Top 42 Educational Apps Like More or less on a board - Best Alternatives

More or less on a board Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best More or less on a board alternatives for Android? We have listed 42 Educational that are similar to More or less on a board. Pick one from this list to be your new More or less on a board app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to More or less on a board on your Android devices.

Top 42 Apps Like More or less on a board - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid More or less on a board alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 42 similar apps like More or less on a board 2025.

US States Quiz - Maps, Flags, Capitals & More

US States Quiz - Maps, Flags, Capitals & More

Quizzes cover 8 topics about the US states: ☞ Locations on a map ☞ Capital cities ☞ Most populous cities ☞ Flags ☞ Seals ☞ State birds ☞ State flowers ☞ Postal abbreviationsYou can also choose between 2 game formats: ☞ Find the states on a map of the USA ☞ Multiple choice questionsCustomizable quizzes allow you to choose...

Price: Free Developer: Sean Burnham
German States Quiz - Maps, Flags, Capitals & More

German States Quiz - Maps, Flags, Capitals & More

Test and improve your knowledge of the 16 states of Germany.Quizzes cover 6 topics about the German states:- Locations on a map- Capital cities- Most populous cities- Flags- Coat of Arms- State abbreviationsCustomizable quizzes allow you to choose which...

Price: Free Developer: Sean Burnham
Canadian Province & Territory Quiz - Maps & More

Canadian Province & Territory Quiz - Maps & More

Quizzes cover 8 topics about the provinces and territories of Canada:☞ Locations on a map☞ Capital cities☞ Most populous cities☞ Flags☞ Shields☞ Official birds☞ Official flowers☞ Postal abbreviationsYou can also choose between 2 game formats:☞ Find the provinces & territories on a map of Canada☞ Multiple choice questionsCustomizable quizzes...

Price: Free Developer: Sean Burnham
Animals Quiz - Learn All Mammals, Birds and more!

Animals Quiz - Learn All Mammals, Birds and more!

In this application, you will find 100 pictures of famous mammals, 89 photos of birds, 19 reptiles and 4 amphibians, 44 fishes, 46 arthropods from all over the world. Both wild animals and domestic animals. The whole zoo! Can...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Solovyev
Baby Games : Puzzles, Drawings, Fireworks + more

Baby Games : Puzzles, Drawings, Fireworks + more

This baby game is designed to give your toddler pleasure and gathers the most popular and loved baby games such as Puzzles, Fireworks,Drawings and so on.- Great vector graphics- 3 Alphabets are supported: Latin, Cyrillic, Greek- Parental control for...

Price: Free Developer: BP Board Games
More Trucks by Duck Duck Moose

More Trucks by Duck Duck Moose

Drive a fire truck, race monster trucks, build structures with a crane, drive a flatbed tow truck, and stack cars in junkyard!An award-winning creative play app, More Trucks has 4 new activities that stimulate young imaginations and teaches sequencing,...

Price: Free Developer: Duck Duck Moose, LLC
Eduka's World English for Kids

Eduka's World English for Kids

Eduka’s World, English for kids ages 3–10, is a fun and safe learning experience that will allow your child to learn English while going on an educational adventure with our characters Ed, U and Ka. Children learn through emotion....

Price: Free Developer: Primed Kids GmbH
PolySounds - Animal sounds & more

PolySounds - Animal sounds & more

Discover animal, music instrument, vehicles and household sounds PolySounds - Animal sounds & more, is an educational app that enables toddlers and preschool children to explore over 300 images/sounds, to enrich their vocabulary and to learn words in another...

Price: Free Developer: PolyStudios
Wenno® More than just Animals!

Wenno® More than just Animals!

Wenno® believes that there is nothing more important than parents and their children spending time together. Playing with Wenno® animal figurines as a family promotes this while at the same time children learn about the animal kingdom and their...

Price: Free Developer: Wenno®



Price: Free Developer: TEASOFT
Yes Or No

Yes Or No

Answer quickly if the picture related to written word or not.Try to beat other players and get the best result.Game supports English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian words.Bright, colorful and large pictures keep player interest...

