Top 48 Books & Reference Apps Like Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو - Best Alternatives

Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو alternatives for Android? We have listed 48 Books & Reference that are similar to Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو. Pick one from this list to be your new Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو on your Android devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو 2025.

Islamic Books

Islamic Books

Who doesn't want to increase their knowledge about their religion so they can become a better person? Every Muslim should be completely aware about the do's and the don’ts of his religion so he can follow the path to...

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
Shortly: AI Writing Assistant

Shortly: AI Writing Assistant

Price: Free Developer: Qasim Munye
Muhammad Bin Qasim Urdu Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Muhammad Bin Qasim Urdu Novel by Naseem Hijazi

Price: Free Developer: GladHoster
Shaban Ke Fazail

Shaban Ke Fazail

Shaban is the eighth month of the Islamic Calendar. This is the month of "separation", so called because the pagan Arabs used to scatter in search of water.The fifteenth night of this month is known as the Night of...

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
Donation Queries

Donation Queries

In this book, You know the all methods of donation. you found the all queries about donation. This book contain a lot of questions and answers. eg; How to donate and which person is deserve etcAll the Muslim people...

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
Surah Kahf with mp3

Surah Kahf with mp3

Surah Kahf is the 18th Surah of the Holy Quran, with 110 ayats and was revealed in Mecca, before the hijrat. 'Kahf' means cave and it is named after the people of the cave or the 'Ashabu al Kahf'....

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
Darood Tanjeena

Darood Tanjeena

Imam Ibn-Faikihani (R.A) narrates a story of a pious and self-righteous man named Sheikh Musa Zareer (R.A) who was on a ship which was on the verge of sinking completely. He fell asleep and had a dream in which...

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
4 Qul with mp3

4 Qul with mp3

There are 4 Surahs of the Holy Quran which are known as the 4 Kul/Qul. They include Surah Al-Kafirun , Surah Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Nas,. They all start from the word 'Qul' which means 'say', hence the...

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
Surah Al Baqrah with mp3

Surah Al Baqrah with mp3

Surah Baqrah is the second and the longest Surah of the Holy Quran, spanning over almost two Siparahs/Chapters. I has 286 verses and and 6021 words and was revealed in Madina after the Hijrat/migration. It pertains to the injunctions...

Price: Free Developer: Khawaja Qasim
Apni Talash -Qasim Ali Shah Books

Apni Talash -Qasim Ali Shah Books

Apni Talash -Qasim Ali Shah BooksQasim Ali Shah BooksApni TalashQasim Ali ShahQasim Ali Shah Books in UrduQasim Ali Shah LecturesBooks by Qasim Ali ShahUnchi Uraan by Qasim Ali ShahQasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num HuQasim Ali Shah - A...

Price: Free Developer: Sehar Studio
المسبحة الالكترونية

المسبحة الالكترونية

برنامج المسبحه الكترونيه عن طريقها تستطيع عمل التسبيح والاذكار والاستغفار ببساطة باستخدام النقر على الهاتف الذكي حيث يحتوي التطبيق على عداد التسبيح الكتروني tasbeeh counterالبرنامج بسيط ذو حجم صغير لذا لا يحتوي على مشاكل تعيق من عمل الهاتفيمكنك استخدام...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
كتاب كنز الكنوز

كتاب كنز الكنوز

كتاب جامع كتيبات كنز المسلمين و حرز التاج و الثمانون اية و المجربات من الادعية المستجابة للحاجات هو بمثابة سلاح المؤمن.المراد من الكتاب هو فعل الخير والسلام لتتم السعادة للجميع.حيث يحتوي على العديد من المجربات من ادعية مأثورة...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
مواليد ووفيات اهل البيت (ع)

مواليد ووفيات اهل البيت (ع)

تطبيق مواليد و وفيات اهل البيت عليهم السلام تطبيق بسيط وخفيف وصغير الحجم سهل الاستخداميحتوي التطبيق على تفاصيل تخص ولادات الائمة المعصومين ووفاياتهم وتفاصيل اخرى مثل مكان الولادة وتواريخ الولادات والوفيات بالدقة ايضا يحتوي على الاسم الكامل واللقب والكنية...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
اعمال رجب وشعبان ورمضان

