WebCite Alternatives

WebCite Alternatives


WebCite®, which used to be a member of member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium, is an on-demand archiving system for webreferences (cited webpages and websites, or other kinds of Internet-accessible digital objects), which can be used by authors, editors, and publishers of scholarly papers and books, to ensure that cited webmaterial will remain available to readers in the future. If cited webreferences in journal articles, books etc. are not archived, future readers may encounter a "404 File Not Found" error when clicking on a cited URL.

Webcite won't archive 404 pages, pages requiring a login, and it always obeys robots and no-cache tags.

It offers transparent URLs, or short URLs (32 characters).

Best WebCite Alternatives for Firefox

Are you still using WebCite? Let's compare it to the best other options below. Maybe one of these WebCite alternatives will work on your device, too.

Wayback Machine

Wayback Machine


Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. The Internet Archive is a non-profit online-application that was founded to build an...


  • Google Chrome Extensions
  • Firefox Extensions
  • Interactive Presentations
  • Search engine

WebCite Reviews

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