Price: Free Developer: Kidgames
My Pretend Halloween - Trick or Treat Town Friends

My Pretend Halloween - Trick or Treat Town Friends

Do you love my pretend preschool, pretend hospital, and pretend airport? Do you love pretend games, and playing with characters in various scenes and cities? Then you will LOVE My Pretend Halloween Town - Trick or Treat Haunted Town...

Price: Free Developer: Beansprites LLC
PLAYED: Play or Get Played

PLAYED: Play or Get Played

SUMMARYPLAYED lets you score if you recognize the tricks that manipulate your emotions in political ads. You play an ad and click each time you feel an emotion or see a trick. The goal: Don't get played!DETAILEDPLAYED...

Price: Free Developer: Honest Ads Inc
Fluffy Slime Maker game: Diy Slime Simulator

Fluffy Slime Maker game: Diy Slime Simulator

Have you tried DIY Slime Making before? No? Welcome to the Fluffy Slime Maker Game 😊! Super Slime Squishy Makeover game in which you can learn how to make DIY Squishy Slime without use of borax and glue. Be...

Price: Free Developer: Level Zone
More or Less

More or Less

Watch your child thrive as they learn to add and subtract!**About More or Less**Introducing your child to numbers early can encourage a life-long love of math. Marbotic’s More or Less app is a fun, Montessori-inspired game that’ll give your...

Price: Free Developer: Dev Marbotic
تعلم اللغة الصينية بالصوت

تعلم اللغة الصينية بالصوت

اللغة الصينية هى أحدى اللغات المنتشرة فى جميع أنحاء العالم اليوم، وهى لغة تكتسب أهمية قصوى من كونها تدرس للكثير جدا من الطلاب وفى جامعات عديدة فى مختلف دول العالم، بالإضافة لكونها منطوقة من أكثر من مليار إنسان...

Price: Free Developer: dbhost
Divisibility, Odd or Even - Math game

Divisibility, Odd or Even - Math game

This simple game will train your brain to think does it work exactly?Well, you are given 60 seconds to answer random mathematical exercises. after that, you are timed out. Who can play this game?- Everyone would surely...

Price: Free Developer: Apps For Universe
Color by Numbers Or Draw Famous Players

Color by Numbers Or Draw Famous Players

Color by Numbers Or Draw Famous Players App is a sandbox color-ing and paint-ing by numbers app of famous basketball and football and soccer players. You can color by numbers famous players and then share your pixel-ated colored art...

Price: Free Developer: IncuvationLabsLLC
KB to MB MB to GB or GB to KB : All Byte Converter

KB to MB MB to GB or GB to KB : All Byte Converter

Bits ,Bytes, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte All Converters.How much is 1 byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, etc.?Data storage units are: bit (b), byte (B), kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB), terabyte (TB), petabyte (PB), exabyte (EB), zettabyte (ZB) and...

Price: Free Developer: Smart Learn Education
Less or More

Less or More

What is the highest score you can get?Enjoy!

Price: Free Developer: Mobyo
More or Less

More or Less

More or less is one of the important math skills that your kids need to learn on early stage. This concept is a key in beginning to understand addition and subtraction. Your kid can learn this concept in our...

Price: Free Developer: Covoji Learning
FractionRepMatch by mathies

FractionRepMatch by mathies

The FractionRepMatch game involves matching cards that show different part-whole representations of fractions. Select a range of values. Depending on the range selected, numbers may be proper fractions, improper fractions or mixed numbers. Select two or more types of...

Price: Free Developer: OAME
WholeRepMatch by mathies

WholeRepMatch by mathies

The WholeRepMatch game involves matching cards that show different representations of whole numbers. Select a range of values. Select two or more of the available representations: fingers, tallies, dice, rekenrek beads, ten frames, random dots, number lines or numerals....