اعمال رجب وشعبان ورمضان

تستطيع معرفة الاعمال في اي مكان بدون الحاجة الى الكتاب وذلك عن طريق الهاتف الذكي مع هذا البرنامج.- اعمال شهر رجب وشعبان ورمضان اليومية بالتفصيل.شارك التطبيق مع الاصدقاء والاهل لتعم الفائدةالبرنامج مجاني لا يحتاج الى خدمة الانترنت.لطفا قيم التطبيق...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
تسبيح المسلم

تسبيح المسلم

برنامج التسبيح الالكتروني يوفر لك الوقت ويذكرك بعدد التسبيحات والانتهاء منها .ايضا يحتوي على العديد من التسبيحات الهامة والمستحبة ونقلا عن الروايات الصحيحة والمصادر المعتمدة .تطبيق يمكنه عد التسبيحات حيث يحتوي على عداد التسبيح tasbeeh counterتطبيق تسبيح ذكي tasbih...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
ادعية اسلامية مجربة

ادعية اسلامية مجربة

البرنامج بمثابة كتاب الكتروني مميز ومن مصادر موثوقة واحاديث صحيحة السندالتطبيق مجاني يحتوي على مجموعة من الادعية الاسلامية المتنوعة والمقضية ان شاء الله منها الاذكار والادعية الصباحية لتيسير وتسهيل الامور اليومية الصعبة ايضا ادعية للرزق الوفير وتسهيل الامور المادية...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
روحانيات مجربة وصحيحة

روحانيات مجربة وصحيحة

تطبيق روحانيات مجربه وصحيحه وقويه يغنيك عن الكتاب حيث يجمع العشرات من المجربات الروحانية الصحيحة ايضا يشمل روحانيات في الاسلام و حرز الخاتم السليماني - كتاب الخاتم السليماني و العلم الروحاني للغزالي كذلك فوائد روحانية مجربة من القران الكريم...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
دليل زوار الامام الحسين (ع)

دليل زوار الامام الحسين (ع)

تطبيق دليل زوار الامام الحسين (ع)التطبيق مفيد جدا لزوار كربلاء المقدسة وفي اي وقت.لزيارة الامام الحسين عليه السلام زيارة ابا الفصل العباس عليه السلامزيارة اربعين الامام الحسين عليه السلام وفي الشعبانية والزيارات الاخرى التطبيق لخدمة الزوار حيث يحوي معلومات...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
اشعار حب رومانسية

اشعار حب رومانسية

تطبيق مجاني يعمل بدون خدمة الانترنتيحتوي التطبيق على:اشعار حب تهز القلوبمن القلب للحبيب الغاليخيبات امل عن الحبيبرومانسيات تذيب العشاقكلمات للحبيب قبل النوميمكنك مشاركة الرسالة او الكلمات او ابيات الشعر او الحالات للواتساب على اي جهة من جهات التواصل الاجتماعيامكانية...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
زيارات وادعية

زيارات وادعية

الكتاب الافضل كونه بسيط وشامل لاغلب الادعية والزياراتحيث تستطيع قراءة الادعية والزيارات بخط واضح وجميل لطفا قيم التطبيق ب 5 نجمات للدعملا تنسوني ووالدي من الدعاء

Price: Free Developer: Ali Alsehlawi
Bulleh Shah Kahnde Nain (Kalam By Bulleh Shah)

Bulleh Shah Kahnde Nain (Kalam By Bulleh Shah)

Free Download This Book And Read Bulleh Shah Kalam Now.Bulleh Shah lived after the Pashto Sufi poet Rahman Baba (1632–1706) and lived in the same period as Sindhi Sufi poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai . His lifespan also overlapped...

Price: Free Developer: iTouch
Naimatullah Shah Wali (Predictions) In Urdu

Naimatullah Shah Wali (Predictions) In Urdu

Naimatullah Shah Wali (Predictions) application contain the most famous collections of sensation predictions of Naimatullah Shah Wali about 850 years of future in Urdu language.850 Sala Peshangohi application is now available on android for the study of our users....

