Bee is a platform for creators to get featured & brands to find/license authentic content.
We want to connect people with brands one photo at a time.
Bee allows fans to share photos directly with their favorite brands. Whether a single photo or a dozen, posting is as easy as a drag and drop. Simply select a brand, post directly to the page, and have the chance to get featured. If selected, the creator gets the photo credit needed to take their portfolio to the next level, and the brand gets a "shot by iPhone" caliber campaign.
People want to take their content to the next level, and we want to help them. With upvotes, content creators get instant feedback from their peers. This also sorts the content on the feed for brands so we can assure that the highest quality content is at the top.
Bee makes it easy to find the perfect image for any occasion. Find "the one" by searching with tags or filtering by brand.
We start by creating a more authentic and unique collection of content. Then we separate the photos by brand and category. Last, we provide the Daily Charts to showcase the best content from every brand, right on the home page.
Getting the perfect image is just one click away. Each subscription includes unlimited monthly downloads.
Are you looking for alternatives to Bee Inc.? Please see our top picks. In this article, we provide the list of some Bee Inc. alternatives that will work on Windows and other platforms.
45+ million authentic, real-world stock photos crowdsourced from photographers around the world.
Motosha - Free Stock Photos is a Place for blogger, webmasters and designers to get free high quality photos.
Zoommy helps you find awesome free stock photos for your creative product or inspiration.
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