Top 48 Education Apps Like Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. - Best Alternatives

Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Education apps that are similar to Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data.. Pick one from this list to be your new Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Hi Invest: Fundamental Analysis. Stock Market Simulator with Real Historical Data. 2025.



Use the hi-impact app to conveniently submit help tickets from your phone. You can also access guides to common technical issues and discover news and announcements from hi-impact. When installing the app, please allow access to notifications to ensure...

Price: Free Developer: Hi Impact
Ohio Hi-Point Launch

Ohio Hi-Point Launch

Ohio Hi-Point Career Center Launch is your personalized cloud desktop giving access to school from anywhere. Accessible from any device, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center Launch is ideal for BYOD initiatives. Ohio Hi-Point Career Center Launch's multiple views include an...

Price: Free Developer: ClassLink, Inc
Hi English: Learn English

Hi English: Learn English

Learn English, Speak English free with confidence! "Hi English - Learn English" is the best app for learning English for free. Whether you are at beginner or intermediate level, this app can help you become better Features: • Many topics to learn:...

Price: Free Developer: Huu Nguyen Chi
Hi World 海边外教

Hi World 海边外教

Hi World(海边外教)是好未来旗下的在线英语学习品牌。通过欧美外教1对1的在线视频教学,加上全国首创的“名师中教小组课”的教学模式,解决了传统外教1对1学习效果不明显的问题。Hi World借助可互动的优质课堂体验、优秀的师资队伍、自主研发的真正适合中国孩子的教研体系,帮助同学们学习英语有效又省时!让每个孩子学习英语都成为一件有效果、有意思的事情!

Price: Free Developer: 亿度慧达教育科技(北京)有限公司


Hi留学是一个基于互联网的留学服务APP,通过IT技术将留学咨询、留学方案及院校申请实现在线操作,并聚集众多行业内顶尖留学专家将留学经验转化为数据分析规则及申办流程,形成自有的智能留学在线服务系统,免费为你精准匹配到最适合的海外院校,一键申请属于你的名校。 Hi留学通过大数据技术代替参差不齐的知识和经验,并通过数据积累不断提升精度,打破行业机构的信息壁垒,解决服务人员和办理人员的信息不对称导致的服务错位。降低留学办理的门槛让留学服务变得简单高效。 点击下载,开启全新的智能留学申请之旅! 微信公众号:Histudents

Price: Free Developer: 好来互利(天津)科技有限公司
Hawaii HI DOT DMV Driving Test

Hawaii HI DOT DMV Driving Test

The Best Complete Drivers Education App for Driver License Permit Test with videos and official tutorial handbooks. This is your one-stop prep app for your driver license needs in Hawaii DMV. Whether you need a regular Driver License, Motorcycle License...

Price: Free Developer: Roy Dimayuga


“Hi-Finance你好金融”是一家以专业内容和教育方式革新为驱动的学习平台,致力于为金融人和职场精英提供“一站式学习服务”。不再是深涩难懂的金融理论,遍布行业的实战精英为你带来更加学以致用的内容体系,帮助解决实际问题、突破职场瓶颈、构建核心人脉。 【体系课程】 《金融入门通识》 《公司与行业研究》 《财务报表分析》 《公司与股票估值》 《财务建模》 《尽职调查》 《并购重组》 《PE/VC投资与投后管理》 《ABS资产证券化》 《金融商务礼仪》 《财务管理与资产配置》 ……

Price: Free Developer: 上海孵亚贤泽金融信息服务有限公司
Hi baby -  Interactive

Hi baby - Interactive

Extra dimensions of movement and music, surely your baby will be impressed! Hi Baby is a stimulating world of visual and sound scenes designed to engage and delight your baby! 9 Amazing variety scenes, simple and interactive, will make your baby...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Noam Levkovitz
Hi baby lite - Smart app for smart babies

Hi baby lite - Smart app for smart babies

Hi Baby is a stimulating world of visual and sound scenes designed to engage and delight your baby! Add to that the extra dimensions of movement and music, and surely your baby will be impressed! Amazing variety screens, simple and interactive,...

