Colony Counter (manual count) Alternatives

Colony Counter (manual count) Alternatives

Colony Counter (manual count)

The colony counter for bacterial colony counting.
You can use this app on smartphones and tablets.
How to use
1. Touch camera icon to shoot a colony image ( petri dish etc.. )
2. Select count marker ( from 5 color marker )
3. Touch colonies on the image. You can erase(scratch) marker with eraser button.
Other functions
> move(drag and drop) image with lock button.
> zoom in/out image
Automated detection version is here ( )

You need to install Adobe AIR (free) to launch this application.
This app is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
Your use of the app is at your own risk.

Best Colony Counter (manual count) Alternatives for Ipad

If you want similar software to Colony Counter (manual count), we have a list for that. Are there Colony Counter (manual count) alternatives out there? Let's find out.

Promega Colony Counter

Promega Colony Counter


Is the tedium of squinting over agar plates counting bacterial colonies getting to you? Take the plates out of the lab! No, not literally. Snap a picture with your phone...

Colony Counter (manual count) Reviews

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