Top 26 Entertainment Apps Like Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller - Best Alternatives

Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Entertainment apps that are similar to Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller. Pick one from this list to be your new Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Ardu-Con - Arduino Controller 2025.

Huellas con Corazón

Huellas con Corazón

¡Gracias petlover por apoyar esta iniciativa Huellas con Corazón de Keepermate! Tomate selfies, Juega y aprende contenidos y curiosidades de tu perrito o gatico, todo en una sola aplicación. Diseñada para petlovers y seguidores del programa a Huellas con corazón...

Price: Free Developer: Legis S.A.
Gen Con

Gen Con

The official Gen Con mobile app is your handy electronic guide to The Best Four Days in Gaming. Browse and search for events, purchase tickets, view your event schedule, message with your friends, find your way with the interactive...

Price: Free Developer: Gen Con, LLC.
In bici con Renzi

In bici con Renzi

Sali anche tu in bici con Renzi! Dal tormentone del web al tuo dispositivo iOS, semplicemente scattando una foto o scegliendone una già fatta e posizionando il premier sulla sua bicicletta dove preferisci.

Price: Free Developer: Giuseppe Travasoni
Niagara Falls Comic Con

Niagara Falls Comic Con

Niagara Falls Comic Con features over 200,000 square feet of comics, vendors, exhibits, workshops, seminars, celebrities, movie & tv memorabilia, and everything pop culture related!

Price: Free Developer: Niagara Falls Comic Con Ltd.
Official Comic-Con App

Official Comic-Con App

Get the official digital guide to San Diego Comic-Con International and WonderCon. Download this free app for the latest event schedules, maps, exhibitors, special guests, exclusive items, news and more!

Price: Free Developer: San Diego Comic Convention Inc
Imagenes Con Frases De Buenas Tardes

Imagenes Con Frases De Buenas Tardes

¿Te gustaría dedicar una postal, tarjeta, una foto bonita con imágenes de buenas tardes? Hermosa colección de imágenes con frases de buenas tardes, es un app muy completa con docenas de fotos con frases hermosas, motivación, de animo, para...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Mishaan
Citas Biblicas Con Imagenes

Citas Biblicas Con Imagenes

Citas Bíblicas Con Imágenes es una app muy completa con docenas de imágenes con versículos bíblicos para toda clase de ocasión. ¿Necesitas un mensaje de fe? Todos pasamos por circunstancias y todos necesitamos la palabra de Dios para llenarnos de fe...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Mishaan
Imagenes Bonitas Con Frases Hermosas

Imagenes Bonitas Con Frases Hermosas

Imágenes Con Frases Hermosas es un app con una gran colección de imágenes hermosas con frases lindas ideales para compartir para cualquier ocasión. Y así poder expresar nuestras vivencias, ocasiones y sentimientos. No importa el momento o situación que...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Mishaan
Flores Con Frases

Flores Con Frases

En Flores Con Frases encontraras la mejor colección de imágenes con frases hermosas para compartir con esa persona especial y para toda clase de ocasión. ¿Que tipo de mensajes encontraras en flores con frases? - Frases de Buenos Días - Mensajes de Motivación -...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Mishaan
Yun Kit

Yun Kit

Features: - Best in class Yun controller. - Read & write digital. - Read & write PWM. - Read & write SERVO. - Read analog pins. - Send and Receive to/from Arduino using Terminal & LCD module. - Remember last status of the pins. - Change...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Rabi Alhetawi


RCDuino is an application that allows you to turn your iPhone into a real 8 channels remote control ( R/C ) to access up to 4 relays and 4 servos through your Arduino UNO connected to an Ethernet...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Evandro Souza


透過藍芽4.0以控制四顆直流馬達,進而達成簡易機器人的控制! 「PowerTech全國青少年科技創意創作競賽」使用者可參考使用 * 註:此程式使用藍芽4.0,因此智慧型裝置與相對應控制器須具備BLE功能 使用方法簡介: =====使用對應控制器===== 對應遙控器可至「PowerTech全國青少年科技創意創作競賽」相關網站購買 使用對應遙控器時,僅需將電源(DC 3V~6V,3至6伏之直流電)插上電源接頭(3孔),其他對應之馬達接線插上其餘控制接頭(2孔),透過智慧型裝置端與藍芽進行配對之後,即可讓您自行設計的機器人動起來囉! 步驟一:完成電路配置連接 步驟二:執行此程式,若是尚未開啟藍芽,請自行開啟藍芽 步驟三:點選頁面右上方之放大鏡,以尋找對應藍芽模組,進行配對 步驟四:配對後會顯示出原頁面之八個按鈕,每一組並排相對且箭頭方向相反之按鈕可以用來控制一組直流馬達之正反轉 步驟五:享受控制機器人的樂趣!! ==================== =====使用自製控制器===== * 若使用Arduino或其他微控制器自製遙控器的話,請使用藍芽4.0相容之模組 步驟一:在Arduino或其他微控制器中,判斷藍芽模組接收到的位元組(byte),並將其解析成8個bits(位元),而其中第1、2,第3、4,第5、6,第7、8分別控制了四顆直流馬達,將對應的訊號分別送給各個直流馬達的控制單元即可。 步驟二:同使用對應遙控器之動作 步驟三:同使用對應遙控器之動作 步驟四:同使用對應遙控器之動作 步驟五:享受控制機器人的樂趣!! ===================== * 註:PowerTech及其所屬活動皆有商標權,未經授權請勿轉用

