Top 38 Education Apps Like Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) - Best Alternatives

Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på). Pick one from this list to be your new Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Ta MC-Körkort (Prova på) 2025.



Please, report any problem at developer website! No-ta-da helps you to learn musical notation. It shows a random note and user should name it by hitting the corresponding key. It’s not a piano trainer, but score reading trainer. Brief notes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Alexey Prokofyev
Alif Ba Ta Bullseye

Alif Ba Ta Bullseye

Want a fun way to learn the Alif Ba Ta, the Arabic Alphabet? Try Alif Ba Ta Bullseye from Ready, Set Alef Bet. This is not some boring flash card app. This is a fast-paced, arcade-style game that...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Avram Mandell
Chính Tả

Chính Tả

Ministry of Vietnamese spelling for iphone helps users determine the correct spelling in Vietnamese. The main functions include: - Use correct spelling + How to distinguish between CH and TR + How to distinguish between D, Gi and R...

Price: Free Developer: Trinh Duc Thang
Ta Körkort

Ta Körkort

• Årets bästa körkortsapp 2014 - 2019 • Över 1 000 000 nöjda kunder • Rekommenderad av trafikskolor • Sveriges mest nedladdade körkortsapp Appen "Ta Körkort" ger dig alla verktyg för att klara teoriprovet för B-körkort. Genom tydlig vägledning och prov som anpassar...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Teoriappar Sverige AB
Ta Körkort (Prova på)

Ta Körkort (Prova på)

• Årets bästa körkortsapp 2014 - 2019 • Över 1 000 000 nöjda kunder • Rekommenderad av trafikskolor • Sveriges mest nedladdade körkortsapp Appen ger dig alla verktyg för att klara teoriprovet för B-körkort. Genom tydlig vägledning och prov som anpassar sig automatiskt...

Price: Free Developer: Teoriappar Sverige AB
Alif Ba Ta Song - Arabic

Alif Ba Ta Song - Arabic

A Melodious Song of Alif Ba Ta, Letters of Arabic Language. user can sing along, and will memorize the Alif Ba Ta easily with fun and entertainment.

Price: Free Developer: Faisal Mahmood
Ni Wo Ta - 写字

Ni Wo Ta - 写字

Learn the proper way of writing Chinese characters with the 《你我他》Ni Wo Ta Chinese Character Trainer app from Cengage Learning. Designed to accompany the textbook of the same name, the app uses attractive stroke animations to show you how...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Clavis Sinica
Révise ta conjugaison

Révise ta conjugaison

L'application la plus ambitieuse d'Hachette « Passeport Révisions » est sur le store pour réviser tout au long de l'année du CE1 au CM2 !! --------------------------------------- Les écoliers vont adorer la conjugaison ! « Révise ta conjugaison » est un...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Hachette Livre
Expert TA

Expert TA

Expert TA is an independent commercial online homework and tutorial system. Our human-like grading capabilities, unique problems, and customized hints and tips improve student learning and teaching results.

Price: Free Developer: Branded Web Services LLC
iKörkort MC Lite

iKörkort MC Lite

iKÖRKORT MC – HJÄLPER DIG KLARA TEORIPROVET iKörkort MC lär dig allt du behöver kunna för att klara teoriprovet för motorcykel och gör din väg till körkortet kortare och roligare. Skippa tråkiga böcker och dyra teorilektioner och plugga på dina...

Price: Free Developer: Boboshi
iKörkort MC

iKörkort MC

iKÖRKORT MC – HJÄLPER DIG KLARA TEORIPROVET FÖR MC iKörkort MC lär dig allt du behöver kunna för att klara teoriprovet för motorcykel och gör din väg till körkortet kortare och roligare. Skippa tråkiga böcker och dyra teorilektioner och plugga...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: Boboshi
MC Masters

MC Masters

Mc Masters is the one stop solution for all your international study and Coaching needs. The core activity lies in assisting students to make the right choice with regard to pursuing education in overseas educational institutions. Mc Masters provides...

Price: Free Developer: gagan rai
Avizia MC Remote

Avizia MC Remote

The Avizia MC is hands-down the best way to control video conferencing rooms and even better…it lets you do it from your iPad. Use your iPad to make video conferencing calls, switch content between all the displays in the room,...

Price: Free Developer: Avizia Inc.