Price: Free Developer: Noam Levkovitz
Hi Nano

Hi Nano

** My second grader (who is an advanced learner) has been glued to this app!! ** Marcy Boudreaux-Johnson, PhD, educator ** Unconventional science app.... worth a look. ** Children's Technology Review Exchange ** The app is a fun way to explore...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Павел Губарев
InvestorPrep: Learn To Invest

InvestorPrep: Learn To Invest

InvestorPrep is a guide that will teach you how to invest in various securities through different styles divided into manageable sections ranging from beginner to advanced. Our original content and simple interface is available for FREE because we believe investing...

Price: Free Developer: Ryan Knightly
FlashCourse: Learn to Invest

FlashCourse: Learn to Invest

The most common trait among the world's wealthiest people is this - all of them understand money and investing. Yes, they know how to make money. But they also know how to invest money. They know how investing works....

Price: Free Developer: FlashCourse, Inc.
Invest 1 Minute in Knowledge

Invest 1 Minute in Knowledge

『Invest 1 Minute in Knowledge』  • Get fresh perspectives on a variety of physics/mathematics topics. Spend 60 seconds digesting one properly-sized article and enjoy learning with our easy-to-use interface!  『FEATURES』  • UPDATE •  Click on "Reload Button" (left side) to update (or load)...

Price: Free Developer: Nagata Mayumi
Mars Invest

Mars Invest

I když to z názvu není úplně patrné, jsme ryze českou společností zaměřující se na investiční příležitosti 21. století Jako konzultačně-obchodní společnost působíme převážně na českém trhu a zaměřujeme se zejména na soukromé investory Díky několikaletým zkušenostem v oblasti...

Price: Free Developer: ITDream


B21Life, cryptocurrency education, and training app. The number one app to learn about cryptocurrency, the technology behind it and the investing process. Not only will we provide short training courses and simple explanations about the world of crypto, but...

Price: Free Developer: B21C Limited
Emergency Nursing 2700 Quiz

Emergency Nursing 2700 Quiz

GET 4 apps for the price of 1. Yes, buy this app & get 3 apps for free. Buy This App & get 3 other embedded apps: -Medical Terminology -Medical Abbreviations -Medical Law & ethics Expand your Emergency nursing expertise on the Go &...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Family Financial Management

Family Financial Management

Managing personal finances can be an interesting and challenging task. FAMILY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ONLINE SIMULATION, 9E is an engaging, interactive online simulation that focuses on budgeting and financial planning. As students work through the simulation, they will learn key...

Price: Free Developer: Cengage Learning
Goodments Academy

Goodments Academy

Have you ever tried learning how to invest? It’s normally pretty complicated and full of technical terms, right? Well, now you can kick complicated to the side and harness simple. The Goodments Academy is the easy and fun way to...

Price: Free Developer: Goodments Pty Ltd
Grow - KidsBank

Grow - KidsBank

• Teach your child how to invest • Give allowance through Grow • Grow encourages your child to invest

Price: Free Developer: mStage


Wir sind das FUNDAMENTAL Schulungszentrum- Dentale Fortbildung seit 1991. Seit 2018 in Remscheid- im Herzen des Bergischen Landes zwischen Ruhrgebiet, Düsseldorf und Köln. Der Name FUNDAMENTAL steht für erstklassige, dentale Fortbildung in einer angenehmen, menschlichen und entspannten Atmosphäre. Wir...

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Farina Blattner
Math Practice for +−×÷ (4 Fundamental Operations)

Math Practice for +−×÷ (4 Fundamental Operations)

STEP-BY-STEP PROGRAMS GENERATE A LOT OF MATH PROBLEMS TO PRACTICE Are you or your kids studying math? If so, do you or your kids solve enough math problems to improve grade? Do you or your kids solve math problems...

