Top 30 Utilities Apps Like iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display - Best Alternatives

iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display Alternatives

Do you want to find the best iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Utilities apps that are similar to iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display. Pick one from this list to be your new iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like iDigital Big2 Alarm Clock - Biggest Time Display 2025.

iDigital Desk Clock - Clean, Clear To the Point

iDigital Desk Clock - Clean, Clear To the Point

Do you ever wanted to look at old fashioned Desk Clock? Well here it is! Features • ABSOLUTELY NO ADS. Do we need to say anything more? (IAP required to unlock items) • Most realistic looking digital alarm desk clock...

Price: Free Developer: Saliha Bhutta
Phone Security Alarm Lite

Phone Security Alarm Lite

*This app is developed by my 14 years old son, Wern Jie Phone Security Alarm is a high quality app that can notify you when your phone is touched or taken whenever you are not aware. Whether it is your family...

Price: Free Developer: Eng Tat Lim
Phone Security Alarm Pro

Phone Security Alarm Pro

*This app is developed by my 14 years old son, Wern Jie Phone Security Alarm is a high quality app that can notify you when your phone is touched or taken whenever you are not aware. Whether it is your family...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Eng Tat Lim


SIM-Alarm is an application for easier control of your GSM alarm EMA. There is no need to remember SMS codes or to have them written in the SMS or even somewhere else! This application takes care about everything. When you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Denis Cerny
Smash Alarm

Smash Alarm

Smash Alarm™ : use impact detection to silence or snooze your alarm Using Smash Alarm™ you never need to pick up the iphone or swipe again: just hit the bedside table once to snooze it or twice to silence...

Price: Free Developer: Rawfish
Angry Dog Alarm

Angry Dog Alarm

Angry Dog Alarm uses positive and negative reinforcement to get you out of bed in the morning. Your pet dog is cute and pleasant most of the time, but becomes easily angered when you do not get up on...

Price: Free Developer: David Crawford
Math Alarm

Math Alarm

This fun new application combines several novel features that are sure to wake you up and get you going. When the alarm sounds, simply answer the math problem and the alarm turns off. This minor mental activity is sure...

Price: Free Developer: Ken Development
Mindful Alarm Clock

Mindful Alarm Clock

Getting up is not easy; remembering why you wanted to get up when the alarm goes off – even harder. With Mindful Alarm you will: 1.Wake gently to the sound of the ancient gong 2.Listen to your own personalized pre-recorded...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: The Research Den
Scold Alarm: Fun alarm clock

Scold Alarm: Fun alarm clock

Now you can have your very own U.S. Army Drill Instructor to wake you up in the morning! How cool is that? No more jangling, jarring alarm clocks! No more jumping three inches off the bed when your alarm goes...

Price: Free Developer: Warren Ryan
Smile Alarm

Smile Alarm

Smile Alarm is not your ordinary alarm clock application. Smile Alarm is something new... SmileAlarm features Gesture recognition technology, a new way to wake up in the morning. With Smile Alarm,you can turn off your alarm in a new...

Price: Free Developer: Paxcel Technologies Pvt. LTD.
Alarm Clock HD by iLuv

Alarm Clock HD by iLuv

Introducing the Alarm Clock HD by iLuv! Alarm Clock HD is a basic and easy to use alarm clock app but there’s more to it. When you download Alarm Clock HD to your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch,...

Price: Free Developer: iLuv-Creative Technology
Chess Clock Pro - Timer for your games

Chess Clock Pro - Timer for your games

△ △ △ △ △ Chess Clock Pro △ △ △ △ △ Chess Clock Pro is a practical and useful application for all lovers of the game of chess. Two clocks accurate to the hundredth of a second and a...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli


It's about time - for the most personal analog clock for your iOS device FEATURES Background videos imported via iTunes or linked from YouTube. Numerous customization options to adjust - colors, - sizes, - shapes, ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Christian Deckert
Kids Activity Clock

Kids Activity Clock

Parents know it can be difficult for young children to keep track of time and daily schedules. With the Kids Activity Clock app, parents can let your child see a visual display of scheduled activities. Children can use the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Edwards LLC
Snow Mountain Animated Clock FREE

Snow Mountain Animated Clock FREE

The Snow Mountain Animated Clock FREE is basically a clock with an ANIMATED snow that will fall for ever on your screen!. It includes 7 different breathtaking Mountains colorful backgrounds! Relax your self during the office working hours...

