Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like Rubí Ciutat - Best Alternatives

Rubí Ciutat Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Rubí Ciutat alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to Rubí Ciutat. Pick one from this list to be your new Rubí Ciutat app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Rubí Ciutat on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Rubí Ciutat - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Rubí Ciutat alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Rubí Ciutat 2025.

Super Belly Rub: Hedgehog Massage Parlor

Super Belly Rub: Hedgehog Massage Parlor

Hello, and welcome to your first day at Hedgehog Massage Parlor. Oh, look! It's your first client. As you can see, he is presenting his soft, furry belly to you - he won't prick you. ...

Price: Free Developer: Creative Submersible Research
Rub My Lamp

Rub My Lamp

Not sure what to do on a date with your other half? Let the genie help you decide, by rubbing its lamp and having it decide among a couple wishes from each one of you! Choose from the...

Price: Free Developer: Aristocrat


This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true shaving functionality. If you are looking for a way to have fun with your friends... The answer is definitely iShaveIt. A simple application that turns your device...

Price: Free Developer: Behrad Bagheri
Mood Detector Scanner: Detect moods by finger scan

Mood Detector Scanner: Detect moods by finger scan

The scanner can detect hundreds of different moods by the way you touch! Rub your finger across the scanner to analyze and detect your feelings. When the scanner has a sense of your energy your current feeling will appear...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Digital Bananas, LLC
Mood Detector Scanner: Tracker

Mood Detector Scanner: Tracker

The scanner can detect hundreds of different moods by the way you touch! Rub your finger across the scanner to analyze and detect your feelings. When the scanner has a sense of your energy your current feeling will appear...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Bananas, LLC
Bengal Petting Cat! More! To love the cat!

Bengal Petting Cat! More! To love the cat!

An app with a cat to play with, Love it, Pet it, Touch it Make it meow, purr. Have it lie down, roll around, run, jump,sleep. A cat-petting app that lets you pet your favorite cats anytime, anywhere. It's...

Price: Free Developer:
Lucky Cat Fortunes HD

Lucky Cat Fortunes HD

Rub his belly and Lucky Cat will answer any question you ask him!!!! All you have to do is type in a question and then rub Lucky Cat's belly. When he is happy, he will then answer your question....

Price: Free Developer: Mark Bunch
3-Color Petting Cat! More! To love the cat!

3-Color Petting Cat! More! To love the cat!

An app with a cat to play with, Love it, Pet it, Touch it Make it meow, purr. Have it lie down, roll around, run, jump,sleep. A cat-petting app that lets you pet your favorite cats anytime, anywhere. It's...

Price: Free Developer:
iShaver - Prank Your Friends

iShaver - Prank Your Friends

The best shaver prank app with more than 100.000 downloads! Prank your friends with iShaver Turn up the volume, turn on the shaver and rub the iPhone's microphone against your skin and hair. It will sound like a real shaver. You can RECORD...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Zanchi
AppFusion - 6 in 1!

AppFusion - 6 in 1!

AppFusion gives you six super-fun, classic, entertainment apps in one must have application! Download and you get: ● Shock: Realistic simulated lightning shooting from your fingertips. ● Steam: Transform your device into a steamy window. Rub the screen to reveal...

Price: Free Developer: Firezoo Ltd
Ciutat 10

Ciutat 10

Conoce los recursos y servicios de que dispone tu ciudad que promueven los derechos humanos recogidos en la Carta Europea de Salvaguarda de los Derechos Humanos en la Ciudad. Descárgate la App Ciudad10, recurso interactivo en el marco del Programa...

Price: Free Developer: Itinerarium
Girona App

Girona App

Descarrega’t l’aplicació oficial de l’Ajuntament de Girona al teu mòbil. Girona emociona ;-) Amb la nova app de Girona, tindràs al teu abast tota la informació de la ciutat d’una manera ràpida i senzilla. L’aplicació inclou: - ...

Price: Free Developer: Ajuntament de Girona
Itineraris Sabadell

Itineraris Sabadell

La App Itineraris Sabadell forma part del projecte KM2 Ciutat impulsat per la Diputació de Barcelona, l’Ajuntament de Sabadell, l’Ajuntament de Viladecans, l’Ajuntament de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat, iEARN-Pangea i la Fundació Itinerarium. El projecte està obert a la participació de...

Price: Free Developer: Itinerarium


St.QBlack és el Festival de Música Negra de Sant Cugat del Vallès creat l’any 2015, que enguany celebrarà la seva cinquena edició. El Festival té cabuda durant el mes de maig en diferents espais de la ciutat, tot creant...

Price: Free Developer: Padcelona, S.L.
Radio Spain / Spanish - Live Radio Stations Online

Radio Spain / Spanish - Live Radio Stations Online

Welcome to your application stations Radios of Spain FM and AM, ideally made for anyone lover of music and entertainment, listen to your stations of the Kingdom of Spain for free live in different regions of the country Spanish...

Price: Free Developer: Esmeralda Donayre
G.A.R.T. (G Augmented Reality Tour)

G.A.R.T. (G Augmented Reality Tour)

Descubre la Barcelona del joven Gaudí en una experiencia única de realidad aumentada y geolocalización. Descarga gratuitamente la aplicación en tu móvil o iPad. Dirígete a la Ciutat Vella de Barcelona y disfruta de una ruta-juego por algunos de los...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Planeta
Fira de Girona

Fira de Girona

El 1984, a la ciutat de Girona, es constitueix legalment la Fundació Fira de Girona, entitat de caràcter oficial, sense ànim de lucre, amb personalitat jurídica pròpia i plena capacitat per a l’acompliment dels seus fins.

Price: Free Developer: Reskyt


L`App dels boletaires es una amplia guía per als amants dels bolets. En ella trobareu amplia informació sobre: - Tipus de Bolets Comestibles i molt valorats. Més de 50 varietats entres les quals: *** Abró de bedoll *** *** Apagallums...

Price: Free Developer: Francesc Navarro Machio
Ajuntament de Barberà

Ajuntament de Barberà

App amb el calendari d'activitats de Barberà del Vallès. Contingut de l'APP: Tota la informació de les activitats mensual. Web en format mòbil Mapa amb els equipaments de la ciutat Accés ràpid a telèfons d'interès Avisos notificacions Accés al Facebook...

Price: Free Developer: Ajuntament de Barberà del Vallès

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