Do you want to find the best Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date alternatives for Android? We have listed 44 Medical that are similar to Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date. Pick one from this list to be your new Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date 2025.
This newly updated version of Hesperian Health Guides’ award-winning app provides accurate, up-to-date information for health educators and expectant mothers in low-resource settings. Developed by the publishers of Where There Is No Doctor, it provides life-saving information in clear,...
"Pregnancy Calculator Pro: Maternity & Motherhood" is an application intended mainly to help health-care practitioner during antenatal visit, but also can be used widely by all pregnant women. "Pregnancy Calculator Pro: Maternity & Motherhood" can be used by pregnant...
Pregnancy Week By Week is a very helpful app for a pregnant woman. Best pregnancy app for you! With Amila Pregnancy App you can easily: - track your pregnancy week by week - get information about your baby -...
THIS APP IS INTENDED FOR USE OF HEALTHCARE WORKERS. Pregnancy Calculator for Healthcare Professionals calculates the gestation week based on the first day of the last menstruation period or previous ultrasound scans. FAST is carefully designed to provide a...
Watch your baby grow, track pregnancy milestones, log symptoms, and learn what to expect week by week with Ovia Pregnancy! Ovia apps have helped 15 million women and families on their path to parenthood. Ovia Pregnancy is...
Pregnancy calculator and calendar, Due date calculator App is giving a lot of information about calculation or prediction of your pregnancy and baby size with information. By just providing the first date of your last period, the average number...
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is an app that calculate your baby's due date and Gestational Age by Ktappsstore.Are you pregnant and Want to find out when your baby is due? A pregnancy due date calculator will typically calculate your...
Pregnant ladies to know about pregnancy week by week changes & suggestions.Pregnancy Assistance giving information about pregnancy like Pregnancy Symptoms, Guide about Ovulation, How Does Pregnancy Happens, Stages of Pregnancy, Fertilization Changes in egg, week by week changes, Baby...
Pregnancy Week By Week is a very helpful app for a pregnant woman. With Pregnancy Week By Week you can easily: - track your pregnancy week by week - get information about your baby - calculate current week of...
"Absolute Neutrophil Count - Hematology ANC Calculator” is a simple and precise apps to calculate and categorise the Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC). It is intended for the medical practitioner in the assessment of the risk connected with conditions such...
"Burns Fluid Calculator: Fluid, TBSA, ABSI score" is a mobile app designed to determine the fluid needed during resuscitation and maintenance when treating burn patients. The most commonly used resuscitation formula is the pure crystalloid Parkland formula. In this...
"MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App" is a mobile app to calculate the Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score for patients aged 12 and older. Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)score is a prospectively developed and validated...
"Cardiac Output Calculator: Fick Equation" is designed to calculate cardiac output, cardiac index, stroke volume, and stroke volume index. Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped through your heart every minute. Stroke volume is the amount of blood...
"Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance" is an app to help medical practitioner to find the anion gap, delta gap, delta ratio, and their interpretation from arterial blood gas result. In "Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance"...
"Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury" is a mobile app designed to help health practitioner to calculate the fractional excretion of sodium (FENa). This FENa score in "Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury" app can be used...
"SOFA Score Calculator - Sepsis Assessment Tool" is a mobile app designed to calculate the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score based on 6 different organ systems. The total score is useful to predict mortality especially patient with sepsis....
"Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer" is a medical mobile app designed for health practitioner especially in Urology department. "Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer" app will calculate several measurements regarding prostate specific antigen (PSA). The PSA...
"Testosterone Calculator Pro - Mens Health" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to calculate the free & bioavailable testosterone level. Both free and bioavailable testosterone are more accurately reflect the bioactive testosterone level than does the...
The panic diary offers you a quick and uncomplicated option to track, sort and take a look back at your anxiety & panic attacks. It is a anxiety tracker, a mood tracker. The method of documentation is based on...
Das Paniktagebuch bietet Ihnen eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Möglichkeit, Ihre Angst-und/oder Panikattacken aufzuzeichnen, einzuordnen und rückblickend auszuwerten. Die Aufzeichnungsart basiert auf ärztlichen und psychotherapeutischen Aufzeichnungsempfehlungen. Lernen Sie sich und Ihren Körper besser zu verstehen und Situationen und Gegebenheiten, die...
Die Keine Panik App bietet Ihnen u.a. eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Akuthilfe während einer Angstattacke oder Panikattacke, in Form von eigens entwickelten und gesprochenen Audio- und Textdateien.Folgen Sie verschiedenen Hilfestellungen und lernen Sie mit Ihrer Angst und Panik umzugehen....
