Top 35 Games Apps Like Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ - Best Alternatives

Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Games apps that are similar to Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ. Pick one from this list to be your new Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Games Like Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar games like Destept - Cultura Generala si IQ 2025.

Vrei sa fi destept?!

Vrei sa fi destept?!

In acest joc exista top 25 cele mai inteligente animale din lume. Incepand cu locul 25 (Calamarul), raspunde la numarul de intrebari alocate pentru fiecare nivel si avanseaza in lantul trofic. Acesta este un joc de cultura generala in care...

Price: Free Developer: TELLARZ SRL
Inteligent - Cultura Generala

Inteligent - Cultura Generala

Inteligent este o aplicatie foarte interactiva care iti ofera sansa te joci, sa faci quiz-uri dar in acelasi timp sa si inveti diferite lucruri noi si interesante de cultura generala. Mii de intrebari in limba romana din numeroase domenii...

Price: Free Developer: Berce Alin
Cultura Chupistica 2 PRO

Cultura Chupistica 2 PRO

"Cultura Chupistica" es un juego social conocido en muchas partes de América. Este juego se basa en conocimientos generales y culturales, la forma de realizarlo puede depender de las reglas especificadas. Disfruta de cultura chupistica con las nuevas ruletas Explicación del...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: AHBGames
Corectilă - Testează-ți cultura generală!

Corectilă - Testează-ți cultura generală!

Corectilă este un joc interactiv unde poți să îți testezi cunoștințele generale, disponibil acum, exclusiv pentru dispozitivele iOS. Află lucruri noi și interesante, bucură-te alături de prieteni sau familie de o experiență unică. Mii de întrebări în limba română...

Price: Free Developer: Eduard Bothazi
Gauzen Izenak

Gauzen Izenak

Gauzen Izenak es un juego para aprender vocabulario en euskera. El juego es un puzzle educativo con diferentes temáticas relacionadas con la cultura y tradiciones de nuestro entorno. Se trata de colocar en un escenario interactivo diferentes piezas en su posición...

Price: Free Developer: Roberto Latxaga
WorldKids App

WorldKids App

O WorldKids é um jogo educativo para crianças de 0 a 6 anos, que permite a elas explorar o mundo de maneira incrível, divertida, lúdica e interativa! Sempre guiada pelo amiguinho do país em que visita e pelo mascote...

Mundo Lanugo en Navidad – Juegos Navideños

Mundo Lanugo en Navidad – Juegos Navideños

Mundo Lanugo is celebrating a Feliz Navidad with fun interactive games that promote the Spanish language while your child enjoys his favorite Christmas theme activities. Kids can enjoy listening to our popular Christmas Carols a.k.a “Villancicos,” cook our favorite...

Price: Free Developer: Lanugo LLC
SAI Juega y Aprende

SAI Juega y Aprende

SAI - Sabiduría Ancestral Indígena - Juega y Aprende despliega una serie de actividades ambientadas en entornos inspirados en la cosmovisión y creatividad de comunidades indígenas Colombianas. La comunicación esta dirigida a los niños, quienes encontrarán en este contenido digital,...

Price: Free Developer: Colombia Games S.A.S
Mimica: Actúa y Adivina

Mimica: Actúa y Adivina

Bienvenido a este juego de adivinanzas, charadas, mímicas muy entretenido con diversas categorías para jugar, en donde junto a tus amigos y familiares podrás divertirte por horas, ya sea en fiestas, cumpleaños, baby showers, juntas con amigos, compañeros de...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: AHBGames


Generala is one of those strange addictions that is better experienced than explained. It's hard to discover what makes rolling those dice over and over again so fun, but it's beyond delight when you finally see those sixes line...

Price: Free Developer: Ironjaw Studios Private Limited
Yatzy Yacht - all versions and strong AI

Yatzy Yacht - all versions and strong AI

Roll the dice, place your results carefully and go for the highscore! Yacht Dice Games is an addictive dice game where you can choose between classic Standard rules (same as in Hasbro Inc's Yahtzee®) or try another variant: Scandinavian...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Scryb
Yacht - Classic with variants

Yacht - Classic with variants

Yacht is the famous 5-of-a-kind dice categories game played around the world be people of all ages. Also known as Yahtzy or other names, the game and it's variants are played around the world. This app collects all of...

