Is Opened Alternatives

Is Opened Alternatives

Is Opened

Get notified when your gmail emails are opened with Is Opened.

Free email tracker extension for your Gmail account. Email tracking and link clicks for all your email messages.

isOpened is a completely free and easy to use email tracking extension for Gmail. The perfect extension to show you which emails have been opened by your recipients, clients, or prospects. With isOpened you have access in your Gmail or Suite interface to the number of opens and link clicks of each email !

The email tracker extension does not read your mail, steal your contacts or ask for any upgrade to a paid version.

We developed this tool for our own use and decided to make it available for everybody! As long as you are using it, we are 🤩happy🤩 !

Make sure to only have one email tracker extension enabled to avoid conflicts and errors, or any ad blocker.

isOpened displays ?? in your Gmail to let you know about the status of your sent emails.

Best Is Opened Alternatives for Chromium

Are you curious what software is like Is Opened? Check out different, popular Is Opened alternatives that fit with your device. Are there other programs like Is Opened? Let's find out!

Mailtrack for Gmail

Mailtrack for Gmail

FreemiumWindowsChrome OSVivaldi BrowserChromeStreak CRMGmailYeswareBoomerangChromiumFirefoxDropbox is an email tracking app for Gmail that lets you know if the emails you’ve sent have been read or not. Mailtrack extension adds the double check marks to...


  • Email tracking
  • Link tracking

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