Top 47 Business Apps Like Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting - Best Alternatives

Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting alternatives for iOS? We have listed 47 Business apps that are similar to Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting. Pick one from this list to be your new Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting on your iOS devices.

Top 47 Apps Like Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 47 similar apps like Financial Ratio Flashcards, Analysis, and Accounting 2025.

SFO Synergy Financial Organization

SFO Synergy Financial Organization

鄭鏗源Henry Cheng 在香港的保險業界赫赫有名,在全港首屈一指的保險公司,帶領著200多人的銷售團隊,SFO(Synergy Financial Organization)匯進理財,他的成功故事,絕對值得所有業內和業外人士細閱。 .本書結構和內容 本書分成 Henry 影響一生的十大信念和好教練十招兩個部分, 前者訴說了他的成長路和人生的學習, 這些信念多年來一直帶領著他走上成功之路;後者則是多年來作為經理人, 從實踐中得來的寶貴經驗, 作為團隊的教練, (Coach) , 他和大家分享行之有效的實用方法和技巧。全書圖文茂, 好教練十招的每招更配以視頻解說, 除了理論和方法外, 還有生動的案例, 讓每個有志成為成功經理人的讀者都能輕鬆掌握箇中技巧。, •博客資訊分享 除了互動多媒體的電子書外,此App更包括持續更新的實用資訊,理財冷知識等,很多非常重要卻又經常被忽視的內容,都會在這裡定期和讀者分享。 作者簡介 鄭鏗源Henry Cheng SFO(Synergy Financial Organization)匯進理財團隊領導人 從事理財策劃行業超過二十五年, 本著「領導如僕人」的信念, 服務團隊和客戶, 贏得大家認同, 並獲得行業內眾多獎項及贊譽, 包括獲得十六次MDRT(國際壽險圓桌會終身會員), 19次國際優質服務獎, 香港管理專業協會傑出銷售獎, 香港人壽保險從業員協會之傑出人壽保險經理獎, 多次獲得國際人壽保險經理協會 (GAMA)的最高管理成就獎等。

Financial Advocates Ignite

Financial Advocates Ignite

The Financial Advocates Portland Summit is a two-day educational event for Financial Advisors and their assistants throughout the Pacific Northwest and surrounding areas. Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Financial Planning and Investment advice offered through Financial Advocates Investment...

Price: Free Developer: Financial Advocates Agency LLC,
Financial Executive Forum 2019

Financial Executive Forum 2019

NETWORKING, GATHERING STRENGTH, FINDING INSPIRATION Produced by the Quebec Chapter of Financial Executives International Canada (FEI Canada), this half-day forum is one of the key events for financial executives in Quebec and aims to promote the exchange of ideas and...

Parker Financial

Parker Financial

Welcome to our latest innovation to provide you with up-to-date information about your wealth management relationship with us. This app allows you to get information about your portfolio, any time, any place, using your smartphone or tablet. You are...

Price: Free Developer: C.L. Parker, Inc dba Parker Financial Advisors
360 Financial Quoting Tools

360 Financial Quoting Tools

Free online Quoting Tools from 360 Financial Group lets you quote insurance products fast and easy on the go. You can access this time saving tool directly from our free mobile app that can be downloaded to your mobile...

Price: Free Developer: 360 Financial Group LLC
Financial Media

Financial Media

Financial Media is een kennisbedrijf ten dienste van de CFO en zijn team. Onder de merknaam ‘CFO’ ligt de focus op kennisverspreiding via diverse mediakanalen. Financial Media is uitgever van CFO Magazine, het leidende vakblad voor finance professionals. Maar ook...

Price: Free Developer: Financial Media
Islamic Financial Securities

Islamic Financial Securities

Investor must be connected to the internet to be able to open the application.

This application supports English and Arabic languages.

This application is meant to be used by Islamic Financial Securities customers in Doha, Qatar. In order to get an...

Price: Free Developer: Islamic Financial Securities Co
Compeer Financial Events

Compeer Financial Events

Download the official event app for Compeer Financial. With just one app download, you’ll get access to information and features relating to select Compeer Financial events for which you are registered. Learn and engage through the following in-app offerings:...

