CorePlayer Alternatives

CorePlayer Alternatives


CorePlayer is a commercial evolution of the free but discontinued TCPMP. It is a full featured video and audio player that comes with its own codecs and has built in Youtube support.

Best CorePlayer Alternatives for Debian

In our list of best programs, we'll review some different alternatives to CorePlayer. Let's see if your platform is supported by any of them.

Quod Libet

Quod Libet

FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinuxDebianXfce

A extensible Music player with Podcast support, web radio, playlists and many more. As it is written in Python, writing new plug-ins is really easy.


  • Plugins
  • Media library
  • Soundcloud integration
  • Custom filters
  • Customization
  • Extensible by Plugins/Extensions
  • Hi-fi sound
  • Integrated Search
  • Library management
  • Library Manager
  • Support for MPRIS
  • Music Library
  • Music Player
  • Musicbrainz support
  • Python
  • Search operators
  • Sits in the System Tray
  • Tagging

CorePlayer Reviews

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