Price: Free Developer: MmpApps Corp.
Dice Clubs - Social Dice Poker

Dice Clubs - Social Dice Poker

Challenge your friends from all over the world, rediscover the most popular competitive game ever! *** Over 3 million games every day! Join them now! *** Climb the global leaderboards, complete achievements and compete with up to 4 players...

Price: Free Developer: b-interaktive GmbH
Integrame Pro

Integrame Pro

Integramele sunt un adevărat exercițiu mental ce oferă dezlegătorilor de cuvinte teste de cultură generală, relaxare, confirmarea şi îmbogățirea cunoştințelor în diverse domenii. Aplicația "Integrame" aduce acest fenomen pe iPhone și iPad, oferind în această versiune 800 careuri de cea...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Victor Campeanu
QZ Moldova

QZ Moldova

Aplicația QZ este un joc interactiv de cultură generală ce poate fi descărcat absolut gratuit. Aici iți testezi cunoștințele și ai posibilități reale sa câștigi bani. Zilnic, la 12:30 și la 20:30, conectează-te și alege varianta corectă de răspuns....

Price: Free Developer: Businessmanx
Forme si Culori - Bebelusi

Forme si Culori - Bebelusi

Educarea bebelusului tau Pentru a oferi o diversificare pentru copilul tau si de a combina joaca cu educatia, Forme si Culori este special creata pentru a incapsula toate aceste dorinte. Acest joc contine 3 nivele diferite, toate interactive pentru a atrage...

Price: Free Developer: Cosmin Constantinescu
SI Udin: Puzzle 5 Dasar

SI Udin: Puzzle 5 Dasar

Halo, nama gua Udin, panggil aja gua si Udin, biasanya gua ada di komik strip atau di webtoon. Sekarang gua mau ngajakin lu main permainan 90an namanya abc 5 dasar atau pancasila 5 dasar pasti lu tau kan ? Nah...

Price: Free Developer: Amin Amin
Kode Keras Cewek buat Si Boy

Kode Keras Cewek buat Si Boy

Kode Keras Cewek buat Si Boy adalah lanjutan seri Game Visual Novel dari Digital Artha. Dalam game ini kamu akan memainkan karakter sebagai Si Boy, siswa Lugu, Polos, Culun nan Absurd, dalam mengejar cewek idamannya di sekolah. Bisakah si Boy...

Price: Free Developer: PT. Global Digital Artha
Ripped Apart: A Civil War Mystery

Ripped Apart: A Civil War Mystery

Ever wondered what it’s like to work at the Smithsonian? With the sudden and curious departure of her last intern, Museum Curator Isabella Wagner needs your help solving a mystery dating back to the Civil War. Could there...

Price: Free Developer: Smithsonian Institution
X şi O

X şi O

:: jocul este în întregime în limba română :: - tablă: 3x3, 6x6, 15x15 - 3 niveluri de dificultate - mod online X şi O este un binecunoscut joc clasic. Fiecare participant joacă pe rând. Fiţi primul care pune 3, 4...

Price: Free Developer: Moonlight Apps Ltd
Colorfull: Fill up 50%

Colorfull: Fill up 50%

HOW TO PLAY Hold finger on screen to draw and scale a circle. Release it before hitting other objects. The goal is to fill up 50% or more of the screen to progress on the next level. You get 3 lives and...

Price: Free Developer: Domen Rajteric
Que feriez vous si ?

Que feriez vous si ?

What would you do in those situations ? Answer tons of funny or harsh dilemmas, from what would you do if you woke up as Gandalf to what would you do if you have the possibility to kill a dictator...

