DialMyCalls is a mass notification system that lets you record a voice message or create a text message and send it out to a list of phone numbers instantly. Our voice broadcasting service is completely free to use - free users can send one 30 second message to up to 25 contacts per week.
For calls over 25 people a day there's a nominal cost as low as 4 cents a call. Contact us and let us know you saw us on Facebook for a 15% discount on your first call credit purchase.
Individuals: Keep in contact with friends and family in a fun and easy to use way. Send out invitations or event reminders to everyone with your own personalized message.
Organizations: Let your members know what's going on and keep them in the loop. Simple reminder calls keep your members informed, as well as making sure forgetful members end up showing up to events and meetings.
Clubs / Bars / Bands: Keep your patrons and fans informed of whats going on, and get them coming out to special events. Get more people attending and make more money, DialMyCalls makes sure people know whats going on and gets them showing up.
Churches / Religious Groups: Keep your congregation informed with our automated church calls. Religious leaders can use our system to send out prayer requests, event reminders, and weekly updates regarding the church.
When deciding on the best DialMyCalls alternative, consider these alternatives. Check out these other software with a similar interface and features as well.
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Voice Broadcasting Solution used for telemarketing, lead generation,, press-1 campaign political surveys, debt collection and emergency notifications.
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Call tracking, recording, and analytics. Optimize your marketing and increase ROI with call tracking. Metrics for PPC, SEO, and offline ad campaigns.
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Multichallel call center & telemarketing solution (voice, web chat, email, etc.).
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