Price: Free Developer: Deen-E-Haq
Baba Bulleh Shah Poetry | बाबा बुल्ले शाह

Baba Bulleh Shah Poetry | बाबा बुल्ले शाह

सय्यद अब्दुल्ला शाह क़ादरी (शाहमुखी/गुरुमुखी) जीने बुल्ले शाह के नाम से भी जाना जाता है एक पंजाबी दार्शनिक एवं संत थे। उनके पहले आध्यात्मिक गुरु संत सूफी मुर्शिद शाह इनायत अली थे, वे लाहौर से थे। बुल्ले शाह को...

Price: Free Developer: CSS Style Kit
Bahadur Shah Zafar Poetry

Bahadur Shah Zafar Poetry

Mirza Abu Zafar Siraj-ud-din Muhammad Bahadur Shah Zafar (24 October 1775 – 7 November 1862) was the last Mughal emperor. He was the second son of and became the successor to his father, Akbar II, upon his death on...

Price: Free Developer: CSS Style Kit
Shah Chor Novel Urdu

Shah Chor Novel Urdu

The novel Shah Chor is a novel that contains an interesting crime investigation and punishment story in Urdu. The story of this novel is completely gripping on full suspense, action, adventure, fiction, and fantasy.This Urdu novel is free to...

Price: Free Developer: AppsBit
Sher Shah Soori History Urdu

Sher Shah Soori History Urdu

Sher Shah real name was Farid Khan.he was born in 1472 in the house of Hassan Khan who was an ethnic afghan pashtun.his grandfather was came to india from afghanistan in search of job in the time of bahlol...

Price: Free Developer: AppsTouch
Sher Shah Suri or Sher Khan Founder Of Sur dynasty

Sher Shah Suri or Sher Khan Founder Of Sur dynasty

Read Offline book Sher Shah Suri or Sher khan, was the founder of Sur dynasty in India. Born in 1486,he was the son of a jagirdar of Sasaram, Bihar. His original name was Farid. He left his home at...

Price: Free Developer: ChiLLaX DoLL
Waris Shah

Waris Shah

This app contains Waris Shah's Heer. Heer-Ranjha is one of the several popular tragic romances of Punjab other important ones being Sohni-Mahiwal and Sassi-Punnu . Waris Shah was a Punjabi sufi poet who was born in Jandiala Sher...

Price: Free Developer: Boparai Tech Labs
Shah Muhammad - Jungnama

Shah Muhammad - Jungnama

Shah Muhammad was a great Punjabi poet. His most renowned work is Jangnama giving account of Anglo Sikh war and end of Sikh Raj . He belonged to Amritsar district. His poetry gives glimpse of composite culture...

Price: Free Developer: Boparai Tech Labs
Bulleh Shah (Punjabi)

Bulleh Shah (Punjabi)

This app contains poetry of Baba Bulleh Shah . Bulleh Shah has written famous compositions like Kafian, Dohre , Barahmah, Athwara, Gandan and Sehrifian. Baba Bullah Shah has shown extreme bravery and secularism while writing against the religious...

Price: Free Developer: Boparai Tech Labs
EG Book | ملخصات كتب مجانية باللغة العربية

EG Book | ملخصات كتب مجانية باللغة العربية

لا تملك وقتًا كي تقرأ ٣٦٥ كتابًا في العام؟EG Book هنا لمساعدتك!من خلال تطبيق "EG Book" يمكنك الوصول إلى الأفكار الرئيسية لمئات الكتب المفيدة والمشهورة.استمتع واحصل على الأفكار الأساسية في (١٠ - ١٥) دقيقة فقط، للكتب الأكثر مبيعًا عن...

Price: Free Developer: eg
Book Reader - all books, PDF, TTS

Book Reader - all books, PDF, TTS

Book Reader is an omnivorous e-book reader, an all-in-one resource-friendly solution for the following formats: PDF, EPUB, EPUB3, MOBI, DJVU, FB2, FB2.ZIP, TXT, RTF, AZW, AZW3, PRC, HTML, CBZ, CBR, XPS, RTF, ODT and MHT, as well as OPDS...

