Do you want to find the best Aramaic Alap Beth Now alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Education apps that are similar to Aramaic Alap Beth Now. Pick one from this list to be your new Aramaic Alap Beth Now app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Aramaic Alap Beth Now on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Aramaic Alap Beth Now alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Aramaic Alap Beth Now 2025.
Aramaic Verb Parsing allows students of Biblical Aramaic to practice verb parsing. Based on the textbook that you select, the app is able to only select forms you would have learned up to the current chapter in your textbook....
Lerne aramäische Wörter - Learn Aramaic Words - Ilaf Mele Suryoye.
Who are the Assyrians? This independent app is social, informative, educational and revolutionary for the Assyrian community! Enjoy meeting and talking to other Assyrians around the world in group and private chat groups, learn conversational phrases in both the...
It’s about time that we start using the modern tools in today’s society to preserve and develop the Assyrian/Aramaic language, a language that for many years was forbidden to be taught in our native countries in the Middle East....
ARABIC DICTIONARY Arabic Dictionary is a dictionary that translates words and phrases from English to Arabic. We have a collection of more than 87,000 English words in an offline dictionary, with offline meaning of English words in Arabic language. The best thing...
Learn Syriac Alphabet Now is a learning tool to help you learn to read and write the Syriac alphabet in several scripts. The entire alphabet is presented in 8 lessons that cover Serto, Estrangela and Madnhaya scripts and vowel...
"The House of Treasures" is the collection of all hymns of the syriac-orthodox-Church Because the App is almost completely in aramaic you will need the Fonts on your mobile phone (pre Installed since iOS 9; If you have an earlier...
The Bible Study app features online Jewish texts with niqqud and cantillation. offered freely download for public service. Clicking on a verse directs to a page with commentaries, translations and more biblical sources like Quoting commentary, Midrash, Talmud, Quotation, Mishnah,...
Bible Vocab is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary from the Greek New Testament and the Hebrew Old Testament. Watch our online tutorial here: Professor Robert Plummer (co-author of Going Deeper with New Testament Greek) said about...
This app is for children to learn the sound of the Assyrian alphabet (alap-beth). This app helps children to learn the right way of writing the letters by tracing them.
This app is for children to practice the sound of the letters of the Assyrian Alphabet.
(FREE VERSION HAVE LIMITED GHATHA) This application designed using principles of Cognitive Science, Intuitive Language Learning Psychology, NLP and Tools & Techniques Mnemonics(memory training) to help all to learn Logassa Stotra in a Playway Method. More than 10 distinct features...
(FREE VERSION HAVE LIMITED SHLOKAS) This application designed using principles of Cognitive Science, Intuitive Language Learning Psychology, NLP and Tools & Techniques Mnemonics(memory training) to help all to learn Ganpati Shlok in a Playway Method. More than 10 distinct features...
(FREE VERSION HAVE LIMITED DOHA/CHOPAI) This application designed using principles of Cognitive Science, Intuitive Language Learning Psychology, NLP and Tools & Techniques Mnemonics(memory training) to help all to learn Hanuman Chalisa in a Playway Method. More than 10 distinct features...
This application helps all to learn Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra (Partial Stotra). Following are salient features: - Dwadash Jyotirling Stotra's Animation film (Partial Stotra) with music composed specifically for the app - Huge R&D for scripting Animation film to show a...
Magyarország kedvence visszatért. A HVG ajánlásával! Az véleménye: "egy valóban remek angol szókincsfejlesztő" Tanuld meg a teljes nagyszótárt egy izgalmas, addiktív játék keretében! Unod már a szótárazást vagy Te sem szeretsz szavakat magolni? Tanulj akár utazás közben, üsd el a várakozás...
Welcome to Beth Haven Christian School in Louisville, Kentucky! School Mission: Beth Haven Christian School, in partnership with families, exists to graduate Christian leaders who seek to impact their world for the Lord Jesus Christ through academic excellence and spiritual...
Congregation Beth Messiah is a Messianic Synagogue in Houston, TX. We are a diverse community of families from all over the Houston metroplex area who gather every Shabbat for one reason: we want to create a space for Jewish...
This is the official Congregation Beth Yeshua Philly app. These app features will keep you up to date with the Beth Yeshua community so you can stay involved anywhere: - Events - Messages - Sermon notes - Blogs - Tithes, Offerings and Donations - Messianic Jewish...
Welcome to the new ‘Our school’ Smartphone app for our parent and student community. Download this app to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at Yeshivah - Beth Rivkah. It features School Events, School news,...
Living Proof Ministries, founded by Beth Moore (1994) is dedicated to encourage people to come to know and love Jesus Christ through the study of scripture. “For the Word of God is living and active…” Hebrews 4:12 For more information about LPM,...
En esta versión se incluye: * Mejoras en la usabilidad y estabilidad de la aplicación. * Hemos incluido un Modo Offline * Reconstruimos la interfaz de redacción de mensajes. * Hemos Mejorado el selector de destinatarios al redactar mensajes. * Incluimos un nuevo...
Temple Beth Sholom in Cherry Hill New Jersey's mobile application for staying up to date on all of the happenings in our synagogue. Check us out online at
Kids Read Now partners with school districts to close the achievement gap by providing a proven summer reading program. Our formula is simple: Read a book, get a book, all summer long.
Esta aplicación gratuita te ofrece diez lecciones como ejemplo, para que puedas determinar si este curso funciona para tí. Now You’re Fluent™ / Ahora sí hablas con fluidez™ es un manual de traducción autodidáctico de un año de duración. En...
At Monash University, we're committed to providing a safe community for all students, staff and visitors. If you've experienced a sexual assault or inappropriate sexual behaviour, we are here to provide support and encourage you to seek help. You...
SAP ENABLE NOW AR es una herramienta de soporte en procesos de venta y preventa de aplicaciones SAP a través de tecnologías de Realidad Aumentada y Realidad Virtual.
This free app provides ten sample lessons so that you can decide whether our course works for you. Now You’re Fluent™ is a year-long self-study translation course. In bite-sized lessons of only 6 to 7 lines per day, we...
“Warren's Advanced English” is a self-study English course for Chinese speakers. It is probably the most comprehensive, advanced, and easy-to-use self-study English course ever created. We urge you to try the free download, which provides 12 free lessons, so...
Attainment has been making augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools for 25 years. Our experience is front and center in GoTalk NOW, a flexible, easy-to-use, yet powerful app for people who have difficulty speaking. NOW combines the simplicity of GoTalks...
Now and Next cards, sometimes referred to as “First - Then”, are a visual communication tool that allow you to articulate a current activity - “now” and the one following it - “next”. This enables and supports communication at...
Attainment has been making augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools for 25 years. Our experience is front and center in GoTalk NOW LITE, a communication app that introduces you to the flexibility, ease of use, and power of Attainment’s...
OnMat Now is a portal specifically designed for the user to have access to the revolutionary OnMat system. OnMat Now’s approach in studio management allows owners and instructors to spend more time on the mat with the students while...
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