wide resource to assist students, parents and other interested users quick access to basic health and wellness information on and around Indiana.ICAN, the Indiana Collegiate Action Network, is...
You can find the most appropriate hospital, pharmacy, family and dental health centers for your location.Institutions you can reach: * Hospitals * Pharmacies * Family Health Centers * Dental Health Centers * Dental HospitalsBy downloading this application, you can...
Sports Tracker is not only one of the best fitness apps around, it’s the original sports app. For over a decade, Sports Tracker has helped millions of fitness fans around the world get inspired through exercise, and it can...
Simple tracking app to support losing weight and staying in the healthy weight range.Unlike most apps with a far away goal, here you can easily see if you fit in your weekly plan.• Set a target with expected optimistic...
The best water tracker with drink water reminders on Google Play. Completely for free! Download now and stay hydrated 💧Drinking a gallon of water a day is not a problem with Waterful - the most effective drink water reminder...
Bartal Sports Tracker app tracks and analyzes your performance, enables you to record workouts and share them via Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and others. Bartal uses GPS to track distance, speed, altitude of sport activities such as walking, running, cycling...
Track your daily weight loss and calculate your Body Mass Index, Waist to Hip Ratio and Waist to Height RatioFree BMI Calculator and Weight Tracker App monitors your weight, waist and hips. It calculates your Body Mass Index, Waist...
Keeping track of your menstrual cycle has never been easier (or more fun) than this, period!Lunar Period Tracker, Ovulation & Pregnancy Calendar is a free “one-stop” app for all your feminine care needs. The Lunar app accurately tracks your...
Keep track of your menstrual cycles with Period Calendar. It tracks your periods, cycles, ovulation and the chance of conception. Period tracker helps both women looking to conceive and those trying to birth control.Period Tracker is useful, whether you...
PTC - Period Tracker Calendar - is an extremely elegant that helps women keep track of periods, cycle, ovulation, and fertile days.PTC for women provides a very intuitive interface for girls/women to track their ovulation, fertility, menstrual cycles and...
RWT - Running to Weight Tracker is a powerful activity tracker that tracks the distance, speed, duration, and calories burned during your fitness activities.This running training app focuses on weight loss. By mixing running, jogging, walking, and sprinting, it...
Keep track of your healthy, unhealthy and very unhealthy days. A simple approach to diet tracking.At the end of day, recall your eating choices during the day and take a "conscious" decision to rate it healthy, unhealthy or a...
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