Top 25 Health & Fitness Apps Like Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite - Best Alternatives

Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite. Pick one from this list to be your new Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Hormone Horoscope Teen Lite 2025.

Hormone Horoscope Classic

Hormone Horoscope Classic

• Official Hormonology® app that shows women what their mood, energy, love life, health and more will be every day based solely on where they are in their monthly cycle • The app Nylon Magazine calls "life-changing" and The Telegraph...

Price: Free Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Hormone Horoscope Lite

Hormone Horoscope Lite

• The official Hormonology® app that shows women what their mood, energy, love life, health and more will be every day based solely on where they are in their monthly cycle • The app Nylon Magazine calls "life-changing" and The...

Price: Free Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Hormone Horoscope Pro

Hormone Horoscope Pro

• The official Hormonology® app that shows women what their mood, energy, love life, health and more will be every day based solely on where they are in their monthly cycle • The app Nylon Magazine calls "life-changing" and The...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Hormone Horoscope Teen Pro

Hormone Horoscope Teen Pro

• Official Hormonology® app that shows girls 12 to 17 what their mood, energy, love life, health and more will be every day based solely on where they are in their monthly cycle • The app Nylon Magazine called "life-changing"...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Breast Cancer Questions

Breast Cancer Questions

This app contains the most comprehensive questions and the standard NIH/NCI authoritative answers to every fundamental breast cancer related question you may have. The FAQ like Q&A app is extremely simple to use and you can simply search for...

Price: Free Developer: Srinath Sridhar
Female Forecaster for Men

Female Forecaster for Men

• The official Hormonology® app that gives boyfriends and husbands a daily forecast of their female partner's moods, libido, energy and more based on where she is in her monthly cycle • Get the FREE eBook "Quickstart Guide to Forecasting...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Hormonology, LLC
Isabel Smith Nutrition

Isabel Smith Nutrition

Our goal is to help you feel and look your best. Get started on your journey today with a custom nutrition, movement and lifestyle plan; and personal guidance and support from Isabel Smith, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Expert, right...

Price: Free Developer: Imbodi, Inc


INEVO Body: The cutting-edge nutrition app connecting you to personalized 28-day nutrition challenges filled with meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, food tracking and more. Created by a team of integrative functional medicine doctors and health coaches, the INEVO Body...

Price: Free Developer: Imbodi, Inc


HealthXP (Buy Genuine, Stay Fit) The HealthXP Online Store app is the fastest way to shop for your favorite vitamins, supplements, and sports nutrition products.Browse for the best products (and sales!) in categories like protein, multivitamins, pre-workouts, and more. Support...

Price: Free Developer: Girish Joshi
Aquarius Horoscope - Daily Zodiac, Astrology, Love

Aquarius Horoscope - Daily Zodiac, Astrology, Love

Aquarius Horoscope is the best daily horoscope prediction for your daily life, love, work, etc based on your Aquarius zodiac sign with reliable and accurate astrology data! Features: - Daily prediction for your Aquarius horoscope! - Reliable and accurate astrology readings updated...

Price: Free Developer: Jian Yih Lee
Horoscope Plus !

Horoscope Plus !

Horoscope Plus ! est une application gratuite, pour mobile et tablette. Cette application basée sur des prédictions astrologiques précise des différents signes du zodiaque, vous enchantera. Amour, Travail, Argent et bien plus encore. Venez consulter au quotidien ce que vous préparent les...

Price: Free Developer: Corentin Filsjean
Om Astro Services

Om Astro Services

Om Astro , developed under the guidance of many well known and expert vedic astrologers. The predictions given by Om Astro apps are based on extensive knowledge of hundreds of Astrological Shastras, like Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Brihat Jataka...

Price: Free Developer: Rakesh Prajapati
Bio Journal - Your Biorhythm

Bio Journal - Your Biorhythm

Do you know your Biorhythm? You may know your horoscope, but do you know your biorhythm? It has nothing to do with astrology- Hippocrates wrote about biorhythms in his journals, and even the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans knew about...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: SW-Elements
Healthy Heart Matters

Healthy Heart Matters

When dating as a teen, just like as an adult, it may be difficult to determine if certain behaviors in a relationship are causes for concern. Developed by the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office in partnership with our Teen Task...

Price: Free Developer: Steven King
Raising Respect

Raising Respect

Don't know where to start with your teen and their relationship? It can be difficult to know what your teen is experiencing in their relationships. We see their moods change rapidly and their behaviors swing wildly. As parents, how do...

