RoadSwap is a GPS based classified app for Truckers, Rvers, Travelers, and local people wanting to buy, sell, or swap items at Truck Stops, RV Parks, Rest Stops, or any public gathering place. Basically, it combines GPS with classifieds to give over-the-road travelers, the ultimate tool to easily find, buy, sell and swap goods anywhere!
Items you list in RoadSwap get tagged with your mobile GPS. As your location changes, so does your item location. Wherever you go, your listed items will always be available to other drivers near you.
In our list of best programs, we'll review some different alternatives to RoadSwap. Let's see if your platform is supported by any of them.
Centralized classifieds platform offering jobs, housing, personals, services and more.
Add your reviews & share your experience when using RoadSwap to the world. Your opinion will be useful to others who are looking for the best RoadSwap alternatives.
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