Price: Free Developer: Hwansoo Kim
Aprimora Textos Ensino Fundamental

Aprimora Textos Ensino Fundamental

O Aprimora Textos é um aplicativo destinado ao desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura, interpretação e escrita com base nos principais gêneros e tipos textuais utilizados para produção de textos na disciplina de língua portuguesa do ensino fundamental – séries...

Price: Free Developer: Positivo Informatica S.A.
Skybrary – Kids Books & Videos

Skybrary – Kids Books & Videos

"My family loves it! They always use the app when we go on car rides or when they're bored at home. It's good to keep their imaginations going with reading. I totally recommend." - Parent @Gonzachr006 “When it comes to...

Price: Free Developer: Reading Is Fundamental, Inc.
Fundamental Operations of Ints

Fundamental Operations of Ints

The DOST Courseware is a locally-produced, all-original Filipino highly interactive multimedia educational application packages that are conceptualized, digitized and produced as spearheaded by the Science Education Institute (SEI-DOST) in partnership with the Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI-DOST) and...

Price: Free Developer: Science Education Institute
Aprimora Visualizador

Aprimora Visualizador

Aprimora Visualizador é parte do Ecossistema Aprimora EF, um ambiente de aprendizagem adaptativa para Ensino Fundamental. Por meio do Aprimora Visualizador é possível acessar objetos interativos, vídeos e demais conteúdos utilizados no Aprimora EF. Acesse nosso site e conheça mais...

Price: Free Developer: Positivo Informatica S.A.
Basic Computer Fundamental

Basic Computer Fundamental

This Basic Computer Fundamentals application will introduce the basics of Computer to those who do not know very much about computers. This application is for beginners and intermediate users ,This app is useful for those who are starting to...

Price: Free Developer: Amol Shejole
Plural Fundamental 1

Plural Fundamental 1

Aplicativo vinculado à plataforma de ensino Plural. São centenas de aulas, questões comentadas, gerenciamento do seus estudos por área de interesse, desempenho e aproveitamento online.

Price: Free Developer: Fabio Avelar Costa
Plural Fundamental 2

Plural Fundamental 2

Aplicativo vinculado à plataforma de ensino Plural. São centenas de aulas, questões comentadas, gerenciamento do seus estudos por área de interesse, desempenho e aproveitamento online.

Price: Free Developer: Fabio Avelar Costa
Vernier Graphical Analysis 4

Vernier Graphical Analysis 4

Graphical Analysis™ 4 is a tool for science students to collect, graph, and analyze data from Vernier sensors. Sensor data-collection support: • Vernier Go Direct® sensors - with Bluetooth® wireless technology • Vernier Go Wireless® Heart Rate and Go Wireless Exercise Heart...

Price: Free Developer: Vernier Software & Technology
Student Reading Analysis 2

Student Reading Analysis 2

The Student Reading Analysis app has a calculator which provides a quick way to analyze your students reading any text. It calculates the number of words the student read correct, errors and self-corrects as well as their reading level,...

Price: Free Developer: Bugbrained, LLC
Vernier Thermal Analysis Plus

Vernier Thermal Analysis Plus

Vernier Thermal Analysis Plus for FLIR ONE offers all the great features of Vernier Thermal Analysis, and adds time-lapse thermal photography! Mark up to four locations or regions on a thermal image. In a selected region, you can determine minimum,...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Vernier Software & Technology
Finite Element Beam Deflection Analysis

Finite Element Beam Deflection Analysis

Finite element beam deflection analysis performs finite element calculations for statically determinate Euler-Bernoulli beams. The code is written in Objective C, using a matrix library that interfaces BLAS, LAPACK and vDSP functions via the Accelerate Framework. Besides beam deflection...

Vernier Thermal Analysis

Vernier Thermal Analysis

Vernier Thermal Analysis for FLIR ONE allows you to mark up to four locations or regions on a thermal image. In a selected region, you can determine minimum, maximum, or average temperature. Graph temperature data live during an experiment,...

