Microsoft keyboard layout creator Alternatives

Microsoft keyboard layout creator Alternatives

Microsoft keyboard layout creator

Ever wanted to quickly and easily define your own keyboard layout for a language Microsoft doesn't support? Or define your own keyboard layout so you can quickly and easily enter your favorite symbols with a simple keystroke? Have the keyboard work on 64-bit platforms, or make use of custom locales in Windows 7 to provide new language names? Well, want no more: the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator is here!

The Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (MSKLC) extends the international functionality of Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 systems by allowing users to:

Create new keyboard layouts from scratch
Base a new layout on an existing one
Modify an existing keyboard layout and build a new layout from it
Multilingual input locales within edit control fields
Build keyboard layout DLLs for x86, x64, and IA64 platforms
Package the resulting keyboard layouts for subsequent delivery and installation

Best Microsoft keyboard layout creator Alternatives for Linux

Looking for the best programs similar to Microsoft keyboard layout creator? Check out our top picks. Let's see if there are any Microsoft keyboard layout creator alternatives that support your platform.



FreeOpen SourceLinux

A keyboard layout editor for Linux. Its designed to be user friendly and easy to use. If you can get this installed, you might just have a blast.

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