Price: Free Developer: OAME
BOFF-O! Pro Brain On Fast Forward Marilyn Schoeman

BOFF-O! Pro Brain On Fast Forward Marilyn Schoeman

135 Boosters, 80 Targets. Millions of new ideas! Green Light and BOFF-O! are registered trademarks of Marilyn SchoemanApp Developer http://MobishMobile.comWOW! Imagine a game that generates piles of exciting new ideas - in minutes! Feel the excitement of instant breakthrough! Play...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BOFF-O!® Brain On Fast Forward - Green Light® GO!
BOFF-O! ® Brain On Fast Forward Marilyn Schoeman

BOFF-O! ® Brain On Fast Forward Marilyn Schoeman

135 Boosters, 80 Targets. Millions of new ideas! Green Light and BOFF-O! are registered trademarks of Marilyn SchoemanApp Developer http://MobishMobile.comWOW! Imagine a game that generates piles of exciting new ideas - in minutes! Feel the excitement of instant breakthrough! Play...

Price: Free Developer: BOFF-O!® Brain On Fast Forward - Green Light® GO!
Kids Learning Games - Kids Educational All In One

Kids Learning Games - Kids Educational All In One

Kids learning games provides a set of educational games for kids with multiple types of entertaining games that helps children learn basic skills to improve their memory power. Alphabet game for kids teaches the alphabet with pictorial illustration. for...

Price: Free Developer: Vasundhara Game Studios
Intellijoy Early Learning Academy

Intellijoy Early Learning Academy

You helped them take their first steps in the world. Early Learning Academy will help them stride into the classroom.Ease your young learner’s transition into kindergarten and first grade by joining our virtual expedition made up of over 1000...

Price: Free Developer: Intellijoy Educational Games for Kids
Baby Phone for Kids - Toddler Games

Baby Phone for Kids - Toddler Games

Baby Phone for Kids - Toddler Games is a baby phone for toddlers one of our educational games for kindergarteners which entertain babies and helps them learn numbers animals for toddlers and animals sounds for baby. Baby phone with...

Price: Free Developer: Vasundhara Game Studios
Voyage dans le corps humain

Voyage dans le corps humain

Price: Free Developer: Teach on Mars
Quiz géant Science&Vie Junior

Quiz géant Science&Vie Junior

Price: Free Developer: Teach on Mars
航线运输驾驶员执照理论考试 (飞机)

航线运输驾驶员执照理论考试 (飞机)

帮助您轻松通过中国民航局的航线运输驾驶员执照理论考试!我们是专注于航空理论考试的学习软件研发的团队,我们的航空理论考试应用几乎覆盖了全球各大的民航局。应用中的每道题都有资深教员的注解,最新最全的题库让和多种学习模式助您高效学习,快速通过局方的理论考试!此应用同时适用于121部航线飞机和135部航线公务机!根据考试大纲,航线运输驾驶员执照申请人必须接受并记录航空知识教学人员提供的地面训练,完成下列与所申请航空器等级相应的地面训练科目:1、与航线运输驾驶员执照持有人有关的规章条例;飞行规则;相应的空中交通服务措施和程序。2、飞机的一般知识,包括:电气、液压、增压和其他系统的一般特性和限制,包括自动驾驶仪和增稳飞行操纵系统;动力装置的工作原理、操作程序和使用限制;大气条件对发动机性能的影响;飞行手册或其他相应文件中的有关操作资料;有关的使用程序和限制;根据飞行手册中的有关操作资料,大气条件对飞机性能的影响;飞机设备和系统的使用及可用性检查;飞行仪表;罗盘、转弯和增速误差;陀螺仪表,其使用限制和进动效应;各种飞行仪表和电子显示装置发生故障时采取的措施和程序;机体、系统和动力装置的维修程序。3、飞行性能、计划和装载,包括:装载及质量分布对航空器操纵、飞行特性和性能的影响;重量和平衡计算;起飞、着陆和其他性能数据(包括巡航控制程序)的使用和实际运用;飞行前和航路飞行计划;空中交通服务飞行计划的准备和申报。4、人的行为能力,包括威胁和差错管理的原则。5、气象学,包括:航空气象报告、图表和预报的判读与使用;代码和简字;飞行前和飞行中气象资料的使用和获得气象资料的程序;测高法;航空气象学;有关地区影响航空的气象要素的气候学;气压系统的移动;锋面结构和影响起飞、航路和着陆条件的重要天气现象的起源及特征;结冰的原因、识别和影响;通过锋区的程序;危险天气的避让;实用的高空气象学,包括天气报告、图表和预报的判读与使用;高空急流。6、领航,包括: 空中领航,包括航图、无线电导航设备和区域导航系统的使用;远程飞行的特殊导航要求;航空器操纵和导航所必需的航空电子设备和仪表的使用、限制和可用性;离场、航路、进近和着陆各飞行阶段所用的导航系统的使用、精确度和可靠性;无线电导航设备的识别;自主式和参照外部基准的导航系统的原理和特性;机载设备的操作。7、操作程序,包括: 在操作表现方面运用威胁和差错管理的原则;航空文件,如《航空资料汇编》、《航行通告》、《航空代码和缩略语》的理解与使用;预防和应急程序;安全措施;载运货物和危险品的操作程序;旅客安全简介的要求和做法,包括在上、下航空器时应遵守的预防措施。8、飞行原理,包括基础空气动力学和高空空气动力学。9、无线电通话,包括:通信程序和用语;如遇通信故障应采取的行动。