Price: Free Developer: Librera
Abay - The Book of Words

Abay - The Book of Words

Price: Free Developer: Edson Deda
Christian Book Store│Joel Network Book Store

Christian Book Store│Joel Network Book Store

Bibles│Study Bibles│Theology Books│Spiritual Books│Music│Audio│Gifts│Wallpapers│

Price: Free Developer: Joel Network
Book Collection + Catalog

Book Collection + Catalog

Are you a voracious book reader? Do you have trouble keeping track of all your books?Manage your book catalog with this app.Keep track of your book collection along with personal ratings and notes.Check to see if you already own...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Metosphere
AA Big Book Audio

AA Big Book Audio

Finally, a modern audiobook version of the classic Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book! Other audio versions of the Big Book were recorded decades ago, and they sound like it. This newly-recorded version brings the book to life.You can listen while...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Big Book Apps, LLC
Fazail E Misvak Islamic Offline Read Free book ?

Fazail E Misvak Islamic Offline Read Free book ?

Fazail misvak Islamic is one of the books in which the describe the benefits. This book will describe the use and advantages of mistake.

Price: Free Developer: Shinwari Developers
Book Mart

Book Mart

- This application is built to provide the one-stop platform for a book lover or book finder to sell and buy old and new books - The app provides the contact details of the seller and brings...

Price: Free Developer: Impex Solutions
Deam meaning book, offline

Deam meaning book, offline

Dream interpretation and meaning offline. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. You can find find more than 20 000 interpretations for your dreams.

Price: Free Developer: WEBSPEKTR Key
CLZ Books - Book Database

CLZ Books - Book Database

Easily catalog your book collection. Automatic book details and cover images, just scan ISBN barcodes with your camera!Pricing: $14.99 per year. Free 7-day trial.* Keep track of your collection and your wish listOrganize the books that you own and...

Price: Free Developer:
Meri Zaat Zara Be Nishan By Umera Ahmed Urdu Novel

Meri Zaat Zara Be Nishan By Umera Ahmed Urdu Novel

Hi Guys"Meri Zaat Zara Be Nishan" is a urdu novel written by Umera Ahmed. It includes following features :- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks-...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Zindagi ko bdal deny waly jumly  Zara Num Hu

Zindagi ko bdal deny waly jumly Zara Num Hu

Book reading is one of the most common hobby found among people of all age groups but carrying a book everywhere is difficult sometimes so we have designed this beautiful app for all Urdu Book lovers.Qasim Ali Shah is...

Price: Free Developer: GlowingApps
Zara Nam Ho | Qasim Ali Shah | Urdu Book

Zara Nam Ho | Qasim Ali Shah | Urdu Book

Zara Nam ho book is an offline Urdu book written by Qasim Ali Shah. In Zara num hu by Qasim Ali Shah contain sentences that change your life and thinking. Zindgi Badal dainy waly jumly by Qasim Ali Shah.Qasim...

Price: Free Developer: Royal Urdu Apps
Zara Nam Ho by Qasim Ali Shah in Urdu

Zara Nam Ho by Qasim Ali Shah in Urdu

Zara Nam Ho By Qasim Ali Shah. ✔This is one of the most famous books of Sir Qasim Ali Shah. Kamyabi Ka Paigham which is written by sir Qasim Ali Shah.✔This is the book through which we can change our life.

Price: Free Developer: Learn Hub Studio
Meri Rooh Main Utar Zara By Anaya Ahmed

Meri Rooh Main Utar Zara By Anaya Ahmed

Price: Free Developer: KitaabCollection
Tumhein Zara Dair Sy Jana: Urdu Novel

Tumhein Zara Dair Sy Jana: Urdu Novel

Description:A novel which describe not only words but its the book of emotions of two persons, a family, friends. When you read this novel it takes you another level. Read this famous urdu novel and enjoy.You can also search...

Price: Free Developer: Romesh Chand Thakur
Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو‎

Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو‎

Qasim Ali Shah Book: Zara Num Hu - زرا نم ہو‎Qasim Ali Shah is a motivational speaker and a prevalent educator in Pakistan. He is known for his remarkable addressing and debating abilities. Shah conveys addresses on assorted...

Price: Free Developer: Sehar Studio

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