Top 38 Education Apps Like Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual - Best Alternatives

Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual. Pick one from this list to be your new Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Hic Et Nunc Timer - customizable, easy, visual 2025.

UChicago HIC in Hong Kong

UChicago HIC in Hong Kong

Visit and explore the Heritage Interpretation Centre at the University of Chicago's Hong Kong Campus. When you use this app together with your smartphone, you get to choose how you enjoy the Heritage Interpretation Center. Simply keep your phone in-hand...

Price: Free Developer: Encurate Mobile Technology, LLC
Osmanlıca ElifBa

Osmanlıca ElifBa

Kur’an harfleri ile yazılan ve Türklerin İslamiyet’e girdikten sonra tercih ettikleri yazı şekli, genel itibariyle uzun zaman kullanılmadığından unutulmuş, kısmen de bu yazıya karşı ünsiyet kaybolmuştur. Osmanlı döneminde kullanıldığından bahisle ağırlıklı olarak Osmanlıca denilen Türkçemiz, günümüze gelindiğinde öğrenilmeye gayret...

Price: Free Developer: Hayrat Neşriyat
Dil Okulu: İngilizce

Dil Okulu: İngilizce

Appstore'un EN ÇOK SATAN #2 numaralı uygulaması olarak tüm kullanıcılarımıza teşekkür ederiz. DESTEK Her türlü destek talep ve önerilerinizi @uidlecom twitter hesabına ulaşarak yapabilirsiniz. --------------------------------------------- SIK SORULAN SORULAR - Neden hatırlatıcı mesajlarda, sürekli aynı kelimeler çıkıyor. + Sınavlara girip tamamladığınızda uygulama seviyenizi tekrar belirleyip hatırlatıcı...

Price: Free Developer: Uidle
Dil Okulu: İngilizce Pro

Dil Okulu: İngilizce Pro

Appstore'un EN ÇOK SATAN #2 numaralı uygulaması olarak tüm kullanıcılarımıza teşekkür ederiz. DESTEK Her türlü destek talep ve önerilerinizi @uidlecom twitter hesabına ulaşarak yapabilirsiniz. --------------------------------------------- SIK SORULAN SORULAR - Neden hatırlatıcı mesajlarda, sürekli aynı kelimeler çıkıyor. + Sınavlara girip tamamladığınızda uygulama seviyenizi tekrar belirleyip...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Uidle


Öğrenci Öğretmen iletişimi hiç bu kadar kolay olmamıştı! Mobledu; Mobil uygulamaları, Web Yönetim ve Raporlama araçları ile öğrenci ve öğretmenlere hızlı, kolay ve pratik bir iletişim sistemi sunar. Mobledu sistemini kullanan okulunuzun size vereceği login bilgileri ile Mobledu'ya hemen giriş...



Pratik Okuma ile hiç bir yazılım kurulumu yapmadan internet üzerinden ve sadece cihazınızın kamerasını kullanarak dilerseniz Deneme Sınavlarını yada Konu Tarama testlerini sadece 2sn'de okutabilir, sonuçlarını görebilir, konu analizi alabilir, karne bastırabilir, sınavı yada testi uygulamış olan diğer öğrenciler...

Price: Free Developer: Kaan Agca
Latin App

Latin App

If you are taking Latin I, this is the study app for you. Created by a teacher at the Foote School in New Haven, CT, to help middle schoolers study verb, noun, and adjective forms, the Latin App makes...

Price: Free Developer: Andrew Sweet
Ehliyet Sınavı

Ehliyet Sınavı

Ehliyet sınavı sırasında trafik işaretlerini eksiksiz okumanız beklenir. Sınavlar sırasında gelebilecek tüm işaretler bu eğitim setinde. Siz bile tüm işaretleri nasıl öğrendiğinize şaşıracaksınız. Trafik işaretlerini öğrenebileceğiniz en güçlü IOS uygulamasıdır. O kadar ileri gittik ki, nerdeyse her trafik tabelasını...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tuncer KARAARSLAN


Kuran-ı Kerim olmasaydı, Yaratıcımızı nasıl tanırdık? Allah'ın bize verdiği nimetlerin, güzelliklerin nasıl farkına varırdık? Bizden neler istediğini, nelere karşı uyardığını, dünya denilen bu gezegende nelerle karşılaşacağımızı nasıl öğrenirdik? 11 yaşında biri olarak kimilerine göre küçük sayılsam da, Kitabımız Kuran’la ilgili...