Price: Free Developer: Compeer Financial, ACA
AMDG Financial

AMDG Financial

The AMDG Financial app makes it convenient for clients to access their accounts on the go. With this secure app, you have access to your portfolio values, holdings summary, performance reporting, market commentary and your adviser's contact information. The...

Price: Free Developer: AMDG Financial Advisory Services, LLC
Assn for Financial Technology

Assn for Financial Technology

TripBuilder Multi Event Mobile™ is the official mobile application for the Association for Financial Technology (AFT). Use this app to: • Easily view event info and more right on your mobile phone...

Price: Free Developer: Association For Financial Technology, Inc
Financial Ratio Flashcards

Financial Ratio Flashcards

Learn about finance and accounting with over 100 flashcards coordinated with video, audio, and traditional lessons. Covering the following ratio types: liquidity, profitability, debt, solvency, operating performance, cash flow, and valuation. All ratio cards covered: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash...

Price: Free Developer: TSAPlay, LLC
Smart Ratio

Smart Ratio

SmartRatio pulls together all the useful financial accounting ratios typically used in ratio analysis. The ratios are broken down into four main categories: Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, and Marketability. SmartRatio will be most helpful for accountants, analysts, and anyone trying...

Price: Free Developer: Joey McCoy
Area Ratio Calculator

Area Ratio Calculator

The Beam On Technology Area Ratio Calculator gives you the ability to quickly calculate the stencil area ratio of an opening. It allows you to determine an aperture’s solder paste transfer efficiency and the optimum foil thickness needed. It also allows you...

Price: Free Developer: Beam On Technology


Simple is best! Ratio Calc touch! PRO is an aspect ratio calculator for professional designer. RATIO CALC touch! PROはアスペクト比計算機。「ratio of A to B」つまりAとBの比率をタッチでサクっとはじき出す一芸に秀でたシンプルな計算機です。デザイン、映像・画像加工などの作業時に、傍らで起動しておけばとても便利です。 16対9だと、ヨコ●pixに対するタテサイズは? そんな時ちょいとタッチでサイズを計算! 2つの値から比率の逆算もできます。デザイナーが自分で使いたくて作りました。 このPRO版では横画面(ワイド表示)に対応。画面を横にすると、よく使われるタテ×ヨコ比率をプリセットから選べます。さらに、自分の使いたいタテ×ヨコ比率を記憶させておき、いつでも呼び出して計算を始められます。

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Craps i.B.
Digit Ratio

Digit Ratio

A now widely studied putative marker for prenatal sex hormones exposure or, more precisely, for the relative exposure to testosterone compared to estrogens while in uterus, is the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D), that is the ratio between the index...

Price: Free Developer: Everyware Apps
DTI Ratio Calculator

DTI Ratio Calculator

DTI Ratio Calculator is used to calculate your front end and back end Debt to Income Ratio. Features: Calculates Debt to Income Ratio Pay to Remove Ads only $1.99 This application was designed for Long Island Fair Housing. For more information about the...

Price: Free Developer: James DeCarlo
Ultima Ratio

Ultima Ratio

Aplikacja Ultima Ratio służy do obsługi postępowań arbitrażowych prowadzonych przez użytkowników w „Ultima Ratio” Pierwszym Elektronicznym Sądzie Polubownym przy Stowarzyszeniu Notariuszy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Warszawie. Pozwala na przeglądanie materiałów spraw arbitrażowych, aktywne dokonywanie czynności procesowych, wprowadzanie nowych treści oraz...

Price: Free Developer: Zeto Rzeszow


Applikation zur Preisänderung und Tankinhaltskontrolle. Für die Verwendung der App ist ein Benutzer und Passwort notwendig. Diese erhalten Sie nach Vertragsabschluss mit Ratio Elektronik GmbH.

