Do you want to find the best Eid-ul-fitr Greeting alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Entertainment apps that are similar to Eid-ul-fitr Greeting. Pick one from this list to be your new Eid-ul-fitr Greeting app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Eid-ul-fitr Greeting on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Eid-ul-fitr Greeting alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like Eid-ul-fitr Greeting 2025.
We developed simple and easy application for the festival of EID. Send eid sms and wishes to your friends and family. Features of Application: • Eid Mubarak SMS is Completely offline application • More than 1000+ Eid Sms • Easily share eid greetings to...
Congratulate your Friends, family and relatives on Eid or in Ramadan is sunnah. Let's send Eid Greetings cards / quotes to your friends and family in a unique and beautiful way. You can congralutate or send greetings by text or by...
Send your loved ones beautiful digital Eid greetings. The app provides huge collection of EID CARDS customizable with your personal message and name. More cards will be added progressively that will sync automatically in the app. No need to...
Bangla natok bangla song or like we all. bd natok very difficult to find people who do not like. bangladeshi natok a main part of our culture. In those bangla nayok mosharraf karim, tahsan natok very popular. mosharraf karim...
This app (Mehndi Designs) contains the new styles and designs of mehndi. Are you finding best mehndi design? Then Lastest Mehndi design is helpfull for you. Mehndi designs app contain lots of varieties of designer mehndi styles. Mehdin also known...
All Festival SMS and Greetings Application full pack and the amazing collection of cute beautiful and smart greeting Wishes cards and Messages of all major festivals holidays and observations celebrated worldwide. Design Choose make Send and Share festivals Greeting...
We understand the importance of wishing your loved ones, whether it’s a special occasion or important festivals. We have special wishes for every important occasions or festivals of your life. Download our iPhone/iPad app now and don't miss a single...
All Wishes Images is one amazing all wishes images and greeting cards app that offers you to choose from an amazing and huge collection of wishes and greeting card images. Have handcrafted images of wishes and greetings for every...
Easy mehndi designs videos step by step is free IOS hinna (mehndi) designs app that contains videos of creating Arabic , bridal and many more mehndi designs step by step. It also contains videos of henna designs of feet,...
Bilal apps ones again made for you 99 Names of ALLAH with Amharic Translation for Ethiopian Muslim alhamdulilah
More Than 10,000 baynat/lectures in Urdu, English and Arabic. Bayanat in both Audio format. Update new Islamic lectures (Bayanat) daily. Ability to maintain favorite list of bayanat Ability do search audio bayan Apps includes bayanat of more than 200 famous Islamic scholars including following. A...
Aplicația Opera Cluj oferă utilizatorilor posibilitatea unui contact permanent cu activitatea Operei Naționale Române Cluj-Napoca, facilitându-le acestora accesul către programul lunar al reprezentațiilor, dar și către achiziționarea online a biletelor. Pe lângă datele minimale de indentificare a producțiilor (titlul,...
Dragi prieteni, PitiClic vă felicită pentru curajul de a vă aventura pe tărâmul isteţimii şi vă provoacă la jocul "Trei în linie". Scopul jocului: Jocul "Trei în linie" face parte din categoria jocurilor de strategie adresate copiilor. Jocul urmăreşte...
Version without ads. Happy Mother’s day! Thank your mum and give the gift of love this year with these heartwarming mother’s day cards! In Happy Mother’s day greeting cards and messages application, you can find the best greetings and messages...
Happy Mother’s day! Thank your mum and give the gift of love this year with these heartwarming mother’s day cards! In Happy Mother’s day greeting cards and messages application, you can find the best greetings and messages to share...
Greeting Box is the best design app for sending free greeting cards to your loved ones. Add the test you want, with the ability to rotate them. This app has high resolution cards designed for every occasion like birthdays, anniversary,...
"Best greeting sayings & wishes collection to wish and celebrate Merry Christmas Christmas is round soon, time for lots of fun and gifts. It's the time of the year for joy and happiness. Download and share the best Christmas and...
‘Birthday greeting cards & stickers – Photo editor’ is a birthday greeting cards app with best pic editor and photo editor tool to create memorable b’day e-cards in your own style and to add text on your photos so...
Version without ads. Birthday greeting cards with stickers – Photo editor is a birthday greeting cards app with best pic editor and photo editor tool to create memorable b’day e-cards in your own style and to add text on your...
Version without ads. ‘Birthday greeting cards & stickers – Photo editor’ is a birthday greeting cards app with best pic editor and photo editor tool to create memorable b’day e-cards in your own style and to add text on your...
Birthday greeting cards with stickers – Photo editor is a birthday greeting cards app with best pic editor and photo editor tool to create memorable b’day e-cards in your own style and to add text on your photos so...
Greeting Cards lets you personalize and send awesome greeting cards from your phone to your friends, family, and beyond, via mail. Quickly find great cards for: • Christmas • New Year • Valentine's Day • Love • Wedding • Birthday • Halloween • Women's Day • Mother's Day •...
With over 40K greeting cards on the platter, is the best App today for sending free cards and wishes to your loved ones. The App has wonderful cards for everyday occasions like birthdays, anniversary, wedding, marriage, friendship, family,...
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