Price: Free Developer: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
iTooch CE1 Français et Maths

iTooch CE1 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 3 000 exercices, iTooch CE1 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CE1 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CE2 Français et Maths

iTooch CE2 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 6 000 exercices, iTooch CE2 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CE2 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CM1 Français et Maths

iTooch CM1 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 8 000 exercices, iTooch CM1 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CM1 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CM2 Français et Maths

iTooch CM2 Français et Maths

Avec plus de 9 000 exercices, iTooch CM2 est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CM2 en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
iTooch CP Français et Maths

iTooch CP Français et Maths

Avec plus de 3 000 exercices, iTooch CP est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre les programmes scolaires du CP en MATHEMATIQUES et en FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées par plus de 4.000.000...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: eduPad Inc.
Classes de mots - Exercices et règles de grammaire française pour école et étudiants FLE

Classes de mots - Exercices et règles de grammaire française pour école et étudiants FLE

Apprenez à reconnaître les classes de mots en français et entraînez-vous grâce aux 1 000 questions regroupées en exercices thématiques. C'est un outil pédagogique au service des élèves et des enseignants... ▸ 1 000 exercices (200 gratuits, 800 en achat intégré). ▸...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antoine van Eetvelde
Antura et les Lettres (Darija)

Antura et les Lettres (Darija)

Aidez vos enfants à apprendre l’Arabe avec ce jeu GRATUIT plusieurs fois primé! La lecture se transforme en une aventure grâce à l’adorable chien Antura. Retrouvez les lettres arabes cachées à travers le monde, résolvez des puzzles et gagnez des...

Price: Free Developer: Video Games Without Borders
Participes passés - Exercices et règles de grammaire

Participes passés - Exercices et règles de grammaire

Participes passés est l'application pour maîtriser les participes passés. Découverte, règles et beaucoup d'exercices pratiques, l'app est conçue pour être utile à l'école comme à la maison : DES MILLIERS D'EXERCICES ▸ 1.200 exercices de participes passés à accorder, ▸ 500 exercices...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Antoine van Eetvelde
Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires

Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires

L’application Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires c’est l’histoire d’une rencontre. La rencontre entre un petit garçon exemplaire, un modèle de courage et d’intelligence, et des enfants différents, extra-ordinaires, qu’il va aider à apprendre un grand nombre de choses. Sans aucun...

Price: Free Developer: LEARNENJOY
Pierre et le loup

Pierre et le loup

•19/20 - « Pierre et le loup dans une version poétique et ludique exceptionnelle » •Label « Appli Géniale » - « Poésie et musique au diapason » •« Un joli tour de magie à savourer par...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: France Televisions Distribution SA
Ten Key Timer

Ten Key Timer

Simple incrementing and decrementing timer with start and end alarm sound. Also provides a 5 second pre-timer to allow user time to focus on the task and ready themselves to start.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Bruce James
Visual Timer 4 Kids & Teachers

Visual Timer 4 Kids & Teachers

One of kind touch timer app. Set Timer with Just 2 touches. Read Some of our reviews: (The iPhone App Review) "The app presents us with a very touch-oriented and quite beautiful timer for the iPad, providing us with a nifty...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Oneeb Bhutta
Tico Timer - your fun timer for children!

Tico Timer - your fun timer for children!

Tico Timer is a fun visual timer for children. ********************************************************* PRAISE FOR TICO TIMER: "Tico Timer is a really great idea. It works like magic to fit my needs." - ~ Geeks With Juniors "Tico Timer is also a fabulously different little timer...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ricardo Fonseca
Classroom Fluency Timer

Classroom Fluency Timer

Fully fudgeable classroom timer! Timers are arbitrary by definition, and they will go off when they go off, which may not be when you want then to go off. But you can control thiss. Use gestures to discretely...

