PlanITpoker is a fun tool for project teams to estimate tasks.
Players vote on each task using cards without seeing what other players are voting. After all have voted the results are revealed and the estimates discussed until a consensus is reached.
PlanITPoker is totally free to use and ideal for distributed software teams using Agile development methodologies.
This technique of estimating is sometimes called planning poker or Scrum poker.
Looking for a program that is like PlanITpoker? We have our top picks here. If you need another program that has some of the features of PlanITpoker on your device, read what we recommend in this post.
Planning poker®, also called Scrum poker, is a consensus-based technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of user stories in software...
Play. Estimate. Plan. Finally, an estiamtion tool that's actually fun to use, brought to you bt the agile consultants and trainers at Mointain Goat Software. ...
Online estimation poker site Simply invite your colleagues by sharing a link to your session. Set a topic. As soon as everyone has voted, the results are automatically...
Open source implementation of planning poker game (collaborative online estimation/voting tool). Self-contained (server + webapp), can be run in closed intranet...
Online deck of cards for Scrum Poker Planning sessions. Especially intended to be used in phones or mobile devices. Support for device motion sensor events in order...
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