Track your cryptocurrencies, miners, investments and equities, and generates regular reports of your portfolio
Track addresses
Cryptocurrency addresses can be supplied manually or by exporting CSV files from your wallet software, and balances downloaded through public explorer APIs.
Track exchanges and miners
Exchanges, mining pools and security exchanges can be tracked through read-only APIs. The performance of mining hardware through mining pools is also tracked.
Configure e-mail notifications
View Reports
CryptFolio can automatically personalise reports for you, or you can take full control and design your own report pages with custom graphs, layouts and technical indicators.
Safe and secure
All data and addresses are read-only, the underlying software is open source, and no passwords are stored. This means your accounts and funds will always be safe.
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Cosmo is your gateway to easy cryptocurrency management. Take control of your investments and stay organized with multiple portfolios, exchange syncing and thousands of...
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