CruiseControl.rb Alternatives

CruiseControl.rb Alternatives


CruiseControl.rb is a continuous integration tool. Its basic purpose in life is to alert members of a software project when one of them checks something into source control that breaks the build.

CC.rb is easy to install, pleasant to use and simple to hack. It's written in Ruby.

Best CruiseControl.rb Alternatives for Self Hosted

Need an alternative to CruiseControl.rb? Read on. We've looked at the best CruiseControl.rb alternatives available for Windows, Mac and Android.



FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinuxBSDSelf-Hosted

Buildbot is an open-source framework for automating software build, test, and release processes. .


  • Continuous Integration
  • Python-based
  • Self-hosted in intranet or private cloud

CruiseControl.rb Reviews

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