HFS (HTTP File Server) Alternatives

HFS (HTTP File Server) Alternatives

HFS (HTTP File Server)

Alternatives to HFS (HTTP File Server) for Windows, Mac, Linux, Web, Android and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 25+ apps similar to HFS (HTTP File Server).

You can use HFS (HTTP File Server) to send and receive files. Its different from classic file sharing because it uses web technology to be more compatible with todays Internet. If you're looking for more info about HFS (HTTP File Server) like screenshots, reviews and comments you should visit our info page about it. Below you find the best alternatives.

Best Free HFS (HTTP File Server) Alternatives

Looking for the best programs similar to HFS (HTTP File Server)? We reviewed our top picks below. Let's see if there are any HFS (HTTP File Server) alternatives that work on your platform.




A lightweight, fast and convenient modern LAMP Server with Redis and Memcached, extremely high performance. Laragon'll turn your computer into a powerful server in a minute so you can host Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, and Prestashop quickly and effortlessly.


  • Web Server
  • Auto Virtual Host
  • Django
  • LAMP
  • MariaDB
  • Memcached
  • Nginx
  • Php
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Portable
  • Python
  • WordPress


FreeOpen SourceWindows

Setup at a glance a pre-configured Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP environment on your system or on a USB key and develop or present locally your projects.

The Uniform Server

The Uniform Server


The Uniform Server is a WAMP package that allows you to run a server on any MS Windows OS based computer. It is small and mobile to download or move around and can also be used or setup as a production/live server. Developers also use The Uniform Server to test their applications made with either PHP, MySQL, Perl, or the Apache HTTPd Server. It includes the latest versions of Apache2, Perl5, PHP5/7, MySQL5, phpMyAdmin and no installation required. Just unpack and run.


  • Portable
  • No installation required
  • Php
  • PhpMyAdmin


FreeOpen SourceWindowsSelf-Hosted

Windows+Nginx+MariaDB+PHP WnMp can serve as an up to date LAMP(Linux,Apache,MySQL,PHP) like server with more focus on Current technologies and also a great clean training Environment for Web Development and Maybe in the future it can be picked and some person develop a Web 2.


  • LAMP
  • MariaDB
  • Nginx
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Web Server



This addon aims to provide a convenient solution to securely transmit books, music, movies, and applications between different devices directly without the need to install either an internal or external plugin. It uses webRTC technology to deliver files in a secure peer-to-peer connection without a server being involved in the file transmission. In this technology, a server (signaling sever) is only used to locate peers (end-user computers).


  • File sharing
  • File transfer
  • Peer-To-Peer
  • WebRTC


FreeAndroidiPhoneAndroid TabletiPad

Xender File transfer - World’s best phone to phone file transfer and app sharing Get the easiest way to transfer file and app from one phone to other with high speed, no need for cable or Wifi or cellular connection and completely free unlimited data usage. Xender is designed to meet the need of the users to transfer file seamlessly with other devices and also iPhone devices thus supporting cross platform transfers. You can share images, games, movie, videos, documents and even apps.


  • Ad-free
  • Protected by Password
  • File transfer
  • Multiple languages
  • WiFi sharing


FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinuxAndroidAndroid Tablet

A simple tool for spontaneous, local network file transfers. Supports Windows, Mac and Linux PCs and Android phones. Features - No setup required - Automatically detects files offered by other computers and displays them - Can transfer single files, folders or a combination of both - Allows transfers between different platforms/operating systems - Transfers files as fast as your home network allows to


  • File sharing
  • Drag n drop
  • File transfer
  • No registration required
  • Portable
  • File Sending
  • WiFi sharing


FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinux

Say you’re chatting with a friend on MSN Messenger (perhaps with the excellent pidgin ?). She wants to send you amazing photos she took last week-end, so she uses Messenger file transfer. Unfortunately, the zip file is over 50 MB and it’s painfully slow. Now relax, droopy comes to rescue. You can use it on Unix (Linux, BSD, MacOSX) and Windows. Droopy is a python script so you’ll need to have Python installed. Droopy is a command-line program.


  • Python
  • Web-Based
  • Web Server

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