MC問題(Multiple Choice:4択問題)はU.S.CPA試験の配点の50%を占める重要な出題形式です。また、CIA、CISA試験においては、本試験がMC形式で出題されます。 MC問題に効率的に正答し、試験に合格する力をつけるための演習ツールとして、本アプリをご活用下さい。面倒な設定もなく、オフラインでもご利用が可能です。 ◎特徴1 <学習進捗に応じた一問一答形式> 学習進捗の状況に応じた、チャプター単位での演習が可能です。 本アプリでは、『問題>解説』の順に一問一答形式で出題されます。問題を解いた直後に、その問題の正解と解説を確認するので、記憶が新鮮なうちに知識の定着を行うことができます。また、肢別の解説を充実させていますので、正解の選択肢だけでなく、誤りの選択肢についても『なぜ、誤りなのか?』を意識することにより、問われた論点の理解を深めることができます。 ◎特徴2 <復習時に有効な選択肢シャッフル> 何度か同じ問題を解いていると、正答の位置を覚えてしまうこともあります。 「選択肢シャッフル」機能を有効にすることで、新鮮な感覚で問題演習に取り組むことができます。 例えば、 1回目は通常の並び順で演習し、 2回目は選択肢をシャッフルして演習する、 というように活用が可能です。 ◎特徴3(※U.S.CPAコースのみ) <問題・選択肢の日/英 表示切替> 全ての問題について、日本語/英語 の表示切替が可能です。 「学習を始めたばかりで英語に少し抵抗がある」、「英語表記の専門用語の意味が思い出せない」というような場合には、日本語での問題演習も可能です。

Price: Free Developer: abitus Inc.
MC eMath

MC eMath

MC eMath By Marshall Cavendish Education Pte. Ltd. Experience fun and dynamic learning with our Mathematics resources anytime, anywhere! Through the MC eMath app, access multimedia-rich Mathematics animations and tutorials both within and beyond the classroom. Based on the sound pedagogy behind...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd
MC eBook

MC eBook

MC eBook 為電子教科書的突破,全面照顧老師的需要,整合課堂管理、學習管理及電子家課,讓老師體驗最方便易用的一站式電子教學。MC eBook 為每所學校提供度身訂造的課程內容,協助老師按學生的學習進度作跟進及調適,是一套最貼心的電子教科書。 電子課本特色: 跨平台同時支援iOS裝置、PC瀏覽器 支援上線或離線模式 可將電子書內的各項記錄上載雲端,方便於不同電腦下載使用。 「名創教育」研發了一系列適合中小學的教學工具及趣味App,以協助老師於課堂上進行活動,及供學生自學。

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
MC Enrichment

MC Enrichment

The MindChamps "MC Enrichment" App is a mobile application that is specially designed for our MindChamps Enrichment parents to celebrate our Champs growth and progress. At MindChamps, we continually embrace parent-centre partnership to nurture the best potential in all our Champs. As such, this complimentary App aims to support educators and...



「DSE 經濟 MC Apps」,是專為香港修讀經濟科的學生和文憑試 考生而設的應用程式,提供多份卷一模擬試卷(多項選擇題,Multiple Choice),助同學備戰摘星!而且,另設老師專用帳戶,方便老師掌握 學生的學習進度。

Price: Free Developer: Yan Yeung Billy Chan
Le Palmier MC

Le Palmier MC

Le Palmier MC gives parents of children in daycare access to follow their children's daily activities. Parents can read diaries from the institution, see activities, view pictures, videos and calendar, as well as send mails and much more.

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Prova Bliss

Prova Bliss

Bliss är ett symbolspråk som används av elever som saknar tal och är i behov av alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK). Med Prova bliss kan man träna på blissord. Det huvudsakliga syftet med appen är dock att ge en introduktion...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Sollan Fallman Torefeldt
Minha Prova - Professor

Minha Prova - Professor

Corrija os cartões respostas das provas e simulados aplicados na sua instituição de forma rápida e intuitiva. Não é preciso scanners nem máquinas leitora de cartões. Com o aplicativo Minha Prova - Professor, você usa a câmera do seu...

Price: Free Developer: Tulio de Souza
CPB Prova

CPB Prova

CPB Prova é uma plataforma de avaliação e gestão do conhecimento da CPB Educacional ◉ Questões, Provas e Simulados Os alunos poderão acompanhar seu desempenho online de todas as provas realizadas na escola. ◉ Pontos Fortes e Fracos Acompanhe suas estatísticas completas com...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Estuda Ltda ME
CPB Prova Professor

CPB Prova Professor

CPB Prova Professor é uma plataforma de avaliação e gestão do conhecimento da CPB Educacional ◉ Questões, Provas e Simulados Gerencie suas avaliações através do aplicativo. ◉ Cartões Respostas Envie cartões respostas das avaliações realizadas pelos alunos de forma fácil e rápida através. ◉...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Estuda Ltda ME
Minha Prova - Aluno

Minha Prova - Aluno

A cada simulado é sempre a mesma história. Dezenas de papéis usados para coletar as respostas dos alunos. Esses papéis são então analisados durante um longo processo para gerar as notas e obter os resultados de cada aluno. Com o...

Price: Free Developer: Tulio de Souza
Prova CNH

Prova CNH

Agora você pode praticar para a prova da carteira de habilitação direto do seu smartphone ou tablet com mais de 600 questões! Simulado: Este é o modo de simulação oficial, onde 30 perguntas são aleatoriamente selecionadas e você deve acertar pelo...