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Dauntless Aviation
Mon Livret A Numérique

Mon Livret A Numérique

Préparer nos enfants à gérer leur budget, leur enseigner qu’il faut faire des économies pour mener à bien leurs projets sont les objectifs de cette application pédagogique développée par la Caisse d’Epargne Loire Drôme Ardèche. C’est en construisant un...

Price: Free Developer: Avant-Goût Studios
WikiGame - A Wikipedia Game

WikiGame - A Wikipedia Game

Get from one wikipedia article to the other by clicking hyperlinks only.Compete with your friends, explore wikipedia, have fun and learn all at once!How Wikipedia Game works?WikiGame is a wikipedia race game. You are given two wikipedia articles, and...

Price: Free Developer: Camera Remote


Modern genomic technologies have become one of the important tools in diagnosis and guidance in symptoms management. The same technologies are commonly applied in identifying micro-organisms and viruses that further dictate specific therapeutic management or personal medicine. The personal...

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Color Game - Level A

Color Game - Level A

This game helps player in getting familiar with colours. Match colours to be in the right lane. Take the car to the lane where the colour on the car matches with the colour on the road.About Vikalp Learning AppConcepts...

Price: Free Developer: Vikalp India
Cracking Egg by E. A.(from Bilsem)

Cracking Egg by E. A.(from Bilsem)

Kurumumuz(Bilsem, Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi, İstanbul Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi) Yabancı Dil ve Kodlama birimlerinde öğrencimiz E. A. tarafından yapılmış olan Dikkat gelişimine yönelik oyun.BİLİM VE SANAT MERKEZİ (BİLSEM) NEDİR?Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi, örgün eğitim kurumlarına devam eden ve...

Price: Free Developer: İstanbul Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
Learn Letters A to Z

Learn Letters A to Z

Learn all letters from A to Z. The game works by calling for letter which the player must find among the three provided random letters. The game makes the learning process enjoyable by providing a clear vocalization of each...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Andre Yonadam
Baby Games

Baby Games

Price: Free Developer: Happy Baby
Baby Games 7-in-1 Plus

Baby Games 7-in-1 Plus

Baby Games 7 in 1, Activity Center comes with 4 classics baby games for your toddlers, like balloon pop, baby phone, hit a mole and finger fireworks. Beside that 3 more revolutionary simple tapping games are added.★ Balloon Pop...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Happy Baby
Mathematical Kangaroo - Logical and Mathematical

Mathematical Kangaroo - Logical and Mathematical

Mathematical Kangaroo mobile version is already possible! With this application you can prepare for the tests with the different modes offered by the App.The application allows complete testing under the same conditions as actual testing with the advantage of...

Price: Free Developer: A.Simon
Maths MCQ

Maths MCQ

You have to evaluate arithmetic expressions and select the correct answer from 4 options in 15 seconds. The expressions are new in each question and NEVER repeated. Add, subtract, multiply and exponential operations are there. In each round you...

Price: Free Developer: Srijan Biswas

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