Multi String Replacer Alternatives

Multi String Replacer Alternatives

Multi String Replacer

Multi String Replacer is a small and portable application that can be used to replace multiple strings at once. Its main functionality is String Swapping in which can be easily and quickly done. String swapping consists on replacing WordX with WordY and WordY with WordX. Most (if not all) Find\Replace tools and Text Editors out there don't support String Swapping functionality.

String Swapping (Example)

User Original text is: A B Boy Girl Dog Cat Land Sky

Replace A with B, B with A, Boy with Girl, Girl with Boy, Dog with Cat, Cat with Dog, Land with Sky, Sky with Land

User Output text is: B A Girl Boy Cat Dog Sky Land

Others Find\Replace tools and Text Editors return the wrong output as shown below:

A A Boy Boy Dog Dog Land Land


Replace multiple strings at once
String Swapping functionality (Replace WordX with WordY and WordY with WordX)
RegEx (Regular Expressions can be used)
Simple Random Text Encryption\Decryption
Built-in and custom characters Escaping System can be created
Save/Load user Settings
Export Output into ".txt" File

Best Multi String Replacer Alternatives for Linux

Need an alternative to Multi String Replacer? Read on. We've looked at the best Multi String Replacer alternatives available for Windows, Mac and Android.



FreeOpen SourceWindowsLinux

regexxer is a nifty GUI search/replace tool featuring Perl-style regular expressions. If you need project-wide substitution and you’re tired of hacking sed command lines...

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