Price: Free Developer: Beetpix Co. Ltd.
Prova de Cirurgia Geral Lite

Prova de Cirurgia Geral Lite

Vers„o gratuita com 50 questıes do aplicativo que re˙ne 400 questıes de Cirurgia Geral aplicadas em provas de concursos p˙blicos para a ·rea em todo o paÌs. O aplicativo indica as respostas corretas e contabiliza seus erros para que...

Price: Free Developer: DB Minev
Prova do Detran

Prova do Detran

Adquira o melhor App disponível no mercado. Ideal para testar e adquirir conhecimentos básicos e avançados nas mais recorrentes questões nas provas do DETRAN. Disponibilizamos um banco de questões completo, com mais de 400 questões, separadas por categorias,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mauricio Trindade
S P Jain Dubai

S P Jain Dubai

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Dubai app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Dubai, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S P Jain Mumbai

S P Jain Mumbai

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Mumbai app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Mumbai, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S P Jain Singapore

S P Jain Singapore

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Singapore app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Singapore, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S P Jain Sydney Campus

S P Jain Sydney Campus

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Sydney app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Sydney, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
H.O.P.E.'S House

H.O.P.E.'S House

Welcome to H.O.P.E.’s House Mobile App. We are a dynamic and growing ministry in the San Fernando Valley that offers spirit-led worship and an encouraging, life changing Word from God in a family-friendly environment. Under the leadership of Pastor...

Price: Free Developer: H.O.P.E.'s House Christian Ministries, Inc
John P. Holland Charter School

John P. Holland Charter School

The official app for John P. Holland Charter School allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from...

Price: Free Developer: John P. Holland Charter School Inc.


這是一個擴增實境 (AR) App,用家只需利用程式輕掃教材頁面,便可啟動多媒體資源,展示與課題相關的立體模型、動畫、影片、網頁等。部分立體模型更具備放大、縮小、旋轉及剖析功能,有助用家了解相關結構。 可使用之課本冊次及頁數: 《探究小學常識》: ‧走入社區,規劃我城 (影片) - 4A P.47 ‧地球的結構 (3D 模型) - 4B P.13 ‧消費者委員會 投訴數字 (網頁) - 4C P.50 ‧人類的消化系統 (3D 模型) - 4D P.14 《小學常識》: ‧走入社區,規劃我城 (影片) - 4上B P.41 ‧地球的結構 (3D 模型) – 4上A P.11 ‧消費者委員會 投訴數字 (網頁) - 4下A P.19 ‧人類的消化系統 (3D...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK


這是一個擴增實境 (AR) App,用家只需利用程式輕掃教材頁面,便可啟動多媒體資源,展示與課題相關的立體模型、動畫、影片、網頁等。部分立體模型更具備放大、縮小、旋轉及剖析功能,有助用家了解相關結構。 可使用之課本冊次及頁數: 《探究小學常識》: ‧人類男女的生殖系統 (3D 模型) - 5A P.8 ‧網上交友陷阱 (網頁) – 5A P.46, 47 ‧人類的耳朵 (3D 模型) – 5B P.19 ‧空氣質素健康指數 (網頁) – 5C P.55 ‧兵馬俑 (3D 模型) - 5D P.41 《小學常識》: ‧人類男女的生殖系統 (3D 模型) - 5下B P.31 ‧網上交友陷阱 (網頁) - 5下A P.23 ‧人類的耳朵 (3D 模型)...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK


這是一個擴增實境 (AR) App,用家只需利用程式輕掃教材頁面,便可啟動多媒體資源,展示與課題相關的立體模型、動畫、影片、網頁等。部分立體模型更具備放大、縮小、旋轉及剖析功能,有助用家了解相關結構。 可使用之課本冊次及頁數: 《探究小學常識》: ‧不同年代學校校舍 (PDF) - 1A P.12 ‧人類牙齒的種類 (3D 模型) - 1B P.14 ‧親屬關係圖 (圖片) - 1C P.11 ‧賞綵燈 慶中秋 (影片) - 1D P.19 《小學常識》: ‧不同年代學校校舍 (PDF) - 1上A P.15 ‧人類牙齒的種類 (3D 模型) - 1上A P.30 ‧親屬關係圖 (圖片) - 1上B P.20 ‧賞綵燈 慶中秋 (影片) - 1下A...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK


這是一個擴增實境 (AR) App,用家只需利用程式輕掃教材頁面,便可啟動多媒體資源,展示與課題相關的立體模型、動畫、影片、網頁等。部分立體模型更具備放大、縮小、旋轉及剖析功能,有助用家了解相關結構。 可使用之課本冊次及頁數: 《探究小學常識》: ‧安全使用自動梯 (影片) - 2A P.45 ‧照顧佢一生 停停先諗真 (PDF) - 2B P.16 ‧搶包山 (3D 模型及影片) - 2C P.19 ‧司南(3D 模型) - 2D P.61 《小學常識》: ‧安全使用自動梯 (影片) - 2上A P.40 ‧照顧佢一生 停停先諗真 (PDF) - 2上B P.20 ‧搶包山 (3D 模型及影片) -2下A P.24 ‧司南(3D 模型) - 2下A P.14

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK

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