Price: Free Developer: Jeff Holtzkener
EZ Timer & Stopwatch

EZ Timer & Stopwatch

• Unique -- Beautiful -- Practical It’s amazing how often we all need a timer or a stopwatch. Our busy lives are surrounded with needs for this App. There are many visual and colorful attributes throughout the App and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Anderson
Mouse Timer

Mouse Timer

Mouse Timer is a cute VISUALIZED TIMER for everyone who wants to measure and/or visualize the time, especially for kids who have hard time understanding the length of time. The app expresses the length of time with a cute little,...

Price: Free Developer: LITALICO Inc.
Speech Timer for Speakers

Speech Timer for Speakers

------------------------------------------------------ This app has helped more than 4000 speakers so far On average 120 speakers use this app every day ------------------------------------------------------ For Timers - This app helps you to deliver the perfect "Timer's Report" with minimal effort. So, you...

Price: Free Developer: Priyanka Suduge
This for That: Visual Timer

This for That: Visual Timer

Support your child’s sense of time during activities with This for That: Visual Timer, developed by PixelAtion Labs! Visual timers are great assistive tools for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Visual timers are useful for working on...

Price: Free Developer: Center for Autism and Related Disorders
LSAT Test Timer

LSAT Test Timer

LSAT Timer App Features: 1. Practice LSAT Test * Re-arrange and delete test sections that will be reflected while doing the test * Timer that will show how much time has passed and the remaining time on the section. * User prompts...

Price: Free Developer: John Christopher Lopez
Easy Customizable Flash Cards

Easy Customizable Flash Cards

This app is a customizable flash card generator (text only). Simply create and save your own lists by entering your words and/or sentences, separated by commas. You can also use voice to text if able (just remember to say...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Reading Specialists of Long Island, LLC
I-Connect Self-Monitoring

I-Connect Self-Monitoring

Who should use I-Connect? Research has proven I-Connect to be very successful for students with a diverse range of learning needs and/or disabilities, I-Connect has been effectively used to improve academic and behavioral outcomes for students with diagnosed...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Kansas
PicoToONs - Colouring book

PicoToONs - Colouring book

PicoToONs is a unique creative colouring book crafted with love and passion dedicated for children at all ages. Nothing sparks imagination more than a beautiful illustrations waiting to being filled with creativity and PicoToONs is full to the brim with...

Price: Free Developer: Boleslaw Walczyk
Education Spotlight

Education Spotlight

Education Spotlight is a must-have app for education researchers and educators brought to you by Wiley. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key conferences and latest...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Japanese Workbook for Kana/Kanji/Vocabulary

Japanese Workbook for Kana/Kanji/Vocabulary

This is an excellent study application for a serious Japanese learner to improve reading/writing/listening skills in Japanese. It can be used for independent study or it can be used as a supplement to whatever class you...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Topleftsoft LLC
Pronoun Heroes

Pronoun Heroes

Pronoun Heroes is an engaging way to teach inspiring superheroes the use of pronouns. Created by certified speech-language pathologists and developed by Smarty Ears Apps, Pronoun Heroes teaches and reinforces the use of pronouns in multiple ways. The comic...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Sight Words List - Learn to Read Flashcards Games

Sight Words List - Learn to Read Flashcards Games

"Fun, simple, and fully customizable. I can even create my own lists. Love it!" - iPhone Mom and Teacher Help Your Child Learn to Read Sight Words, also known as the Dolch List are an integral part in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Innovative Mobile Apps
Simplex Math

Simplex Math

A comprehensive and fun space-themed math learning and skill app for kids and teachers! Does your child need help with math skills? This math learning app, with onboard statistics tracking, is the perfect tool for children, parents, and teachers. Remove...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Pyxwise Software Inc.
Writing Wizard - Handwriting

Writing Wizard - Handwriting

"Fantastic, customizable tracing practice with fun rewards." 5 Stars - Common Sense Media 220,000 units sold (75,000 to schools) ! Writing Wizard is designed to help every child learn how to trace letters, numbers, and words through a fun system carefully...

Price: Free Developer: L'Escapadou

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