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Catch up on audio offerings from your VIN Community. Topics covered include clinical medicine, practice management, mental wellbeing, and client education -- available whenever you are on your laptop, phone, or tablet. The following content is available: VetzInsight offers...
3Dental 1.0 möchte für Studenten, Fachkräfte und Lehrende sowie für alle Zahnanatomie- und Medizininteressierte als nützliches Hilfsmittel zur Information und Schulung dienen.Das Tool enthält interaktive Echtzeit 3D-Modelle der menschlichen Zahnanatomie. Mit den gängigen Touch-Gesten lässt sich die 3D-Modell Navigation...
हमारे देश में 18 से अधिक भाषायें प्रयोग में आती हैं फिर भी सभी अत्याधुनिक चीज़ों/सेवाओं को प्रयोग में लाने के लिए हमें अंग्रेजी भाषा पर निर्भर रहना पड़ता है। अंग्रेजी भाषा में सहज नहीं होने की वजह से...
Human Anatomy is a very tough subject for all med students. Our aim is to let you carry the anatomy reference atlas app in your mobile/pocket.This app is not meant to be a replacement for the gross anatomy textbook....
How to think like a nurse using clinical reasoning! Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app...
CarePOV™myEvolv® Anywhere is a mobile application that supports community-based direct service providers in the community or in remote areas. The application is designed to manage appointments, document services, assessments, and tasks in a connected or disconnected environment. ...
WellnessConnected gives you a complete view of your health combining the current line of three essential wellness devices connected to one easy to use app - A&D Connect. Lose weight, get in shape, monitor your blood pressure - all...
The A&D Heart Track Diary app has been designed for patients performing an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Study using the A&D Heart Track Pro ABPM system. Unless you have been specifically asked by your clinician to use this app, we...
Ứng dụng cung cấp tài liệu cho nhiều chuyên ngành y khoa như: - Nội Khoa, Ngoại Khoa, Nhi Khoa, Sản khoa.... - Bên cạnh đó còn có các tài liệu về điều dưỡng, dược lý. ...
Ứng dụng cung cấp tài liệu y khoa miễn phí cho nhiều chuyên ngành y khoa như:- Nội Khoa, Ngoại Khoa, Nhi Khoa, Sản khoa....- Bên cạnh đó còn có các tài liệu về điều dưỡng, dược lý.- Không...
Từ điển Y Khoa Medict là công cụ hỗ trợ các y bác sĩ, dược sĩ, y tá, điều dưỡng và những người làm việc trong ngành y trong việc tra cứu các từ ngữ chuyên ngành cũng như...
S povečanjem števila nesreč in nenadnih obolenj se povečujejo potrebe po nudenju prve pomoči. Zaradi različnih vzrokov ljudje prve pomoči v nesreči pogosto ne nudijo, kar ima za posledico večje zdravstvene zaplete pri poškodovanih ali obolelih osebah. Rezultati mnogih...
Children Resuscitation Aid FREE! The application gives you all essential resuscitation data based on the weight of the patient (both children and adult). It loads super fast and allows immediate calculations.WETFAG is a common acronym for Weight -...
We also offer free and fully functional version of this application - but if you want to support us, please go ahead and get this version!Children Resuscitation Aid – and more! The application gives you all essential resuscitation data...
Intranasal dosage calculator.This application gives you all essential drug doses for intranasal (IN) application (both children and adult).DISCLAIMER:THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT GIVE MEDICAL ADVICE!This application is intended as an educational application.It is not a replacement for a medical professional...
** The award-winning mobile tool for rheumatologists **** Won "Good Practice 2016" the highest award by the leading Slovenian medical publication **** Named a Top Rheumatoid Arthritis App of 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 by Healthline **RheumaHelper is a...
Aplicatia Pacientii Mei - Femyo este un serviciu de telemedicina special construit pentru si impreuna cu medici romani, cu scopul de a te ajuta sa-ti organizezi consultatiile oferite online si pentru a economisi timp.SECURITATE HIPAASpre deosebire de un chat...
Aplicatia Doctorul Meu te conecteaza cu un medic specialist sau de familie oricand ai nevoie de o consultatie, de retete, adeverinte sau avize.Daca medicul tau iti ofera un cod de invitatie vei beneficia de consultatii gratuite cu acel medic....
Cu Anatomie si medicina poti învăța structuri anatomice cum ar fi oasele, mușchii sau organele intr-un mod placut si interactiv.Provoaca-ti prietenii si joaca in turnee.
YouMed HCP hội tụ nhiều tính năng hữu ích nhằm nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ dành cho các bác sĩ: quản lý lịch khám, quản lý hồ sơ bệnh nhân và tư vấn trực tuyến. Kết nối với...
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