nzbwolf Alternatives

nzbwolf Alternatives


nzbwolf indexes usenet and provides the nzb files even for obfuscated content that is not found by regular usenet search engines. For automation it provides a standard api for programs like sonarr, radarr, nzb360. The site has a modern UI and uses a search focused approach to find content in three main categories: TV, Movies and Adult. The modern UI is suited for mobile devices and desktop, has previews for adult content and delivers content in 4K / UHD quality.

Best nzbwolf Alternatives for Linux

If you want similar software to nzbwolf, we have a list for that. Are there nzbwolf alternatives out there? Let's find out.



FreeOpen SourceMacWindowsLinux

NZBHydra2 is a meta search for NZB indexers. It provides easy access to a number of raw and newznab based indexers. You can search all your indexers from one place and...

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