Top 48 Book Apps Like Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot - Best Alternatives

Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot alternatives for iOS? We have listed 48 Book apps that are similar to Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot. Pick one from this list to be your new Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot on your iOS devices.

Top 48 Apps Like Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 48 similar apps like Shuffle Picture Book Muzik the Parrot 2025.

Story Shuffle: The Tale of Sir Bevis

Story Shuffle: The Tale of Sir Bevis

Greetings adventurer… Stories are very important to us all. Whether they are new, old or retold they allow us to delve into our imaginations and beyond. The Story Shuffle Project is all about creating adventures for everyone. Story Shuffle:...

Price: Free Developer: TinRaven
Quran Shuffle

Quran Shuffle

Quran Shuffle goes through the Quran and shows you a random short verse on your Today screen. Please let me know if you have anything in mind that could improve the app. Any feedback is very appreciated! Enjoy :)

Price: Free Developer: Abdulrahman Al Zanki


'mameTxt' is a tiny and simple text reader for Apple Watch. 'mame' means 'tiny beans' in Japanese, and in 'Book' context, it also means 'miniature'. Apple Watch may be the best miniature book by 21st century technology. To read...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Hitoshi OSAKA
Dinosaur Roar!™

Dinosaur Roar!™

One of the best-selling picture books of all time now available on iPhone and iPad! Dinosaur Roar! is an animated read & play app that brings the classic picture book to life. A must for kids who love dinosaurs and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Immediate Media Company Limited
Hindi Status Collection My App

Hindi Status Collection My App

Hindi Status is really hard to find a status which are not used by anyone and are original.So here we have compiled some of the best,latest and untouched list for you.Which includes status,My jio quotes and many more.This apps...

Price: Free Developer: Red Bricks
HindiStatusCollection inshorts

HindiStatusCollection inshorts

Hindi Status is really hard to find a status which are not used by anyone and are original.So here we have compiled some of the best,latest and untouched list for you.Which includes status,quotes and many more.This apps is updated...

Price: Free Developer: Red Bricks
Precise Audiobook Player

Precise Audiobook Player

If you listen to audiobooks or other lengthy audio items, you need this app. Precise Audiobook gives you complete control when you want it but still has simple, easy-to-use controls while driving or jogging. While Apple's built-in audio player will play...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Steve Kliewer
NASB Holy Bible Audio Book

NASB Holy Bible Audio Book

Get in touch with God through his words, and praise him with daily god quotes. With our new and complete New American Standard Bible, you can listen both the old and new testaments with ease through our innovative player....

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Van
Jabberwocky: Confounded

Jabberwocky: Confounded

“Jabberwocky”, by Lewis Carroll, Confounded. Confounded shuffles up the words, and it’s up to you to put them right. It shows them to you in order—you just have to remember briefly and touch the words in sequence. Which is not...

Price: Free Developer: Christopher Gross
Where Do Swans Sleep? picture story book app for kids

Where Do Swans Sleep? picture story book app for kids

Where the Wild White Swans Sleep - a children's picture book Swans are a majestic creature of the sky and pond, this we know. But what else do we really know about swans? How about where they sleep? That’s the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Felix Hofmann
Who …? – Picture books for the very young. Read, look, listen!

Who …? – Picture books for the very young. Read, look, listen!

The much praised “Who” books by Stina Wirsén are one of Sweden's biggest children's picture book successes. The book that you can read free of charge is Who Decides? It is a book about strong feelings. You yourself can...

Price: Free Developer: Bonnierforlagen Ab
Bible Picture Stories

Bible Picture Stories

Bible Picture Stories is an app which features mainly bible stories in pictorial form. Read about Jesus, John, Joseph and many more bible characters in Bible Picture Stories in story book form. 'Take pictures' with bible characters, using the...

Price: Free Developer: Soon Kong Ngai
Fun eReader Picture Books

Fun eReader Picture Books

150 fun-to-read, dual-language, interactive picture books (ebooks) with subtle, science and math themes to ignite a passion for reading and learning! - Auto play and read-aloud - Word highlighting - Reading speed adjustment - Animal & object sounds when tapped - Individual words...

Price: Free Developer: Arbordale Publishing, LLC
Sardines - Kid's picture book

Sardines - Kid's picture book

"Sardines" is an original picture book that tells an interested story about how the sardines free from their stressful life. The wild imagination, the bright color and the love sardines will surely make you and your family members smile! Also...

