Safe: Encrypted File System Alternatives

Safe: Encrypted File System Alternatives

Safe: Encrypted File System

Safe is an application that makes it easy to encrypt your files. When you encrypt your files with Safe they are rendered unreadable to anyone who doesn't have your password.

Safe is cross-platform and currently runs on Windows and Mac OS X. It works with all applications and file types and can store encrypted files anywhere. Safe is also fully compatible with existing EncFS volumes.

Safe is licensed under the GPLv3 and is based on free software.

Best Safe: Encrypted File System Alternatives for Bsd

Are you looking for alternatives to Safe: Encrypted File System? Please see our top picks. In this article, we provide the list of some Safe: Encrypted File System alternatives that will work on Windows and other platforms.



FreeOpen SourceMacLinuxBSD

EncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs without any special permissions and uses the FUSE library and Linux kernel module to provide the filesystem...

Safe: Encrypted File System Reviews

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