Simulated HAMILTON-C6 critical care ventilator from Hamilton Medical and physiological patient model featuring:• Fully simulated ventilator graphical user interface including all control and alarm settings and most ventilation modes • Real-time monitoring values, curves, and visualization for all relevant parameters –...
60th anniversary edition of the most popular, relied-upon guide to internal medicine. Single source reference that has authoritative, evidence-based coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders including concise, yet thorough synopsis of diagnosis and treatment. Written by clinicians...
Quick facts and mnemonic in general medicines. Very helpful in clinical practice and exam. It covers general medicines and all other sub-specialties.function:----------live search bar, allow user to filter topic and content with keyword and fast-categorized content-zoomable and scalable contents
Notes of human anatomy & physiology with graphical representation to learn easy for for medical,para medical & medicine students professional.It all most cover all important sections unit wise which are given below :UNIT 1: THE BODY AS A WHOLE Organization...
Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology (JCAD) is a peer-reviewed publication that has already become an important addition to the field of dermatology. Under the expert editorial leadership of James Del Rosso, DO, and Philip Werschler, MD, JCAD provides...
ECG Notes: Interpretation and Management Guide. Indispensable pocket guide presents the basics ACLS and CPR algorithms, emergency medications, and comprehensive information on monitoring leads and interpretation of over 100 ECG strips, including 12-lead and pacemaker rhythms. Download the FREE...
Period Tracker is a simple and yet very stylish application that offers the chance to any girl or woman to be in control of their period, ovulation, fertility days and even birth control/contraceptive. We offer you a calendar which...
Period Calendar - Menstrual Tracker Period Calendar is an extremely elegant and easy-to-use application that helps women keep track of periods, cycle, ovulation, and fertile days. Whether you are concerned about conceiving, birth control, contraception, or regularity of...
"Fertility Calendar" will help you track and predict your period, ovulation and fertility!This very easy in use app has many powerful possibilities behind a beautiful interface.You can track your periods, notes, body temperature and any symptoms you wish so...
Period Calendar (PerCal) is a women Calendar App designated for helping to track and manage monthly Period records. When used correctly this App will help you plan your activities easily. This App will give you all the necessary information...
LA INFORMACIÓN DE CONGRESOS MÉDICOSLa aplicación (APP) MEDICAL MEETINGS CALENDAR de Menarini EspañaPodrán acceder a la información sobre congresos y eventos relacionados con especialidades médicas y consultar todo lo que va a organizarse a a un año vista....
Medication Reminder helps you keep track of all of your pill and reminds you when it’s time to refill prescription.Medication Reminder even tells you to take your pill before or after eating and reminds you the right dosage of...
Stork app guides you through pregnancy day-by-day and week-by-week. Based on your due date, you will receive personalized information, the latest parenting news and health information. You will get tools to help you prepare and feel in control every...
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator, Calendar & Tracker is a pregnancy app that provides useful information for expecting mothers and future parents. ✔ Our due date calculator (EDD calculator) will quickly calculate your due date.✔ Our illustrated pregnancy calendar &...
Congrats, you've just discovered the world's best period tracker app. LADYTIMER predicts menstrual cycles, helping women to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy. LADYTIMER uses the latest scientific methods to accurately pinpoint a woman's fertile days. The app helps you...
Pregnancy due date calculator using Ethiopian Calendar and Amharic Language.
Prepárate tus oposiciones de enfermería con la mejor y más completa herramienta disponible actualmente en el mercado:- Totalmente gratuito (sin compras en el interior).- Más de 200 Test.- 4000 Preguntas. - 14 exámenes de convocatoria oficiales.- Simulación de examen.-...
Want to find out when your baby is due? Use our online Pregnancy Due Date Calculator.Pregnancy Calculator: Find baby's expected date of delivery(EDD) by entering your last menstural date and average days of period per cycle.Estimated Date of Delivery...
Hijri ANC will help you to calculate the due date and gestational age by Hijri or Gregorian calendar. With our unique app, one touch is all you need to produce comprehensive results that will help you in your conversations...
Simple calculator to determine the Due Date based on pregnancy test date and an estimated conception date. The app is designed for Veterinarians and is very easy to use for any species gestation period.
PregCalc is an awesome pregnancy calculator to calculate the due date/ EDD (Expected Date of Delivery) and the POG (Period of gestation) especially for the busy healthcare worker. For most patients, with just two taps, the calculation is done....
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