Price: Free Developer: Vernier Software & Technology
Vernier Spectral Analysis

Vernier Spectral Analysis

Our free Spectral Analysis app makes it easy to incorporate spectroscopy into your biology and chemistry labs. Using the app, students can collect a full spectrum and explore topics such as Beer’s law, enzyme kinetics, and plant pigments. The user-friendly...

Price: Free Developer: Vernier Software & Technology
Input Output Analysis For Economics

Input Output Analysis For Economics

FEATURES: + Universal app (iphone & ipad) + Export resources to your email + Creating note + Highlighting & Coloring text + Swipe right/left to move to next/previous chapter + Increasing/decreasing text + In-App support CONTENTS: A. Concept of Input-Output Analysis A.1. Concept of IO Tables A.2. Relationship Between IO...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Yuda Prama Djunaedi
Personality Analysis by Handwriting & Signature

Personality Analysis by Handwriting & Signature

Want to know people through their Handwriting or Signature? Your signature tells the world who you are. Signature analysis says that often, we choose signature styles without knowing they may harm us. Your handwriting and Signature reveal a great deal...

Price: Free Developer: Ujwal Chordiya
Risk Analysis

Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis App is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Published on behalf of the Society for Risk Analysis, Risk Analysis is ranked among the top 10 journals in the ISI Journal Citation Reports under the social...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
CBAP/CCBA Business Analysis

CBAP/CCBA Business Analysis

This application offers 100% coverage of all exam objectives for the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) and Certification of Competency in Business Analysis (CCBA) exams offered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). Detailed coverage encompasses all six...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Alexandru Cebotari
Lock&Stock - Student Lifestyle

Lock&Stock - Student Lifestyle

Earn rewards for not using your phone in class. Rewards can be used to access scholarships and fee waivers from any of our partner universities, OR offers from any of our 300 plus partner brands, including VOX Cinemas,,...

Price: Free Developer: Lock and Stock Technologies FZCO
Student Stock Trader

Student Stock Trader

Student Stock Trader is a simple stock market simulator designed to help students understand how the stock market works. This application lets you setup a stock trading game where players can: * Search Stocks from the NYSE and NASDAQ stock exchanges. *...

Price: Free Developer: LearnWeaver Pty Ltd
Instant Stock Market Simulator

Instant Stock Market Simulator

Practice training against real stock data and then instantly jump to the next trading day to see how your trades play out. In this game you don't need to wait for the next trading day since the app will let...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Matthew Lockyer
Stock Predictor

Stock Predictor

Stock Predictor is a game about technical analysis. Your goal is to predict whether the stock will go up or down in the future, based on real historical data. The stock data is real historical data and there is...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Guanqing Yan
Stock Market Learning 2019

Stock Market Learning 2019

With the Stock Market Learnig app from your savings bank you can easily manage and monitor your account. All information regarding the competition is provided: for pupils/students, teachers, savings bank employees and journalists. Features are: • registration for the competition • individual...

Price: Free Developer: Deutscher Sparkassenverlag
Stock Market Game

Stock Market Game

From better attendance and increased engagement and participation in class to higher test scores and improved academic performance, there are many anecdotes about the educational impact of the SIFMA Foundation's Stock Market Game (SMG). These anecdotes were confirmed when...



Mentor App: Description: Take Stock in Children’s premier mentor app allows mentors to log sessions and communicate with their students. Students can confirm session dates and interact with their mentor and TSIC Affiliate Program in a secure and live...

Price: Free Developer: Take Stock in Children
Stock Net

Stock Net

تطبيق ستوك نت لتحويل وبيع وشراء الرصيد

Price: Free Developer: Islam Hamdy
Finance,Banking & Commerce

Finance,Banking & Commerce

Are you one of those geeks who want to learn through apps? Are books another name for monotony to you? Love all on one platform? Want it all easy and in simple terms? If you are looking for a way, then Finance, Banking...

Price: Free Developer: Edutainment Ventures LLC

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