Price: Free Developer: SUN NET TECHNOLOGIES CO.


Use the ALLBOT® remote app to control your ALLBOT® robots. Plug in your VR001 IR remote module and adjust the volume of your device until your robot reacts. - 3 to 4m range - Program your own sequence with the opensource...

Price: Free Developer: Velleman nv
Breath: Personal Breathalyzer

Breath: Personal Breathalyzer

Build your own breathalyzer with Arduino just following this simple tutorial and running this code on the board:

Price: Free Developer: Gabriel Conte
Rei do Bafo

Rei do Bafo

Utilize este jogo de bafômetro para verificar o nível alcóolico de você e de seus amigos. É necessário utilizar um Arduino e o código presente no seguinte repositório: Desenvolvedores: Arthur Giachini, Eduardo Fornari, Homero Oliveira, Rafael Araújo, Raphael Braun...

Price: Free Developer: Raphael Braun
Drone Controller for Bebop

Drone Controller for Bebop

Drone Controller for Bebop is a remote control application for Parrot Bebop Drones (Bebop Drone 1 / Bebop 2 / Bebop 2 Power Pack / Bebop 2 FPV). Drone Controller for Bebop is compatible with latest version of iOS and...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Drone Controller for Jumping

Drone Controller for Jumping

Drone Controller for Jumping Drone is a remote control application for Parrot Jumping Drones (Jumping Sumo / Jumping Race Drone / Jumping Night Drone). PILOT YOUR DRONES VIA SMARTPHONE Download Drone Controller for Jumping Drone, the app that allows you to...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Game Controller Parrot Bebop

Game Controller Parrot Bebop

Game Controller Parrot Bebop is a remote control application for Parrot Bebop Drones (Bebop Drone 1 / Bebop 2 / Bebop 2 Power Pack / Bebop 2 FPV). You can control your Bebop Drone with your Game Controller! Game Controller Parrot...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Drone Controller for Mini

Drone Controller for Mini

Drone Controller for Mini is a remote control application for Parrot Mini Drones (Mambo / Airborne Cargo / Airborne Night / Rolling Spider). FUNCTION ・Parrot Mambo Controller ・Parrot Airborne Cargo Controller ・Parrot Airborne Night Controller ・Parrot Rolling Spider Night Controller ・Apple Watch Control Mode Sending Control...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Game Controller for Mambo

Game Controller for Mambo

Game Controller for Mambo is a remote control application for Parrot Mambo Drones (Mambo / Mambo Mission / Mambo FPV). You can control your Mambo Drone with your Game Controller! Game Controller for Mambo is compatible with latest version of iOS...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Marmalade Multiplayer Game Controller

Marmalade Multiplayer Game Controller

Important: Marmalade Multiplayer Game Controller works only with compatible apps on Apple TV. Marmalade Multiplayer Game Controller is a companion app that enables your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to act as a second game controller in any compatible...

Price: Free Developer: Marmalade Game Studio
Basic Controller Parrot Bebop

Basic Controller Parrot Bebop

Basic Controller Parrot Bebop is a remote control application for Parrot Bebop Drones (Bebop Drone 1 / Bebop 2 / Bebop 2 Power Pack / Bebop 2 FPV). You can also control your Bebop Drone with your Apple Watch! Basic Controller...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone

Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone

Thank you for your interest in this application! This is the best controller application for the Parrot Airborne Cargo Drone. Over 36,000 people all over the world are using our applications! - Description - Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone is...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone - iPad

Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone - iPad

Thank you for your interest in this application! This is the best controller application for the Parrot Airborne Cargo Drone. Over 36,000 people all over the world are using our applications! - Description - Gamepad Controller for Airborne Cargo Drone is...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics
Gamepad Controller for Airborne Night for iPad

Gamepad Controller for Airborne Night for iPad

Thank you for your interest in this application! This is the best controller application for the Parrot Airborne Night Drone. Over 36,000 people all over the world are using our applications! - Description - Gamepad Controller for Airborne Night Drone is...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Speed Robotics

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