Price: Free Developer: Julien Gilson
Tami's Tower - Español

Tami's Tower - Español

¡Es la hora del almuerzo y Tami, la tití león de cabeza dorada, tiene hambre! Ayuda a Tami a alcanzar la deliciosa fruta construyendo una torre. ¡Pero cuidado! Otros animales pueden hacer que la torre de Tami se derrumbe. Del...

Price: Free Developer: Smithsonian Institution
Milkyway Madness

Milkyway Madness

Join the Milkyway Madness race! Manage your way through space, avoid space obstacles, UFOs and collect points. Unlock new spaceships and *compare your best scores to other players. (*req. Game Center account) For all space enthusiasts that NASA won't invite to their space...

Price: Free Developer: Domen Rajteric
IQ - Brain Training

IQ - Brain Training

With thousands of members, IQ offers the most complete and diverse training for your brain. Train your memory, focus, logic and reaction skills with fun and challenging games and personal workouts. 17 games and auto-adapting difficulty levels give you not...

Price: Free Developer: Jan-Niklas FREUNDT
Math IQ Test + Brain Training

Math IQ Test + Brain Training

Do you want to improve your mathematical skills without feeling like work? Now it is possible in a fun and inspiring way! Without notice the skills of math improve and your brain gets important exercise. Soon you will find that...

Price: Free Developer: CodeCube Brothers Partnership
Superb IQ - What's My IQ?

Superb IQ - What's My IQ?

How smart are you in compare to others? Only 10% of People Have an IQ of 120 or Higher! What is Your IQ? How Many Brain Teasers Can You Solve? It’s time to measure your intelligence quotient (IQ) and find out if...

Price: Free Developer: Sharply Labs
IQ Test: The Intelligence Quiz

IQ Test: The Intelligence Quiz

- IQ Test completely in English and free to play (more languages coming soon) - WIth Multiplayer Party Mode and quiz elements - Scientifically developed by students of the University of Rostock (Germany) - With excercise mode: Play all quiz tasks with...

Price: Free Developer: Paul Stelzer
Math Riddles: IQ Test

Math Riddles: IQ Test

Math Riddles level up your IQ with a mix of logical puzzles. Challenge yourself with different levels of math games and stretch the limits of your mind. Brain games are prepared with an approach of an IQ test. YOUR FREE...

Price: Free Developer: Zhengzhou Sibo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Pure Genius - Smart IQ Booster

Pure Genius - Smart IQ Booster

A super challenging and fun IQ-testing game. Have fun solving puzzles. Work your way through • Logical Puzzles • Number Patterns • Impossible grid problems • Equations • AND MUCH MORE! ********************************************** Test and improve your • IQ • Logical Reasoning • Memory • Problem-solving skills • Concentration • Mental performance ********************************************** Prove you...

Price: Free Developer: Xander Terblanche
Brain IQ Test Adventure

Brain IQ Test Adventure

***No AD*** This is IQ test !!!!! Your want know your IQ? Are you a genius or idiot? Just finish this funny test you will find out. Would you like to know your IQ level? Would you want to know who of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pengfei Li
Brainstorm - Weird IQ Test

Brainstorm - Weird IQ Test

***No AD*** This is IQ test !!!!! Your want know your IQ? Are you a genius or idiot? Just finish this funny test you will find out. Would you like to know your IQ level? Would you want to know who of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mai Yangyu
Battle of Brains: IQ Quiz

Battle of Brains: IQ Quiz

!! Battle of Brains - A new form of IQ-test Quiz !! Challenge your friends or the rest of the world with the IQ Quiz game Battle of Brains! If you like Quizgames then you will love Battle of Brains! In Battle...

Price: Free Developer: Atomic Elbow AB
Mathology Puzzle Increase IQ

Mathology Puzzle Increase IQ

Mathology Puzzle is a brain-training, where logic & thinking & math meet fun ,enjoyment, amusement. In our Cool math Games App We will See How To play together. So Kids who play our Mathology Puzzle learn fractions, addition, geometry,...

Price: Free Developer: Phoenix Rising Games

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