Price: Free Developer: Ratio-Elektronik GmbH
Financial Ratios Premium

Financial Ratios Premium

Learn about finance and accounting with over 100 flashcards coordinated with video, audio, and traditional lessons. Covering the following ratio types: liquidity, profitability, debt, solvency, operating performance, cash flow, and valuation. All ratio cards covered: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: TSAPlay, LLC
CFE Exam Prep Flashcards

CFE Exam Prep Flashcards

Familiarize yourself with the terminology and concepts covered on the CFE Exam with this app consisting of flashcards that complement the CFE Exam Prep Course. This free app is available exclusively to individuals who have purchased the CFE Exam...

Price: Free Developer: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Inc.
Face Flashcards

Face Flashcards

It's been said that necessity is the mother of invention. Well, this app is a prime example. I am very good with remembering faces, but always have to ask people their names again and again. With this app, you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mark Turney
Business & Leadership Encyclop

Business & Leadership Encyclop

This Professional application contains + 2500 Study notes, concepts and exam questions, and covers covers 22 business management & leadership topics: Business administration Concepts Introduction to Management Decision Making Innovation & Change Planning Strategic Management Management Controls Organizational Design Human Resources Management (HR, SHR,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Karim SLITI
Business Administration & Leadership  - Best Practice, Notes & Quizzes

Business Administration & Leadership - Best Practice, Notes & Quizzes

Business Administration & Leadership - Fundamentals to Advanced Management (Tips, Cases, Notes & Quiz) This Professional application contains Study notes, concepts, best practices and exam questions, and covers covers 22 business management & leadership topics: Business administration...

Price: Free Developer: Karim SLITI
7 Habits By Franklin Covey

7 Habits By Franklin Covey

Expert advice from management guru Stephen Covey! The Official, Authorized Version of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People True success is a result of both personal and professional effectiveness. Management Guru Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Floreo Media LLC
Communication  & Interpersonal Skills - Study Notes, Tips & Quizzes (free)

Communication & Interpersonal Skills - Study Notes, Tips & Quizzes (free)

Communication & Interpersonal skills. Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study. Communication skills are developed and may be enhanced or improved with increased knowledge and practice. During interpersonal...

Price: Free Developer: Karim SLITI
ECHO Microlearning

ECHO Microlearning

Organizations invest countless resources in formal training. But what happens after formal training is over? What happens to all that investment when the forgetting curve sets in? How do employees transfer their newly acquired knowledge to the job? Meet ECHO...

Price: Free Developer: SwissVBS Inc.
Break-Even Analysis

Break-Even Analysis

The Hidden Secrets to Profitability That Most Business Consultants Don't Want You To Know Are Just A Click Away. “If You Want To Grow Your Business Even Faster, This Little App Is Like Helium For A Balloon.” “We frequently need to...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: BoxOnline
Business S.W.O.T. Analysis

Business S.W.O.T. Analysis

SWOT analysis is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a company,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: AppNextDoor Labs
Agremo: Drone Map Analysis

Agremo: Drone Map Analysis

Agremo plant counting and plant health analyses enable growers, agricultural consultants, drone operators, forestry and insurance companies to successfully plan, monitor and analyze their drone maps and find out what is happening with their plants & their fields at...

Price: Free Developer: Agremo doo
Company Analysis

Company Analysis

Ratio Analysis is a form of Financial Statement Analysis that is used to obtain a quick indication of a firm's financial performance in several key areas. The ratios are categorized as Short-term Solvency Ratios, Debt Management Ratios, Asset Management...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Dariusz Czochara
Envirocheck Analysis

Envirocheck Analysis

The Envirocheck Analysis mobile app, from Landmark Information Group, has been designed to connect and streamline all of your Phase 1 activities – from desktop review to site walkover and back. This app allows you to geo-locate notes, photos, videos...

Price: Free Developer: Landmark Information Group
Lean Stakeholder Analysis

Lean Stakeholder Analysis

Learn the basics on how the Stakeholder Analysis can be used to identify the key people who have to be influenced for implementation of a project or change initiative. Stakeholder Analysis is critical to the success of every project....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MCS Media, Inc.
Radar Analysis Toolbox

Radar Analysis Toolbox

The Radar Analysis Toolbox is a collection of valuable equations handy for the RF engineer in the field. The user can input values for each variable, press solve the equation, and plot these equations all from the palm of...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Russell Vela
Lean Five Whys Analysis

Lean Five Whys Analysis

Learn the basics on how the 5 Whys Analysis can be used to methodically determine the causes of a problem (or effect). The 5 Whys is closely linked to the Fishbone Diagram and its value is asking "Why?" and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MCS Media, Inc.