Price: Free Developer: David iSoft
A.V. Clock and Alarm FREE

A.V. Clock and Alarm FREE

+ From user comments: "Love this clock!" ***** + Inspired by life history of clockmaker John Harrison. AV Clock and Alarm is a classical magnificent antique golden pocket clock with alarm function. Pocket clock has been made especially...

Price: Free Developer: Alexey Vlaskin
Analog Digital Clock

Analog Digital Clock

#1 Utility / #2 overall in Holland! This clock was made by videoing someone actually painting the time! He's inside your phone with a bucket of paint and manually changes the digits on an old-school digital clock. The "Analog Digital" app...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Maarten Baas
Wooden Clock

Wooden Clock

There are literally hundreds of iPad "clock" apps ... so why make another? Wooden Clock is an homage to a time before clocks were digital and silent - before they became an expected set of numbers on every electronic device...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Emerson Design
Chess Clock (Merkmatics)

Chess Clock (Merkmatics)

A World-Class Game Clock for iOS. Updated for iOS 8 and the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The most accurate, high performance, customizable and user friendly game clock on the App Store. It provides the highest accuracy timing that iOS...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Merkmatics
OLED Clock

OLED Clock

No burn-In! This digital clock is perfectly suited for the OLED display in iPhone X, because the clock won't stand still on the screen but moves around constantly using any available pixel of the screen over time. Also it...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Moeller


European Predator Fish Championship. This European predator fish tournament is similar like the fishing tournaments held in the USA. In this fishing tournament we fish on 3 species of predator fish. The Predatortour will be held in Europe. See how Europe’s...

Price: Free Developer:


Watch and select the cheapest prices to buy/sell/exchange of more than 1000 cryptocurrencies. Compare prices from the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in real time in one page with edge 2 edge design for the biggest view ever! Portfolio of your wallet. Notification Price...

Price: Free Developer: CRYPall Ltd.
geomagnetic device and url net

geomagnetic device and url net

With a "back" button that allows you to return to the previous page you viewed while you are browsing, or a map with GPS function with a sensor that responds to geomagnetism and by pushing the button,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: mlet co.,ltd
iWebmaster Tools - Website SEO

iWebmaster Tools - Website SEO

iWebmaster Tools is an extremely useful all-in-one webmaster SEO app for iPhone and iPad which helps you optimize your websites for higher search engine rankings. It provides website information and data that every webmaster needs for SEO. Webmaster Tools: SEO Report Analyse...

Price: Free Developer: David Parkinson
KV Üürikad

KV Üürikad

KV Üürikad – Leia endale üürikorter Otsid üürikorterit, aga sobivat pakkumist on raske leida? Või leidsid sobiva üürikorteri, aga keegi oli kiirem? Sellisel juhul loe kindlasti edasi! Rakendus „KV Üürikad“ aitab üürikorteri leida kõige kiiremini ja mugavamalt. Sul ei jää...

Price: Free Developer: AllePal
MI Toolbox

MI Toolbox

Finally, for all Mechanical Integrity personnel!! At your fingertips, a calculator with the most used MECHANICAL INTEGRITY inspection formulas,API inspection formulas and TABLES FOR VARIABLES at one place!! No need to be at your computer to run calculation...

Price: Free Developer: Tamer Ghobrial
ParcelBroker AR

ParcelBroker AR

Using the latest AR technology, ParcelBroker AR: Box Measure & Send allows users to point their camera at a box they need to send, displaying its dimensions and giving an instant price estimation. ParcelBroker has teamed up with the biggest...

Price: Free Developer: Magpie Solutions Ltd
Phone and web

Phone and web

This time, we have added 1. Telephone function in our latest version for sick or elderly people,the model which is Japanese Gala Kay style(old fashion) with memory functio.It is said the average of the span of life is now very...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: mlet co.,ltd
Left Hand Robotics

Left Hand Robotics

The Left Hand Robotics RT-1000 is a state-of-the-art GPS-navigated robot that operates autonomously to address the biggest problem commercial, residential and municipal snow management operators face – the high, unpredictable cost of manual, snow removing labor.

Price: Free Developer: Left Hand Robotics, Inc

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