FunkLoad Alternatives

FunkLoad Alternatives


FunkLoad is a functional and load web tester, written in Python, whose main use cases are:

* Functional testing of web projects, and thus regression testing as well.
* Performance testing: by loading the web application and monitoring your servers it helps you to pinpoint bottlenecks, giving a detailed report of performance measurement.
* Load testing tool to expose bugs that do not surface in cursory testing, like volume testing or longevity testing.
* Stress testing tool to overwhelm the web application resources and test the application recoverability.
* Writing web agents by scripting any web repetitive task, like checking if a site is alive.

Best FunkLoad Alternatives for Mac

You're looking for the best programs similar to FunkLoad. Check out our top picks. Below, let's see if there are any FunkLoad alternatives that support your platform.



FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinux

Selenium is a suite of tools specifically for testing web applications. Selenium IDE is a Firefox add-on that records clicks, typing, and other actions to make a test...


  • Task Automation
  • Web Testing


FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinux

Open source Ruby library for automating tests that interact with a browser in a human way.




PhearJS renders dynamic webpages using PhantomJS: fetch a page, render it and return a pretty JSON object. PhearJS is offered as a hosted API as well as an open source...

XLT - Xceptance LoadTest

XLT - Xceptance LoadTest


The Test Automation and Load Test Tool for Software Development. Familiar with Selenium? You will love functional testing with XLT! It extends the concept with test...


  • Load testing
  • Selenium testing
  • Test automation

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