Top 29 Education Apps Like Slap The Clap - Best Alternatives

Slap The Clap Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Slap The Clap alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Slap The Clap. Pick one from this list to be your new Slap The Clap app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Slap The Clap on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Slap The Clap - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Slap The Clap alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Slap The Clap 2025.

Slappy Math

Slappy Math

Grow smarter by exercising your brain with these fast math exercises. Sounds easy but you only have one second to do the math and slap the right answer as quickly as you can. How many addition, subtraction, and multiplication...

Price: Free Developer: Dulio Denis
100 Ans de Jeunesse

100 Ans de Jeunesse

Cinema 100 Ans...

Price: Free Developer: Quickflick


[Note: Quickclass is currently available to Teachers and Schools, but not Independent Learners (yet!) Please, independents, don't slap us with a bad review until you've had a chance to properly use our App, in return, we'll work faster...

Price: Free Developer: Quickflick
Belajar&Bermain Inggris GRATIS ~ lebih mudah & menyenangkan. Dengan metode permainan yang efektif, lebih baik dibandingkan menggunakan flashcard.

Belajar&Bermain Inggris GRATIS ~ lebih mudah & menyenangkan. Dengan metode permainan yang efektif, lebih baik dibandingkan menggunakan flashcard.

Akhirnya! Belajar bahasa asing begitu mudah. Satu aplikasi Unik dengan TIGA Teknik yang Sudah Teruji: ▲ Belajar Kelompok Kata (Lebih Cepat!) ▲ Bermain Game dalam 3 Level Seru ▲ Peraga Audio-Visual Menarik (klik More) Tentu saja akan sangat EFEKTIF bila caranya...

Price: Free Developer: CoolForest Publishing
Belajar&Bermain Jepang GRATIS ~ lebih mudah & menyenangkan. Dengan metode permainan yang efektif, lebih baik dibandingkan menggunakan flashcard.

Belajar&Bermain Jepang GRATIS ~ lebih mudah & menyenangkan. Dengan metode permainan yang efektif, lebih baik dibandingkan menggunakan flashcard.

Akhirnya! Belajar bahasa asing begitu mudah. Satu aplikasi Unik dengan TIGA Teknik yang Sudah Teruji: ▲ Belajar Kelompok Kata (Lebih Cepat!) ▲ Bermain Game dalam 3 Level Seru ▲ Peraga Audio-Visual Menarik (klik More) Tentu saja akan sangat EFEKTIF bila caranya...

Price: Free Developer: CoolForest Publishing
Belajar&Bermain Korea GRATIS ~ lebih mudah & menyenangkan. Dengan metode permainan yang efektif, lebih baik dibandingkan menggunakan flashcard.

Belajar&Bermain Korea GRATIS ~ lebih mudah & menyenangkan. Dengan metode permainan yang efektif, lebih baik dibandingkan menggunakan flashcard.

Akhirnya! Belajar bahasa asing begitu mudah. Satu aplikasi Unik dengan TIGA Teknik yang Sudah Teruji: ▲ Belajar Kelompok Kata (Lebih Cepat!) ▲ Bermain Game dalam 3 Level Seru ▲ Peraga Audio-Visual Menarik (klik More) Tentu saja akan sangat EFEKTIF bila caranya...

Price: Free Developer: CoolForest Publishing
Chevady's Happy New Year

Chevady's Happy New Year

特别为幼儿及少儿所研发的节庆英文学习教育益智游戏。 以中国新年为设计主轴,设计多元化的任务式导向型游戏,以激起孩子高昂的学习兴趣,进而高效验收所学课程;是兼具英文学习及休闲娱乐的游戏教育方式。 新年拍拍乐游戏 (New Year's Word Slap) 依据语音的提示,玩家拍打目标单字图片,每答对一次,便可得到一颗金元宝,在一定时间内完成目标即可过关,进入下一关挑战。游戏进行中,要小心别误拍混淆单字,以免被倒扣时间。透过游戏的操作,强化所学。 新年戳戳乐游戏 (New Year's Poking Game) 过新年,好运到,快来玩戳戳乐试试手气吧!玩家需发挥专注力及记忆力,记住目标单字的位置,在时间内戳对格子完成目标。游戏进行中,要小心别误戳到混淆单字或是年兽,以免被倒扣时间或是生命值。透过游戏的操作,强化所学。

Price: Free Developer: Kid Castle Educational Software Co., Ltd Shanghai


[Note: Quickclass is currently available to Teachers and Schools, but not Independent Learners (yet!) Please, independents, don't slap us with a bad review until you've had a chance to properly use our App, in return, we'll work faster...

Price: Free Developer: Quickflick
Learn Arabic : Beginner Fun

Learn Arabic : Beginner Fun

5-Stars ***** from 20,000 total reviews worldwide. 2 million worldwide download. Finally! Truly easier language learning. Combining THREE Proven Techniques into a Fun app : ▲ Word-Group Learning (Faster!) ▲ Fun 3-Level Game Playing Challenges ▲ Audio-Visual Excitement. Of course it's most...