Price: Free Developer: Dumb Duck Studio
3 Red Balloons - A cute picture book for toddlers

3 Red Balloons - A cute picture book for toddlers

Jogo Three Red Balloons is an interactive picture book. A little elephant finds three red balloons while playing with a friend. The balloons pull the elephant skywards. This is the start of a fantastic journey around adventurous worlds. The Three...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Jogo Jogo
100 Things: Zoo Animals - Video & Picture Book for Toddlers

100 Things: Zoo Animals - Video & Picture Book for Toddlers

100 Things: Zoo Animals Picture Book - for babies, small kids & toddlers - delivers 100s of HD photos, sounds & videos of real animals found in the wild. Tap the photos & videos to hear the animal sounds...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: 100 Things App LLC
100 Things: Farm Animals – Video & Picture Book for Toddlers

100 Things: Farm Animals – Video & Picture Book for Toddlers

100 Things: Farm Animals Picture Books - for babies, small kids & toddlers - delivers 100s of beautiful HD photos & videos of your child's favorite animals & livestock: cows, sheep, pigs, dogs, kittens, chickens, goats, donkeys, & babies...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: 100 Things App LLC
Crayola: Picture Day

Crayola: Picture Day

Perfect for beginning readers, “Picture Day” is an interactive story about zoo animals getting ready to have their picture taken. The animals want to look their best and can’t decide what to wear. As they get dressed up for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ruckus Media Group
Switch Book bilingual novels

Switch Book bilingual novels

SWITCH BOOK is an application for all those who want to improve their foreign language skills (English, Spanish, Deutch, Italian, Portuguese...) How ? SWITCH BOOK is a bookstore of bilingual novels. Each book contains the novel in two languages. For example:...

Price: Free Developer: Switch Book
Book Organizer

Book Organizer

Welcome to Book Organizer. This is the ultimate book organizer and the only one you need. Whether you’re a book lover, collector, or even just a student that has a huge personal collection of books, this is the book management...

Price: Free Developer: Wild Brains LLC
Book Organizer (Full Version)

Book Organizer (Full Version)

Welcome to Book Organizer. This is the ultimate book organizer and the only one you need. Whether you’re a book lover, collector, or even just a student that has a huge personal collection of books, this is the book management...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Wild Brains LLC


WELCOME TO NU-BOOK TOKEN OWNERS! The Nu-book ereading application was developed by publishing professionals with a solid background in the industry. Nu-book offers you an enhanced digital reading experience that simply cannot be found anywhere else. Thanks to its...

Price: Free Developer: Nubook
Mythical Happy City book: The Pursuit of Happiness

Mythical Happy City book: The Pursuit of Happiness

This is an interactive book with multiple endings. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change and trigger new situations and a different ending. Adventure Drama Interactive Pathbook. "The Mythical Happy City” This...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Breakfast with a Dragon Story tale kids Book Game

Breakfast with a Dragon Story tale kids Book Game

SUPER FUN DRAGON, an interactive book for kids with multiple endings. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change the ending. Fantastic story for children. Little Mabel dreams of fantasy creatures like dragons,...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Book+Main Bites

Book+Main Bites

What is a Bite? Excerpts, deleted and bonus scenes, post-epilogues, short stories—and more—are called 'Bites.' They could be a small taste of what's to come from an upcoming or already released book by your favorite author or a follow-up on...

Price: Free Developer: Book+Main, Inc
CLZ Books - Book Database

CLZ Books - Book Database

Catalog your book collection with ease! Automatic book details and cover images. Just scan ISBN barcodes with your camera! - Free 7-day trial, then US $14.99 per year - Use our "CLZ Core" central online book database for easy adding of books: * Just...

Price: Free Developer:
Luzbel - Interactive Book app scary horror story

Luzbel - Interactive Book app scary horror story

HORROR BOOK. This is an interactive book with multiple endings. FANTASTIC story. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change and trigger new situations and a different ending. "Luzbel” The apocalypse approaches and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Meet your Man - Romance book

Meet your Man - Romance book

Romance novel "Meet Your Man” You're a young and beautiful girl, you must choose between 3 guys to start a new relationship. Book of the year. An Interactive Book App with images, music, decisions and multiple endings. A suggestive romantic...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.


