Solar System Scope Alternatives

Solar System Scope Alternatives

Solar System Scope

3D simulation of the Solar System and night sky - real time virtual orrery and observatory

- Heliocentric view with real-time positions of planets and planetary orbits
- Schematic and realistic sizes of the planets and distances between them
- Movement of the planets in time to see how they move in relation to each other - Virtual Orrery
- Planetary exploration with info texts, images and additional views such as structure
- Moons (Galilean moons, Deimos & Phobos, Titan and 15 others)
- Dwarf planets (Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake. Eris) and their orbits
- Comets (Siding Spring, Lovejoy 2013, Lovejoy 2011, Panstarrs, ISON, Halley, 67P, 209P) - positions and trajectories
- Spacecraft Rosetta and its journey to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
- Stars and constellation of the night sky as viewed from a given location - Virtual Observatory
- Interactive night sky: point the device at the sky to see all objects in their proper place
- Changes in the night sky during night, month and year
- Advanced searching of the objects
- Ecliptic line, grid lines and more

Best Solar System Scope Alternatives

Looking for other Solar System Scope-like programs? We've rounded up our favorites Solar System Scope alternatives. Try any one of these fan favorites to see if they'll support your system and meet your specific needs.

Star Chart

Star Chart

CommercialMacWindowsAndroidiPhoneWindows RTAndroid TabletWindows PhoneiPadKindle FireSteam

Can’t see the moon? Want to know where it is? Look through the eyes of your device to see a virtual window into the whole visible universe. Using state of the art GPS...


  • Augmented Reality
  • Oculus Rift support
  • Virtual Reality

Solar System Scope Reviews

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