Integrated with Genialcloud Analysis, Mobile BI is an agile, automated App that allows for immediate access to information from mobile devices, adding "flexibility" and permission based access to its strengths. Requires Genialcloud Analysis ver. 9.51 As an extension of Genialcloud Analysis...

Price: Free Developer: Avantune
Config Analysis

Config Analysis

App designed and developed for HoReCa sector, enabling detailed analysis of your business. Perfect for owners of cafes and restaurants who are on the go, the ConfigPOS Analysis app makes all sort of reports and insights easy. The ConfigPOS...

Price: Free Developer: BreakPoint d.o.o. u prevodu Prelomna tacka d.o.o.
Community-Organized and Profit

Community-Organized and Profit

Organized & Profitable™ online community is where small business owners meet to get the support needed to build, run and grow strong profitable companies. Connect with other small business owners, have access to the worlds best...

Price: Free Developer: Organized and Profitable
HD Salon and Spa

HD Salon and Spa

Using our app, you can easily book appointments, receive deals, view service history, and so much more at our business. This free app allows you to connect to your information right from your mobile phone. Perfect for those who can't...

Price: Free Developer: HD Salon and Spa
Alpha and Omega LLC Driver App

Alpha and Omega LLC Driver App

How would YOU like to earn a whopping 90%of EVERY SINGLE FARE? That's 90% RIGHT OFF THE TOP! A turnkey business opportunity which no longer leaves you wondering how you're going to make the ends meet! EVERYONE IS EQUAL,...

Price: Free Developer: Alpha and Omega LLC
Business And Industry Today

Business And Industry Today

Business and Industry Today is a publication that circulates 5,000 printed copies on a national basis to approximately 15,000 readers and around 5,000 verified download copies per month via its website. The aim of the publication is to promote good...

Price: Free Developer: Business And Industry Today
Dan Clark Auction and Realty

Dan Clark Auction and Realty

Dan Clark Auction & Realty LLC provides Land & Residential Auctions, Farm & Ranch Equipment Auctions and offers Real Estate listings thru our Real Estate Brokerage firm. We provide live auctions with online bidding and also online only auctions....

Price: Free Developer: Dan Clark Auction and Realty
Magnolia and Vine

Magnolia and Vine

Start your path to success today and be connected like never before with Magnolia and Vine. Stay informed with corporate messages and notifications, complete challenges to earn points and rewards. Access company documents through the Resource Library. Growing your business has never...

Price: Free Developer: Krato
Bath and Tennis Club

Bath and Tennis Club

Everything you love about Bath and Tennis Club’s website, now in a native, easy-to-use mobile app! The time-saving tools you use online are now even more convenient; connect with other members, register for events, make a tee time, reserve...

Price: Free Developer: Bath and Tennis Club
Bright Star Realty and Auction

Bright Star Realty and Auction

This dynamic app allows you to (1) stay informed about our upcoming auctions; (2) view properties that interest you; (3) get notifications when you’ve been outbid; (4) bid no matter where you are located (or set and forget your...

Price: Free Developer: Bright Star Realty and Auctions, LLC
Deering Bay Yacht and Country

Deering Bay Yacht and Country

Everything you love about Deering Bay’s website, now in a native, easy-to-use mobile app! The time-saving tools you use online are now even more convenient; connect with other members, register for events, make a tee time, reserve a court...

Price: Free Developer: Deering Bay Yacht and Country Club
EAT and GIVE Partners

EAT and GIVE Partners

Partner app for restaurants to manage customer orders for takeaway's and table booking requests. This handy app will help you manage many aspects of your orders through EAT and GIVE.

Price: Free Developer: Eat and Give

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