Top 29 Finance Apps Like Pretium - Controle de Gastos - Best Alternatives

Pretium - Controle de Gastos Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Pretium - Controle de Gastos alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Finance that are similar to Pretium - Controle de Gastos. Pick one from this list to be your new Pretium - Controle de Gastos app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Pretium - Controle de Gastos on your Android devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Pretium - Controle de Gastos - Best Picks for 2024

The best free and paid Pretium - Controle de Gastos alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Pretium - Controle de Gastos 2024.

Simples Controle Financeiro

Simples Controle Financeiro

Acompanhe seus gastos e seus ganhos de forma rápida e clara, quando e onde quiser!- Defina um valor disponível para o mês, e registre seus gastos e ganhos, mantendo a organização de sua renda o mais simples e clara.-...

Price: Free Developer: Central Dev
Controle gastos

Controle gastos

💵Para você ter uma vida financeira saudável é necessário controlar tudo o que você ganha e também o que você gasta, saiba para onde está indo o seu dinheiro, saia do vermelho, cortando ou diminuindo os gastos não essenciais.

Price: Free Developer: Neto Lobo Apps
Controle Financeiro - Gerente de Finanças

Controle Financeiro - Gerente de Finanças

Aplicativo para gerenciar gastos. Perfeito para quem deseja ter controle total dos gastos realizados diariamente.

Price: Free Developer: App Developer SM
Minhas Despesas - Controle Financeiro Simples

Minhas Despesas - Controle Financeiro Simples

Você que procura um app para controlar suas despesas pessoais ou do seu trabalho como autônomo como motorista de aplicativo, entregador, dono de barbearia, salão de beleza, etc, vai poder controlar seu dinheiro sem complicações.Cadastre seus gastos, seus recebimentos...

Price: Free Developer: StudioMoob
Gerenciador Financeiro - Controle seus Gastos

Gerenciador Financeiro - Controle seus Gastos

Price: Free Developer: Leitech
Delivery Money - Controle Financeiro Entregadores

Delivery Money - Controle Financeiro Entregadores

Com este aplicativo você terá um melhor controle sobre suas finanças, sabendo exatamente o quanto ganhou ao final do mês.Compatível com Ifood, James, Loggi, Rappi, Uber Eats e outros.

Price: Free Developer: HAB Desenvolvimento
Driver Money - Controle Financeiro para Motoristas

Driver Money - Controle Financeiro para Motoristas

App destinado a motoristas de aplicativos e taxistas.Controle seus ganhos e gastos diários e saiba ao fim do mês o seu lucro líquido.Compatível com Uber, 99Pop, Cabify, InDrive, Wappa, Lyft e outros.

Price: Free Developer: HAB Desenvolvimento
Barber Money - Controle Financeiro para Barbearias

Barber Money - Controle Financeiro para Barbearias

Aplicativo destinado ao controle financeiro de barbearias.Controle suas entradas e saídas financeiras através desse aplicativo simples e intuitivo.

Price: Free Developer: HAB Desenvolvimento
Dinheiro Fácil - Controle Financeiro Pessoal

Dinheiro Fácil - Controle Financeiro Pessoal

Price: Free Developer: Flávio Paulino
Stocks & Markets - ARIVA.DE

Stocks & Markets - ARIVA.DE

Stock market and stock prices quickly at a glance with the ARIVA.DE app.ARIVA.DE is one of the largest bank-independet finance portals. Be always informed about stock prices, read all current financial news and discuss with others in one of...

Price: Free Developer: Aktien, Börse, Aktienkurse by ARIVA.DE AG
Börse & Aktien - BörsennewsApp

Börse & Aktien - BörsennewsApp

Börse, Aktien, DAX & Co. in der Börsennews App – bekannt aus n-tv & n24!Mehrfach ausgezeichnet durch Google!An der Börse gilt: Zeit ist Geld. Installieren Sie jetzt die aktuelle Version der Börsennews App, damit Sie dem DAX, Blue-Chips oder...

Price: Free Developer: Aktien & Boerse powered by bö IT-Team
Aktien - Nachrichten zur Börse | FinanzNachrichten

Aktien - Nachrichten zur Börse | FinanzNachrichten ist das führende deutschsprachige Finanznachrichten-Portal mit täglich über 12.000 News aus über 600 Wirtschaftsredaktionen übersichtlich aufbereitet und einfach selektierbar.Die neue besteht aus einer laufend aktuellen Nachrichtenübersicht, einer Marktübersicht und dem privaten Nutzerbereich 'Mein FN' (Nachrichten-Watchlist).Die Funktionen der...

Price: Free Developer:
POS | SmartCafe Professional -  POS system

POS | SmartCafe Professional - POS system

The popular POS software SmartCafe is now also available for Android. The intuitive interface is easy to handle and work with. Both as a simple cash register software / electronic cash register or as an extensive order system software,...

