Voice Share lets you send personalized audio messages. Share your personal greetings to Facebook & through SMS.
The simplest way to send voice greetings for birthdays, holidays, or just to say "good luck!" or "I love you" to your friends and family. No account needed - start the app, push record to start talking, and then send your greeting to a friend. You can even post a personalized message on your own Facebook wall.
+ Facebook Voice Posts & SMS Voice Messages
+ Send gifts with your voice greeting. Be careful with the gifts - you can only give 1 of each per day.
+ Share voice recordings with your friends
Looking for a program that is like Voice Share? We have our top picks here. If you need another program that has some of the features of Voice Share on your device, read what we recommend in this post.
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s superfast, simple and free. It is like SMS, but more powerful.
With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.
Message and video chat with your friends and family for free. Features - Make high-quality video and voice calls on Android and iPhone - Send unlimited messages...
An alternative Telegram client based on TDLib, with higher speed, slicker animations and experimental features. The goal of Telegram X is to reinvent Telegram and...
Dasher lets you do more than just text message. It's messaging with benefits: · Connect with friends worldwide for free · Start a group chat ·...
An alternative to Telegram with 50 pins, favorites, sortable chat categories, and a cryptocurrency price bar inside the app.
Fully open source instant messaging server and clients. No proprietary components or non-free dependencies. Backend in pure Go (GPL 3.0), with a command-line...
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