HIDIVE is the leader in legal HD anime streaming. Customize your viewing experience, and enjoy all of your favorite shows the way you want to with pinned searches, in-episode chat, and a bunch of other awesome features! With uncut editions, simulcasts, English dubs, and exclusives, HIDIVE brings you the best content at the best price.
Want a really good HIDIVE alternative? Take a look at these popular alternatives if you're hunting for software similar to HIDIVE. Let's take a quick peek at some comparison that highlight your device and platform.
Watch movies and TV on your own terms with the multi-platform video-on-demand service offering feature films, TV series, originals and more.
Watch over 25,000 episodes and 15,000 hours of latest and hottest Anime & Asian Drama 1 hour after TV broadcast! Catch the hottest shows like Naruto Shippuden...
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