LyricsSeeker Alternatives

LyricsSeeker Alternatives


Find lyrics to the songs in your music library using the best iTunes, WinAmp and Windows Media Player lyrics plugin available!

LyricsSeeker uses the MetroLyrics database of over 450,000 songs and 15,000 artists to match lyrics to the song being played on your desktop music player. While you listen, the lyrics to your favorite tracks are made available at the click of a mouse.

iTunes, WinAmp and Windows Media Player (PC only)
How it works

If matching lyrics are found, a notification balloon will appear. After 10 seconds, the balloon will disappear leaving a colored icon reminding you of the found lyrics. To open the lyrics, simply click the notification balloon or double click the icon after the 10 second period has expired. Lyrics will be shown in your Internet browser. *Note: You must have an active Internet connection to access the lyrics.

Best LyricsSeeker Alternatives

For the best LyricsSeeker alternative check out these alternatives which will work with your device & platform. There are several LyricsSeeker-like software that you might want to check as well.

Lyrics Plugin

Lyrics Plugin

FreeWindowsWindows Media PlayeriTunesWinamp

Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans. To put it simply - it is an add-on to view lyrics in WinAmp, Windows Media Player or iTunes. No more...

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