At CourseBuffet we personally examine and classify every course we list. This means you find courses faster and can compare them more easily. Spend your time learning not searching
Looking for a program that is like CourseBuffet? We have our top picks here. If you need another program that has some of the features of CourseBuffet on your device, read what we recommend in this post.
Discover free online classes (MOOCs) from top universities like Stanford, MIT, Harvard, etc.
Features: is the European platform for online learning that enables universities to share a broad range courses with students from around the globe, providing them...
A million ways to learn, one place to discover, track and measure all of it. Get recognized for your skill, knowledge, and accomplishments with Degreed.
Features: is a curated search engine for quality online lectures, interviews, documentaries, and historically significant speeches. The video list can be...
This website is created for students and learners. Our database contains 19 796 courses/programs from 30 providers.
MOOC List is an aggregator (directory) of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from different providers.
Our goal is to guide you in your research, using simplicity. That is why everyone can express themselves about MOOC! Our platform thus has an active community which...
Vectorly is talent management, learning and knowledge base software. You can create organization and add skillboards for all roles in your team (from front-end...
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