Top 20 Education Apps Like educa+ - Best Alternatives

educa+ Alternatives

Do you want to find the best educa+ alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to educa+. Pick one from this list to be your new educa+ app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to educa+ on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like educa+ - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid educa+ alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like educa+ 2025.

Educa Touch

Educa Touch

Educa Touch keeps families in touch with what's happening at their child's education service, and encourages a shared understanding of the child's learning. The Educa Touch app requires an Educa account to log in. What is Educa? Educa is a web-based...

Price: Free Developer: Educa Limited
Educa Explorer Cuerpo Humano.

Educa Explorer Cuerpo Humano.

Descubre interactivamente como funciona tu cuerpo. Esta aplicación complementa el juego Educa Explorer Cuerpo Humano de EDUCA con el que podrás montar el esqueleto y los diferentes órganos del cuerpo. Descarga la app para explorar virtualmente que se siente viajando...

Price: Free Developer: EDUCA BORRAS
Serunión Educa

Serunión Educa

Es la app que Serunión pone a disposición a padres y centros educativos para facilitar toda la información diaria y personalizada de los niños en el colegio, tales como los menús que se sirven, las actividades realizadas en el...

Price: Free Developer: Serunión
Educa: Cursos e Aulas Online

Educa: Cursos e Aulas Online

Que tal começar hoje a fazer o curso que vai ajudar você a melhorar de vida? O Educa é uma plataforma com aulas online sobre os mais diversos temas - de carreira a culinária, passando por apoio escolar, tecnologia...

Price: Free Developer: Movile
Virtual Educa Argentina 2018

Virtual Educa Argentina 2018

Con la aplicación oficial del Encuentro podrás consultar la programación y el área de exposición, conocer más sobre los protagonistas y expertos, acceder a las redes sociales de Virtual Educa y leer las últimas novedades del media center para...

Price: Free Developer: agustin barbetta
Zoom Educa

Zoom Educa

O Zoom Educa fornece uma visão geral e detalhada do desempenho acadêmico da escola a cada avaliação. Isso permite ao gestor planejar ações e fazer intervenções pontuais, com vistas a melhorar a qualidade do ensino e aprendizagem de sua...

Price: Free Developer: Tecnocon - Tecnologia em concursos


Educa Invenitia es la nueva herramienta a través de la cual los estudiantes podrán tener además del contenido de los libros de texto impresos, actividades interactivas: videos, audios, cuestionarios para evaluar su aprendizaje. La nueva App está totalmente rediseñada y...

Price: Free Developer: Geniat, SA de CV
Educa Padres

Educa Padres

Educa Padres es la nueva herramienta a través de la cual los padres podrán tener contacto con los maestros de sus hijos así como acceso a los resultados desde su iPhone o iPad . La aplicación presenta una interfaz muy...

Price: Free Developer: Geniat, SA de CV
Bebê Mais: É divertido e educa

Bebê Mais: É divertido e educa

Bebê Mais foi desenvolvidos sob consultoria pedagógica e psicológica renomada. Estimule o aprendizado do seu bebê com livros e vídeos que apresentam objetos, cores, letras, formas geométricas, números e bichos. Uma ferramenta divertida e inovadora para os pais, que...

Price: Free Developer: Familyes Network Inc.
Higher Education Abstracts

Higher Education Abstracts

This quarterly compilation of abstracts is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Higher Education Abstracts brings you a stimulating, high-impact selection of abstracts from journal articles, research reports, and books pertaining to college students, faculty, administrators, and related...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Kids Song All - 220 Songs

Kids Song All - 220 Songs

### Highest Ranks ### #1 Education App in Angola #1 Education App in Bahrain #1 Education App in Bolivia #1 Education App in Brunei #1 Education App in Cayman Islands #1 Education App in Cambodia #1 Education App in China #1 Education App in Egypt #1 Education App...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: KWOK YU KIN
Quiver Education

Quiver Education

Responding to popular demand, we are thrilled to introduce Quiver Education! The same magical augmented reality colouring experience, but with a focus on educational content and a one time purchase for a lifetime of content! Designed with educators in mind,...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: QuiverVision Limited
Discovery Education Techbook

Discovery Education Techbook

The Discovery Education Techbook™ app serves as a companion to schools and districts who have the Discovery Education Science Techbook™ and Social Studies Techbook™ services. This app can serve as the primary access point for students and teachers...

Price: Free Developer: Discovery Communications


uLektz is the world’s #1 Social and Professional Learning Platform exclusively for higher education. uLektz aims to connect students, educators and all other stakeholders of higher education worldwide to share knowledge, experiences and expertise so as to improve the...

Price: Free Developer: AEL Data Services LLP
Anatomical Sciences Education

Anatomical Sciences Education

The leading anatomy education journal is now available on your iPad and iPhone. Fresh from the newsstand, “Anatomical Sciences Education” brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of Research Reports, Relevant Reviews, Short Communications, Letters to the Editor, and more....

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing


With the aim to bring transparency around the key metrics, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) undertook the unprecedented effort to make all the Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) available to the general public. This app is an effort...

Price: Free Developer: TILICHO LABS LLP


Here is your opportunity to get educated, certified, and employed in one the fastest growing industries. We are the world’s first cannabis education app that was designed to make it easy to get cannabis job training on your iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Sierra Nevada Education LLC
Denver Classroom Teachers Assn

Denver Classroom Teachers Assn

Stay up to date on latest news from the Denver Classroom Teachers Association. DCTA believes public education is the gateway to opportunity. The following six core values guide our work, define our mission and inform everything we do together: Equal Opportunity...

Price: Free Developer: The Denver Classroom Teachers Association
Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect

Education Galaxy Connect allows teachers and school administrators to quickly and easily connect with their online Education Galaxy accounts. Parents can now connect with their child’s account to improve the home/school connection. Teachers will be able to: 1. Pull 7 Different...

Price: Free Developer: Education Galaxy

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