Time Worked Alternatives

Time Worked Alternatives

Time Worked

Time Worked is a component for Joomla! CMS. Just installing it into a plain Joomla will give you a great ready-to-use tool for tracking time spent on some tasks.

The com­po­nent can be used for any type of busi­ness where employ­ees are paid hourly and/or clients are charged hourly.

Briefly the com­po­nent offers the following:

— A con­ve­nient func­tion­al­ity for report­ing worked hours that includes a cal­en­dar with pre­vi­ously logged time.
— Fil­ter that allows gen­er­at­ing reports by clients, projects, and employ­ers for a cer­tain period of time.
— Abil­ity for the admin­is­tra­tor to reject reported time request­ing changes or mark reported items as not billable.
— Abil­ity to add dif­fer­ent types of hours worked (over­time, week­end, etc.).
— Recent reports sta­tis­tics per employee and per project (cur­rent week, last week, last month, etc.).
— Export­ing reports into Excel.
— Reports printer friendly version.
— Leaves man­age­ment. Adding leaves by employ­ees, approv­ing by administrators.
— Auto­mated noti­fi­ca­tions for employ­ees about not sub­mit­ted reports.
— IT indus­try spe­cific options (ticket IDs).
— Sup­port of Joomla! user groups and permissions.
— Plenty of nice options.

Best Open Source Time Worked Alternatives

Want another awesome Time Worked alternative? Look no further. We researched the top alternatives and found several new Time Worked alternatives that work with your platform or device. If you want even more options, we've also reviewed top Time Worked-like software for your Mac, Windows PC, Android phone/tablet, Linux computer, or iPhone.

Project Hamster

Project Hamster

FreeOpen SourceLinux

Project Hamster is time tracking for individuals. It helps you to keep track on how much time you have spent during the day on activities you choose to track.


  • Add earlier activity
  • Sits in the System Tray
  • Tag based

Time Worked Reviews

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