SourceForge Alternatives

SourceForge Alternatives


SourceForge is a web-based source code repository. It acts as a centralized location for software developers to control and manage open source software development. SourceForge repository hosts more than 324,000 projects and has more than 3.4 million registered users, although not all are active. Features include support for CVS, SVN, Bazaar, Git or Mercurial repositories, project wikis, metrics and analysis, access to a MySQL database, and unique sub-domain URLs.

Best SourceForge Alternatives for Android Tablet

Looking for some programs similar to SourceForge? Here are the top-recommended programs we found. Let's take a look if there's anything out there that helps you on whatever platform you're using.



FreemiumMacWindowsWebAndroidWindows SAndroid TabletBSD

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for projects that use the Git revision control system. It is written in Ruby on Rails by...


  • File Versioning
  • Git integration
  • Unlimited private repos
  • IFTTT integration
  • Version and Source control
  • Gist support
  • Bug reporting
  • Distributed
  • FIDO U2F (2FA) support
  • Git and mercurial support
  • Two factor authentication
  • Version and Source control

SourceForge Reviews

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