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The best free and paid Taniya by Maulana Sheik Ibrahim Inyass alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Taniya by Maulana Sheik Ibrahim Inyass 2025.
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Шагайте в ногу со временем! Учите английский язык просто и весело с приложением Engster от МТС! Расширенные возможности обучения грамматике, разговорная практика и улучшенная система наращивания словарного запаса — все это в простой игровой форме индивидуально для вас от...
YES - приложение МТС для изучения английского языка в простой игровой форме.С помощью приложения YES вы сможете в любой удобный для вас момент времени:1. Переводить слова с русского языка на английский и наоборот.2. Учить новые слова по Вашему индивидуальному...
Гэтая праграма — афіцыйны андроід-кліент сайта Працуе ў рэжыме анлайн.1. Руска-беларускі слоўнік змяшчае больш за 100 тысяч слоў. За аснову ўзяты акадэмічны слоўнік пад рэдакцыяй Я. Коласа, К. Крапівы і П. Глебкі.2. Беларуска-рускі слоўнік таксама змяшчае больш за...
Represents timetable of GrSU on your Android device.
New Color by Number Apps and Art Coloring Pages brings one of the best coloring games for any age and family,excellent way to calm down and relaxation.Paint Sandbox by Number Sandbox Color by Number will educate you by Number...
Have to memorize a speech, poem, texts, language, lyrics, stage lines or scripture verses by heart? Memorize By Heart is a tool used by professionals and students that uses memorization techniques for a faster and longer lasting memory.MEMORIZE ANYTHINGMemorize...
And to establish the prayer and fear Him. " Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the...
With our handy manual for self-tuition, you will learn all the necessary knowledge and responses to questions in order to obtain a Polish Card.Interview’s simulator will develop your skills and will help you pass the interview with the Consul...
In this application we are give to you the old original Imam Maudoodi R.A Six Jild Format.In this format you can easily read the tafseer.Also we compile the Quran in Full Surah List FormatAnd in Mushaf Mode.Application has a...
Tafseer Baseerat-e-Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Muhammad Asif Qasmi.نام: بصیرتِ قرآنمصنف: مولانا محمد آصف قاسمیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Baseerat-e-Quran by Maulana Muhammad Asif Qasmi - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance Search...
Tafseer Tadabbur-e-Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi.نام: تدبر قرآنمصنف: مولانا امین احسن اصلاحیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Tadabbur-e-Quran by Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance Search...
Tafseer-e-Majidi - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi.نام: تفسیرِ ماجدیمصنف: مولانا عبد الماجد دریابادیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer-e-Majidi by Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi - Colored Word by Word Quran Translation - Advance Search functionality in...
Tafseer Anwar ul Bayan - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Aashiq Illahi Madani.نام: انوار البیانمصنف: مولانا عاشق الٰہی مدنیApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Anwar ul Bayan by Maulana Aashiq Illahi Madani - Colored Word by Word Quran...
The head of the Central Executive Committee of Dawat-e-Islami, Hazrat Maulana Haji Abu Hamid Muhammad Imran Attari is one of the prominent and the most famous Muslim Scholars of the current era. He travels across the world for the...
Hazrat Maulana Abu Madani Abdul Habib Attari is a member of the Central Executive Committee of Dawat-e-Islami and a renowned Islamic scholar who travels across the globe to spread the message of love, brotherhood, harmony and the teachings of...
In the current era, Shaykh-e-Tariqat Ameer e Ahle Sunnat founder of Dawateislami, Hazrat Allama Maulana Abu Bilal Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi Ziyaee دَامَت بَرَکاتُہُمُ الْعَالِیَہ has become one of the most prominent personalities and Islamic scholars. He is also...
Tafseer Bayan ul Quran - Urdu Translation (Tarjuma) and Tafseer by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.نام: بیان القرآنمصنف: مولانا اشرف علی تھانویApplication Features: - Complete Tafseer Bayan ul Quran by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi - Colored Word by Word Quran...
Wannan Application wanda yake qunshe da Tafseer wanda Sheik Dr. Mansur Sokoto ya gabatar.
Listen to a very informative lessons and Lectures of great Sheik Aliyu Isah Fantami. The lessons consist of full commentary on the Hisnul Muslim (Fortification of the Muslim) and the book of Siyaam Ramadan (Ramadan Fasting) as well very...
You can now listen to the audio lessons of Riyadh Salihin given by Sheik Jafar Mahmud Adam Kano, the application contains the original Arabic text of Riyadh Salihin for easy following of the lessons, this is for those trying...
A cikin wannan application, tafsirai ne wadanda Babban Malami Sheik Aliyu Isah Fantami ya gabatar. Zaku iya samun dukanin Applications dinmu na musulunci daga google playstore wanda wasu Karatuttuka ne wadanda malamai da dama suka gabatar da Harshe...
This is a complete Qur'an rectitation by Sheik Khalil Husary.Sheik Khalil Husary was an Egyptian Qur'anic reciter, he was born in a village called Shobra al-Namla in Tanta, Egypt in 1917. He entered the Qur'ân School at the...
This application allow the user to listen to the complete recitation of holy Qur'an by Sheikh Sudais (الشيخ سديس) while offline.
ITE Marks : is a simple app to preview your marks , download PDF-files of marks , show report for your all year marks .App Features:○ - Save your id's.○ - If you forget your id you can search...
Arabian foods recipes - middle east foods items what is arabic fooods?Arab cuisine is the cuisine of the Arabs, defined as the various regional cuisines spanning the Arab world, from the Maghreb to the Fertile Crescent and the Arabian...
Arabic is a Semitic language that first emerged in the 1st to 4th centuries CE. It is now the lingua franca of the Arab world. Arabic grammar or Arabic language Sciences is the grammar of the Arabic language. Arabic...
Disclaimer : This is an unofficial app of UODA.There is no connection between this app and UODA administration. This app is developed for facilitating students and also for other people who want to know about UODAkey sectors:==>Map==>Courses==>Admission==>Administration==>Alumni==>Hostels==>Transports==>Faculties==>Students Corner(Students and...
দরুদ শরীফের আমল ও ফযিলত ও দরুদে ইব্রাহিম নিয়ে আজকে আমাদের এই অ্যাপটির আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।দুরুদ শরীফ বাংলা আমাদের এই অ্যাপটির মধ্যে পয়ে যাবেন।দরুদ শরীফের আমল ও ফজিলত হাদিস শরীফে গুরুত্ব ও বিশদ বিবরণ রয়েছে ।দরুদ শরীফ পাঠে...
يضم برنامج أذكار حصن المسلم العديد من الأذكار والأدعية الواردة في كتاب حصن المسلم والتي لا غنى عنها في حياتنا اليومية وفي معاملاتنا مع الناس وذلك بطريقة سهلة وبسيطة.ومن هذه الأذكار : أذكار الصباح والمساء ، أذكار النوم ،...
هذا التطبيق بهاذكار الصباح ،و المساء ، والنوم ، اذكار بعد الصلاةأذكار يوميهالاذكار الموجود بالتطبيق اذكار صحيحه بدون نت...لا تحتاج الاتصال بالانترنت
تطبيق ازرع سطحك – تعليم الزراعه المنزليه للمبتدئين وزراعة الاسطح والبلكونات .ان الاهتمام بالزراعه المنزليه اصبح امرا ضروريا لعمل متنفس للشقق ومن هنا كان تطبيق ازرع سطحك مهتما بتعليم زراعة النباتات التي يمكن ان تزرع في البيت وفوق الاسطح...
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