Türkiye’nin En Büyük ve Yenilikçi Online Kitabevi! Türkiye’de kültür ürünleri denince ilk akla gelen marka olan Idefix’in mobil uygulaması ile artık sipariş vermek daha hızlı ve daha kolay! Kitap, film müzik kategorilerinde geniş bir ürün yelpazesi bulunan idefix mobil uygulaması ile...



Çocuklar için geliştirilmiş interaktif masal ve hikayelerden oluşan Türkiye'nin ilk kitabevi uygulamasıdır. 80 den fazla çocuk masal ve hikaye Türkçe , Almanca ve İngilizce olarak bir arada. Ücretsiz kitaplarımızı ücretsiz bölüm altında bulabilirsiniz. Kitaplar 2-10 yaş arası çocukların keyif...

Price: Free Developer: Ayya Co. Ltd.
Filin Banyosu

Filin Banyosu

Zara bir gün evde otururken bir damlama sesi duydu, şıp şıp şıp... Acaba bu ses de nereden geliyordu? Bütün evi aramaya başladı. Sonra banyoda birisiyle karşılaştı. Acaba kiminle? 20 sayfa boyunca Zara ile birlikte gezmeye, oyuncaklarıyla oynamaya, banyoyu tamir...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
Filin Banyosu HD

Filin Banyosu HD

Zara bir gün evde otururken bir damlama sesi duydu, şıp şıp şıp... Acaba bu ses de nereden geliyordu? Bütün evi aramaya başladı. Sonra banyoda birisiyle karşılaştı. Acaba kiminle? 20 sayfa boyunca Zara ile birlikte gezmeye, oyuncaklarıyla oynamaya, banyoyu tamir...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
Dijital Safahat

Dijital Safahat

İçindekiler: • Safahat • Süleymaniye Kürsüsünde • Hakkın Sesleri • Fatih Kürsüsünde • Hatıralar • Asım • Gölgeler • Diğer Şiirler (Safahat’ın orijinal baskısında yer almayan şiirleri) • 47 dakikalık “Mehmet Akif Ersoy Belgeseli” • Mehmet Akif Ersoy’a ait...

Price: Free Developer: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı


每天10分鐘,知識找上你! 暢讀當期電子雜誌、報紙、影音電子書等精彩內容!專業編輯群,為您輕鬆導讀,萬種知識快遞到你眼前! 您可於 Kollect 暢讀財經、時尚、旅遊、親子、動漫、語言學習等多樣化內容: ● 品論財經:商業周刊、先探、天下、遠見、Money錢、女人變有錢、數位時代、財訊 、 30雜誌、今周刊、經理人、Cheers、Smart智富、大師輕鬆讀... ● 品讀時尚:ELLE、BAZZAR、柯夢波丹、Esquire君子、GQ、VOGUE、BEAUTY美人誌、TVBS、mina、Ami、女人我最大、Girl愛女生、loopPOST、BANG!、時報周刊... ● 品味旅遊:Taipei Walker、Japan Walker、食尚玩家、非凡大探索、sense、Bon Voyage一次旅行、OR旅讀中國、TRAVELER Luxe旅人誌、Lonely Planet 孤獨星球... ● 品嘗生活:壹周刊、EZ JAPAN、EZ TALK、情境美語、小日子享生活誌、雙河彎、潮人物、康健、Life Plus熟年誌、媽媽寶寶、嬰兒與母親、親子天下、明周、張老師月刊、iLOOK電影雜誌、MUZIK古典樂刊... ● 品量3C:PC home、Stuff科技時尚誌、電玩雙週刊、APP情報誌、iKnow行動生活誌、科學Easy Learn... ● 品評設計:潮人物、小日子、La Vie、Shopping Design設計採買誌、瘋設計FUN 、DesignARCH雅砌奢華、美化家庭、時尚家居、小典藏、今藝術、古美術... ● 品題報紙:工商時報、中國時報、工商頭條搶先報、旺報... Kollect 也提供專屬於您的閱讀功能: ● VIP獨享:編輯嚴選當期雜誌精彩內容,萬種知識快遞到你眼前! ● 多媒體書:影音互動讓讓閱讀有聲有色,輕鬆學習。 ● 目錄預覽:提供大圖索引,查找章節,省時省力。 ● 閱讀分析:記錄閱讀軌跡,跨裝置分析閱讀數量、種類等,激勵自己成為閱讀達人! Kollect 重視您所有其他使用上的問題或建議, 請透過客服信箱 聯絡~ 將提供您完整優質的服務,謝謝。

Price: Free Developer: Springhouse Entertainment Inc.
Son Savaş AR

Son Savaş AR

Uygulamayı tam sürüm olarak kullanabilmek için Son Savaş-Şeytanın Uyanışı romanını satın almanız gerekmektedir. Kitabın başlangıç iç sayfalarındaki 5 haneli şifreyi girerek uygulamanın tüm özelliklerini açabilirsiniz. Özünde sinemaya ait olan bileşenleri romanın içerisine taşıyan, zengin bir kitap okuma deneyimi yaşayın…...

