Do you want to find the best Hafiz Series : Al Falaq alternatives for Android? We have listed 26 Educational that are similar to Hafiz Series : Al Falaq. Pick one from this list to be your new Hafiz Series : Al Falaq app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hafiz Series : Al Falaq on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Hafiz Series : Al Falaq alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Hafiz Series : Al Falaq 2025.
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Al Qadr akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Al Ikhlas akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Al 'Adiyat akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah At Tiin akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah At Takasur akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Al Insyirah akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Ad Dhuha akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Al Qari'ah akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
Dragon Tales Series 2 app is a joyful, musical introduction to English for young learners. Didi the Dragon, Sam the prince, and Fluffy the cat playfully introduce basic English language.This fun app brings out the magic in the Dragon...
This is a learning application of coding.But there is no programming code.It is a game that operates the robot and leads to the goal.By trial and error children can acquire logical thinking skills.Please enjoy with parents and children.【contents】■BeginnerIntroduction of...
This is a learning application that uses building blocks to improve spatial abilities.By counting blocks, recognizing hidden blocks, or imagining how they look from different angles, Children improves observation, spatial cognition, and figure sensation.【contents】▼Quizz with building blocks【How many?】Count the...
This is a learning application that symbols appearing on Japanese maps.Onsen, Shrine, Temple, Castle, Koban...How many symbols do you know?【contents】■Quizes (easy/difficult)■Cards (easy/difficult)■Symbols list■Compass quiz■Reading maps* No banner advertisement on this app.* Some contains in-app purchases.
Pon a prueba tus conocimientos con esta APP de preguntas.Contiene preguntas de peliculas en varias categorías.Nuevas preguntas se agregan cada semana.Te traemos esta app de preguntas de cine y películas, donde podrás demostrar tus conocimientos sobre los actores y films...
Assalamualaikum wr wbSalman dan Sofia akan menemani kamu untuk menghafal Al Quran menjadi Hafiz Cilik Indonesia.Ada beberapa permainan :- Murotal : murotal Surah Al Lahab akan dimainkan otomatis diikuti highlight perkata yang sedang dibaca- Ketepatan : tekan tombol sesuai...
अपने बच्चों के लिए संख्याएं लिखना और पढना सीखने के लिए एक सर्वश्रेष्ठ एप पाएं। यह बेहतरीन शिक्षणएप चित्रों एवं कहानी सुनाने के से आकर्षण की मदद से आपके बच्चों को संख्याओं के शिक्षण में काफीहुनरमंद बनाता है। इस एप...
"Write Number: Tracing 123" is based on the concept of Learning with Fun. Trace the number with your favorite chalk and make your kids learn how to write numbers. This education fun learning app helps your kids discover an...
Diese Spiele sind:Der Großartige – Die Großbuchstaben sollen auf die entsprechenden Kleinbuchstaben gezogen werden.Der Herausforderer - Entdecken Sie die gezeigten Buchstaben in einem Puzzle.Das Gedächtnis - Beachten Sie, dass Der Buchstabe zum jeweils richtigen Bild zusammen passt.Der Zug -...
पाएं अपने बच्चों को संख्याएं लिखना सिखाने का नया तरीका। यह शिक्षण एप आपके बच्चों को मज़े मज़े मेंसंख्याएं लिखना सीखने में मदद करता है।प्रमुख खूबी:– ब्लैकबोर्ड पर अलग अलग रंगों से संख्याओं को पहचानना जहां सही लिखने पर...
Discover the best designed app in an amazing way for learning and writing the numbers for your children. The interactive educational app brings the opportunity for children to learn numbers with the help of illustrations and narrative attraction. Through...
Discover the best designed app in an amazing way for learning and writing the numbers for your children. The interactive educational app brings the opportunity for children to learn numbers with the help of illustrations and narrative attraction. Through...
Discover a new way for learning to write the numbers for your children. The educational app brings the opportunity for kids to learn to write numbers in the amazing and fun way.Key feature:– Tracing numbers in the black board...
Discover a new way of games for your children. The interactive games for kids app brings the opportunity for children to learn ABC letters of the English Alphabet with the help of illustrations and narrative attraction.Through the app children...
Përmes këtij aplikacioni, fëmijët mund të argëtohen duke luajtur dhe në të njejtën kohë duke mësuar për shkronjat e alfabetit të gjuhës shqipe.Mundësitë për argëtim përfshijnë 4 lojëra me 6 nivele:- Madhështori - marrja e shkronjës së madhe dhe...
Eğlenmek için 6 seviye seçenekli 4 ek oyun fırsatı şunları içerir:- Muhteşem – büyük harfi alarak küçük harfe yerleştirmek.- Meydan okuyucu – uygun parçalardan düzgün harfi keşfet.- Hatırlama – gördüğün harfi aklında tut ve harf için örnek bul.- Tren...
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