Lyrics - Shows the lyrics of the song you are listening to at the moment. The Refresh button allows your to update the lyrics when the next song has started playing. In the action bar, you can to download the lyrics on your device (for offline usage), search and share the URL with a friend. If you're lucky, the Karaoke mode might be available for that song.
Saved Lyrics - Each lyrics can be stored on your device.
Search - Search for Lyrics on Genius.
Batch Download - Download the lyrics for all your music in a few minutes.
Material Design
System Integration - Access the lyrics you want after you've identified a song with Shazam or Soundhound via the share button.
NFC - Share lyrics with your friends via Android Beam.
More than 15 languages supported - Including German, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Turkish and English.
Looking for a program that is like QuickLyric? We have our top picks here. If you need another program that has some of the features of QuickLyric on your device, read what we recommend in this post.
Musixmatch is the world’s largest collection of song lyrics used by millions of people to get instant synchronised lyrics for Youtube, Spotify, Pandora and more. You can...
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