Our invoice application is based on the latest graphical-user-interface technology. There is no typing necessary, just point and click to create and/or print product or service invoices for your clients... quick and easy. It also includes a custom reports, quote, and invoice writer and creator.
SSuite Invoice Master is a user-friendly application that enables you to create, preview and print payment forms, as well as keep record of the cancelled or delayed payments. Its comprehensive interface makes it easy for you to set up a database of clients and products register orders and invoices for them.
A detailed database enables you to record customers contact details, such billing addresses, account numbers phone numbers and emails, which eases the distribution process and creating the invoices. You can keep track of all the orders placed by a customer as well as the status of their payments.
It also handles TAX or VAT systems and mass client email. Add your own custom logo to your report/invoice prints{65x65 px}.
Features Available:
* Unpaid Invoices
* Cancelled Invoices
* Custom report creator
* Month End Statements
* Revenue Per Customer/Client
* Date Related Income Statements
* Invoice History per Customer/Client
* Company Logo on Invoices/Reports
* Point and Click Invoice Creation with added VATor Tax included. { Value Added Tax }
Very Important: Right-click on the setup install file and select "Run as Administrator" - {Only Windows Vista / 7 /8 / 10 }. Set the executable "EZInvoice.exe" to run as an administrator too!
When installing on 64-Bit Windows Systems:
Open up Windows Explorer and simply cut and paste the whole folder "C:\Program Files(x86)\SSuiteInvoice\" into the "C:\Program Files\" directory. Make sure to run the application as an "Administrator"!
No Java or DotNet required, Green Energy Software. Saving the planet one bit at a time.
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Wave makes it easy to be your own boss. Just do what you're good at, and lean on Wave's smart online software for help with invoicing, accounting and payroll. ...
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