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Browse over one million movies and shows; find where to watch them across live TV and over 50 premium streaming services including Hulu, Netflix, HBO, Amazon, iTunes, Comedy Central & NBC. Add movies and shows to your personalized WatchList and we’ll keep you in the loop when they’re available.

Discover live TV with a revolutionary guide: Easily find your favorite movies, shows and sports across live TV. Simply enter your zip code and service provider; Fan TV will then filter all TV listings by genre, time and your personal WatchList. Finding what’s on TV has never been faster or more intuitive.

Enjoy endless entertainment across 54 premium streaming services: Not sure where to watch a movie or show across your streaming services? We’ve got you covered. Search for any title and instantly see all the options to stream it across premium services like Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, iTunes and many more.

Access your personalized WatchList from your phone: Fan TV delivers the most personalized and premium entertainment experience with a universal WatchList that houses all the movies and shows you want to watch across both live TV and streaming. Access your Fan TV WatchList at home or on-the-go from your phone or tablet to sort, save and track all of your favorite titles. Receive custom alerts when your movies and shows are available to watch.

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