Price: Free Developer: Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence


Our team has pioneered an app-based behavioral intervention called Achieving Wellness After Illness as a Teen (AWAIT) aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles – specifically targeting physical and mental health and positive health behaviors – among adolescent cancer survivors. The...

Price: Free Developer: Emory University
HealthScreen Lite

HealthScreen Lite

HealthScreen Lite is a unique application designed to pre-exercise screen and assess health and fitness of adults. This app is designed for use by exercise physiologists, fitness professionals, strength and conditioning coaches, and by students in disciplines such...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: Kevin Norton
Eat What Lite

Eat What Lite

Eat What Lite with barcode scanner! - Scan your food! Are you eating healthy? With the pressures of the modern lifestyle, it is easy to fall prey to poor nutrition leading to many lifestyle diseases. As the world has gone global,...

Price: Free Developer: We Have Kids
Watered Lite

Watered Lite

Tap the Watered Faucet, drink a cup of water and reap the benefits of one of the greatest health foods of all time! Water. *** Lite version is limited to 1000mL (33oz) and 4 Reminders every day *** Water is...

Price: Free Developer: Scirocco Consultants Inc.
memTiles Lite

memTiles Lite

memTiles Lite lets you exercise your memory through a randomly generated field of tiles containing various shapes, symbols, letters and numbers rendered in different contrasting colors. You choose your desired complexity level as well as the timing interval. Just...

Price: Free Developer: Yuri Demidov
O1-275 Lite

O1-275 Lite

透過中醫經絡穴道的介電質參數量測與量子力學原理,教授中醫的保健知識與健康方法,達到促進健康的寓教於樂系統。 1. 圖像報告:分為10S能量分析圖表、NLS能量螺旋分析。 2. 文字報告:結合使用者的10S介電質參數、NLS方程式、出生日期及性別等,在雲端進行解析運算波動異常的部分後,在報告中呈現波動異常的健康預警及比較推論各經絡所屬細胞族群的變化,以1~6的指數表示中醫所說寒熱及陰陽的虛實變化。 3. 十二正經能量詳表:透過10S介電質參數的量測數據來分析人體12條經絡的虛實變化。 4. 磁振感應量測:磁振10S技術是建立在穴道介電質變化上產生的生物電能,ALLONE 275設備透過測量介電質參數的方式來得到其帶電的強度,當量測完成時,會得到10個參數,為報告分析所需參數。 5. 274波動修復:教育使用者利用呼吸吐納的訓練來調整經絡穴道的介電質變化。 5-1 感應模式、量子波動:感應人體穴位後發出600~700K電波,並隨著穴位介電質變化而變化,不同功能有不同的方式來調整經絡穴道的介電質變化。 5-2 運動模式:O1-275 Lite會紀錄每次的甩手動作,並計算消耗的熱量,轉為參數傳至ALLONE 275設備來紀錄經絡穴道的介電質變化 6. 10S能量分析圖表:與之前的10S量測數據紀錄進行比對。 7. NLS能量螺旋分析:O1-275 Lite以NLS方程式分析10S的量測數據,將其換算成生物發出的能量微弱磁場,並結合大數據雲端分析系統所挑出的數個固定狀態及以熵方程式結果所得到能量位階做比對,因此能進行更精準的理論性計算,最後展示在手機屏幕中以不同顏色標示的虛擬器官模型上以便解讀。我們依照量子動力學「quantum chromo kinetics」的規則,以光譜色「spectrum colors」 代表系統的熵值「entropy values​​」色調由淺黃( 最低熵值) 橘色、紅色、...

Hands Up Therapy Lite

Hands Up Therapy Lite

From an early age society teaches us that some emotions are bad and that we should avoid these at all costs. As a result, we learn to avoid certain emotions which can cause them to endure and mental health...

Price: Free Developer: Kelvin Snaith
ioParlo Lite

ioParlo Lite

ioParlo Lite è un programma di comunicazione assistita per iPhone, scritto in collaborazione con Genitori e Autismo ONLUS. Grazie alle capacità di sintesi vocale è possibile scrivere frasi e ascoltarle con la voce sintetizzata. E' anche possibile visualizzare le...

Price: Free Developer: Araneum Group srl
DanceTime Lite

DanceTime Lite

DanceTime Deluxe is the complete rhythm practice app with counting for dancers. It works on the iPhone, iPod Touch (iTouch) and iPad. Try the free DanceTime Lite app! Check out DanceTime Deluxe on YouTube ** FEATURES ** *****...

Price: Free Developer: Wimbledon Sound

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