Price: Free Developer: CoolForest Publishing
Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard

Sounds with The Speech Wizard is the second app in The Speech Wizard series. Sounds with The Speech Wizard app was created to increase your child’s sound recognition and listening skills. This is accomplished by having your child listen...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: The Speech Wizard
Freddie the Frog®

Freddie the Frog®

Do you have multiple student iPads at your school? Does your school participate in the Education Volume Purchase Program? You can download multiple copies of the same App from one school account with a 50% Discount! Freddie...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Freddie The Frog®
The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page - Digital English Linguistics Pro

The Talking Page English Linguistics Program is a neurolinguistic based program that instructs English learners using sounds of English phonemes, morphemes, and the writing and spelling of English words in isolation. Neurolinguistics is the study of how the...

Price: Free Developer: The Talking Page (H.K.) Limited
Far East-In the Wardrobe

Far East-In the Wardrobe

Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Far East Book Co., Ltd.
Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God

With this App you will be able to enjoy the teaching Ministry of Matt Smith from Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God. Matt Smith has been the senior pastor of Jonesboro First Assembly since 2007. Under Matt’s leadership,...

Price: Free Developer: Refuge Church of the Assemblies of God
iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

iTalkAtMoog: The First 100 Words

The First 100 Words includes functional vocabulary which occurs throughout a young child's daily routine, such as food, clothing, body parts, animals, colors, numbers and actions. This app will allow parents, teachers and therapists to introduce and practice...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: The Moog Center for Deaf Education The Judaism iPhone App The Judaism iPhone App

Get easy access to Jewish wisdom for living from one of the web’s largest and must trusted Jewish sources. •Daily updates of articles and videos on spirituality, dating, marriage, Israel, Jewish holidays and more. •24-hour live webcam from the Western Wall •Inspiring,...

Price: Free Developer: The Jerusalem Fund, Inc
Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Alien Rescue by The Story Ship

Fast paced interactive asteroid first person shooter game for use during presentations by approved performers of the Story Ship's live theater show, "Aliens Alive!"

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Story Ship
Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Aquarium of the Pacific: Jelly Lab

Raise your very own sea jelly from egg to medusa in the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Jelly Lab. Learn and do what it takes to keep a healthy and growing jelly…from maintaining water circulation to feeding and cleaning....

Price: Free Developer: Aquarium of the Pacific
Aprendizaje Móvil - CLAP

Aprendizaje Móvil - CLAP

Aprendizaje Móvil es una aplicación desarrollada para la plataforma CLAP. Es una solución que permite gestionar iniciativas de formación y distribuir materiales de soporte al trabajo de forma rápida y segura a través de teléfonos inteligentes o Smartphones. Con la...

Price: Free Developer: Hemisferio D SAS
Clip Clap

Clip Clap

Clip Clap-English for Kids es un efectivo método para aprender inglés a partir de 1 año de edad, mediante unas historias muy próximas a los alumnos y a sus intereses. Clip Clap-English for Kids pretende iniciar a los alumnos en...

Price: Free Developer: Monica Bargallo Parra


「賽馬會鼓掌.創你程計劃」是全港首個結合跨界別力量,全面協助在學和待業待學青年規劃前路的項目。計劃其中一個重要目標是建立一套適用於不同青年的全方位生涯規劃介入模式。此Apps是 專為15-21歲待學待業青年人而設的生涯規劃活動,所有活動免費,由自我認識、探索多出路、設計你獨有的CV360、甚至建立屬於你自己的生涯發展歷程,任你選擇。

Price: Free Developer: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bys a Bawd

Bys a Bawd

Gan ddefnyddio realiti estynedig, daw Bys a Bawd â hwiangerddi yn fyw o fewn ap i blant o bob oed. Cyd-ganwch gyda Bedo, y bardd glas, gan ddilyn ei symudiadau i’r caneuon yn eich ystafell fyw! Mae’r ap hefyd...

Price: Free Developer: Galactig
Nursery Rhymes & Poems

Nursery Rhymes & Poems

The Nursery Rhymes App is a collection of different poems, a great source of fun and an educational tool, especially for preschoolers and toddlers. The app has a collection of the favorite Nursery Rhymes/songs that a kid would enjoy....

Price: Free Developer: Shreyes Kejariwal
Little Musician - Rhythm

Little Musician - Rhythm

Help your children learn Rhythm. Get a set of 29 physical Music Cards to play along with the app. These lovely Music Cards contain musical notes, time signature, and counts. Simply tap your Music Cards to the screen and...

Price: Free Developer: BelugaBloo
Doraemon MusicPad – Rhythm and English Educational App for Children

Doraemon MusicPad – Rhythm and English Educational App for Children

Welcome to Doraemon MusicPad! Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Fujiko.F.Fujio, the author of the renowned Japanese comic “Doraemon”, we bring to you and your children a whole new educational app filled with popular characters and phrases from Doraemon! By playing along...

Price: Free Developer: SMARTEDUCATION, Ltd.
Best Nursery Rhymes Collection

Best Nursery Rhymes Collection

Nursery Rhymes has top 25 rhymes , videos and songs in one place. Videos of nursery rhymes, songs are COMPLETELY FREE and OFFLINE. Everyone can enjoy songs and rhymes videos any any time without the need of data/internet connection. Top 25...

Price: Free Developer: VGMinds TechStudios
Kids Song -Over 160 English Kids Song With Lyrics

Kids Song -Over 160 English Kids Song With Lyrics

- Over 160+ English Kids Song. - 11 Disc Catalogue, 16 Songs each Disc. Over 160 Songs. - Random Play all Songs or click icon to play Songs Repeat. - With Lyrics, Children can follow the Songs to learning English Vocabulary. - Support...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: AppsNice

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