Tali Yemeklerini Yiyor

Tali Yemeklerini Yiyor

Öykülerle Davranış Eğitimi Serisi Berrin Göncü Işıkoğlu 10 kitap + 1 etkinlik kitabı + 1 vcd Çocuğunuzun kişiliğinin şekillendiği okul öncesi dönemde; • Olumlu davranışları ve evrensel değerleri benimsemesini, • Olumsuz duygularını sağlıklı şekilde ifade edebilmesini, • Bir başkasının...

Price: Free Developer: Nesil Digital
Yazıgen Üçüncü Göz

Yazıgen Üçüncü Göz

Yazıgen 3. GÖZ size bambaşka bir kitap dünyasına davet ediyor. Kitapların arasındaki sürpriz içerikler sayesinde, bir kitabı okumanın çok ötesinde bir deneyim sizleri bekliyor. Kitapların uçsuz bucaksız derinliklerinde serüvene çıkmak için mobil cihazlarınızı 3. GÖZ ikonlarına yaklaştırmanız yeterli. ‘‘Artırılmış...

Price: Free Developer: Farklifikir Bilisim
The Third Ear (Lite + In-App Purchase)

The Third Ear (Lite + In-App Purchase)

You've admired people who are fluent in a foreign language. You've seen the way they impress others at parties, get more job opportunities and have the most fun while travelling. You can be just like them. You just need...

Price: Free Developer: The Third Ear
Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

This bestselling author and speaker, Joyce Meyer, offers a companion devotional to her award-winning message, "Battlefield of the Mind." Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Jack and the Beanstalk Book

Jack and the Beanstalk Book

Jack and the Beanstalk is a beautiful interactive & magical production of the famous English folktale by Francis Palgrave. See this remarkable story come to life like never before!!! When a courageous little boy learns how never to give...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
PopOut! The Night Before Christmas

PopOut! The Night Before Christmas

The sequel title to the massively popular interactive book sensation PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit. See William Denslow's masterful illustrations brought to life with innovative pull-tabs, spin-wheels, and elements that bounce and spring with the touch of a...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
Snow White - An Animated Book from The Story Mouse

Snow White - An Animated Book from The Story Mouse

The story book application adults love as much as children! An intelligent, dramatic story, with beautiful illustrations, amusing animations, background music, perfect narration and text highlighting.  On the iPad, this 'LITE' version of Snow White gives you the whole story with text...

Price: Free Developer: The Story Mouse
PopOut! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny follows in the footsteps of Book App of the Year, PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Join Peter Rabbit and his mischievous cousin, Benjamin Bunny, as they set off on another epic journey...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Potter

** As Featured in Mashable, NY Times, The New Yorker, NPR, FOX, School Learning Journal Since its release, PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit has been one of the best-selling book apps and has quickly become an interactive sensation captivating...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
Reflections on the Psalms: Bible notes from CofE

Reflections on the Psalms: Bible notes from CofE

Embark on a rewarding spiritual journey through the rich and inspiring landscape of the Psalms. Reflections on the Psalms provides insightful commentary on each of the Bible's 150 Psalms, from the same experienced team of writers and scholars behind...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Aimer Media Ltd.
Through the Word App

Through the Word App

UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE IN JUST TEN MINUTES A DAY, with plans for every book and Audio Guides for every chapter. Every day, 25,000 people around the world trust TTW for their daily Bible habit. Read the reviews below! -TTW is...

Price: Free Developer: Through the Word Inc.
Betsy the Witch Chef

Betsy the Witch Chef

Not all recipes are the same. There are delicious recipes, but there are also recipes horribly, disgustingly, terribly… delicious! And if you are a witch-chef and you expect to maintain your "bad" reputation among your magician friends, you should...

Price: Free Developer: Kuakomekiki

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