Price: Free Developer: blue image GmbH
Toll Collect

Toll Collect

The Toll Collect app is the most flexible option for manual toll log-on for customers of the German truck toll system – on your smartphone or tablet from anywhere and around the clock.With the app, customers can:- log on...

Price: Free Developer: TollCollect
POS | SmartCafe Standard - POS system

POS | SmartCafe Standard - POS system

The popular POS software SmartCafe is now also available for Android. The intuitive interface is easy to handle and work with. Both as a simple cash register software / electronic cash register or as an extensive order system software,...

Price: Free Developer: blue image GmbH
POS | SmartCafe Enterprise - POS system

POS | SmartCafe Enterprise - POS system

The popular POS software SmartCafe is now also available for Android. The intuitive interface is easy to handle and work with. Both as a simple cash register software / electronic cash register or as an extensive order system software,...

Price: Free Developer: blue image GmbH
BÖRSE ONLINE - Kurse & News

BÖRSE ONLINE - Kurse & News

BÖRSE ONLINE für unterwegs: Die neue App von Deutschlands traditionsreichstem Börsenmagazin.Realtimekurse zu Aktien, Indizes, Devisen und alle wichtigen Nachrichten rund um DAX, Dow und Co. Dazu täglich klare Kauf- und Verkaufsempfehlungen zu Aktien, ETFs, Fonds und Zertifikaten: Mit der...

Price: Free Developer: Finanzen Verlag GmbH


Voller Überblick über Ihre Firmen-Finanzen: ganz mobil und unabhängig von Ort, Zeit, Mitarbeitern und stationär installierter Software.Das Finanzcockpit liefert Ihnen jederzeit und an jedem Ort die wichtigsten Infos zu der finanziellen Situation Ihrer Firma. Die App fasst automatisch alle...

Price: Free Developer: Star Finanz GmbH
LBBW-Finanzcockpit für Unternehmenskunden

LBBW-Finanzcockpit für Unternehmenskunden

+++ Für Unternehmenskunden der Landesbank Baden-Württemberg +++- Ab sofort haben Sie direkten Zugriff auf Salden und Saldenentwicklung, Umsätze und offene ZV-Aufträge aus Ihrem SFirm oder Ihrem StarMoney Business.+++ Komfortabel und vielfältig +++- Die einfache, bequeme und schnelle Bedienung wird...

Price: Free Developer: Star Finanz GmbH
Control de Gastos

Control de Gastos

Control de Gastos

Price: Free Developer: jssantos
Expense record, Libreta de gastos, gastos

Expense record, Libreta de gastos, gastos

MIs gastos personales, esta app sirve para llevar el seguimiento de los gastos mensuales personalesEntre sus funciones :Agregar gastos fijos recurrentesAgregar gastos únicosPagar: en caso de no poder completar el pago, puede registrar el pago realizado.Pase al siguiente: si...

Price: Free Developer: FcGames
Daily Expenses 3: Personal finance

Daily Expenses 3: Personal finance

Daily Expenses is an application designed to organize your income and expenses, your movements of money are recorded by date, you can review the reports daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Organizing your expenses allow you to have a better...

Price: Free Developer: Michel Carvajal (encodemx)
Daily Expenses 2: Personal finance

Daily Expenses 2: Personal finance

Daily Expenses is an application designed to organize your income and expenses, your movements of money are recorded by date, you can review the reports daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Organizing your expenses allow you to have a better...

Price: Free Developer: Michel Carvajal (encodemx)
Expenses Control Sync

Expenses Control Sync

Price: Free Developer: Gagosoto Factory
Control Expenses

Control Expenses

*** Selected as the best app to control your finance by the Personal Computer Magazine (number 118) ***Control Expenses is a highly flexible powerful application that lets you control your expenses and income through lists, and even if you...

Price: Free Developer: Gagosoto Factory
Shopping Expenses

Shopping Expenses

Shopping Expenses is a multi-platform application, designed to manage the expenses of your projects, it is free but you can get your maximum potential by purchasing the monthly plan.* Create work or personal projects.* Each project can have an...

Price: Free Developer: Michel Carvajal (encodemx)
My Expenses

My Expenses

Your financial well-being depends on how well organized your expenses are, with this application you can have a simple summary of your financial status.

Price: Free Developer: vlady-mix
Hipercard: Acompanhar gastos do cartão de crédito

Hipercard: Acompanhar gastos do cartão de crédito

Que tal acompanhar as compras do seu cartão de crédito Hipercard direto do seu celular?Confira nossas funcionalidades:Fatura digital - Ative a fatura digital e receba por e-mail. É mais simples e sustentável!Cartão virtual - Faça compras online com mais...

Price: Free Developer: Itaú Unibanco S. A.

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