Top 39 Education Apps Like Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide - Best Alternatives

Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Education apps that are similar to Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide. Pick one from this list to be your new Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Piazza del Duomo & Florence Cathedral Guide 2025.



Piazza is the leading social learning platform for higher education, used by hundreds of thousands of students and more than 15 thousand professors for centralized class communications and polling. If you're a student, the Piazza app lets you ask...

Price: Free Developer: Piazza Technologies, Inc.
Piazza San Marco Visitor Guide Venice Italy

Piazza San Marco Visitor Guide Venice Italy

| Thousands of travelers rely on eTips Tour Guides, because they’re the best of the best! Here is your 100% offline mobile guide developed for all those tourists who...

Price: Free Developer: eTips LTD
Bettona - Umbria Musei

Bettona - Umbria Musei

Sentieri d’arte e di mense alla scoperta di un passato evocativo. Un’atmosfera intima fatta di pietre, antiche mura e luoghi nascosti. Godetevi i suggestivi panorami e tramonti, affacciati da questo splendido balcone chiamato Bettona. Bettona, un balcone sull’Umbria Bettona sorge su una "terrazza naturale"...

Price: Free Developer: Sesinet Snc
Bettona - Umbria Museums

Bettona - Umbria Museums

Art and food paths to the discovery of an evocative past. An intimate setting made of stones, ancient walls and hidden places. Enjoy the wonderful view and the gorgeous sunsets, from this magnificent balcony known as Bettona. Bettona, a...

Price: Free Developer: Sesinet Snc
Bevagna - Umbria Musei

Bevagna - Umbria Musei

Un tuffo nel passato per scoprire frammenti d’arte e antichi mestieri. A Bevagna si intrecciano suoni e voci, fili di un tessuto medioevale da assaporare con lentezza. Bevagna, culla di tradizioni artigiane L’abitato di Bevagna si stringe dal XII secolo intorno alla...

Price: Free Developer: Sesinet Snc
Buried Alive w/ Michelangelo

Buried Alive w/ Michelangelo

Everyone knows Michelangelo. But did you know he once hid in fear for his life? That’s the mystery at the heart of this multi-media mobile Story App by Time Traveler Tours. Discover Renaissance Florence – the city that invented western...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Time Traveler Tours, LLC
Jesucristo Restaurando la Fam.

Jesucristo Restaurando la Fam.

La aplicación Jesucristo Restaurando La Familia contiene información y recursos de gran impacto en el mejoramiento personal y espiritual de los componentes familiares. Está liderada por Felipe y Norma Piazza, Pastores Principales de la Iglesia Jesucristo Restaurando La Familia...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Montefalco - Umbria Musei

Montefalco - Umbria Musei

Passeggiate tra le vigne di Montefalco, entrate nel Complesso Museale di San Francesco e lasciatevi incantare da luoghi impareggiabili. Un patrimonio da vedere, vivere e gustare. Montefalco,‬ un panorama mozzafiato I suoi balconi panoramici offrono una meravigliosa vista a perdita d'occhio, per...

Price: Free Developer: Sesinet Snc
Pisa Miracles Guide

Pisa Miracles Guide

This app presents the monuments of Piazza dei Miracoli of Pisa. You can find informations about the Square, The Duomo of Santa Maria Assunta, the Baptistery, the Monumental Cemetery, the Sinopie Museum and the famous Leaning Tower. The guide is available...

Price: Free Developer: Inera Srl
SC Museo del Prado Bosch

SC Museo del Prado Bosch

Second Canvas Museo del Prado Bosch is your tool for exploring the masterpieces of one of the most admired painters in Western art. Discover, navigate, learn, teach and share from your iPad or iPhone, with the option of hooking...

Mosaici del Battistero

Mosaici del Battistero

L'applicazione ufficiale del Museo dell'Opera del Duomo consente di esplorare i meravigliosi mosaici del Battistero di Firenze. Puoi visualizzare le singole "vele" e le serie di santi e profeti ad altissima risoluzione ed apprezzarne tutti i dettagli invisibili ad occhio...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church

Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church

The official Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church App connects you to a variety of resources, including sermons, online giving, weekly bulletin, event information, and more. Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church exists to reach people for Christ, and to help them...

Price: Free Developer: Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church
Chile en la Era del Hielo

Chile en la Era del Hielo

Te invitamos a retroceder más 18 mil años en el tiempo, cuando la mitad del mundo estaba congelado y los Homo sapiens se abrían paso por los inexplorados territorios del continente americano. Sólo tienes que apuntar la cámara de...

Price: Free Developer: Felipe Del Rio Vallejo
Del Valle ISD

Del Valle ISD

With the Del Valle ISD mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information, sporting...

Price: Free Developer: Del Valle ISD
Wes-Del Community Schools

Wes-Del Community Schools

The official app for Wes-Del Community Schools allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district....

Price: Free Developer: Wes-Del Community Schools
Los órganos del cuerpo para niños: Enseña a los niños en el hogar y en las aulas, alrededor de diecisiete diferentes órganos (cerebro, el páncreas, los riñones y muchos más)

Los órganos del cuerpo para niños: Enseña a los niños en el hogar y en las aulas, alrededor de diecisiete diferentes órganos (cerebro, el páncreas, los riñones y muchos más)

¿Sus hijos saben qué es el riñón y su propósito? ¿Saben que un pulmón es más pequeño que el otro? ¿Saben que los pelos de la nariz atrapan alérgenos y polvo? Estas son algunas de las informaciones que sus hijos...

Price: Free Developer: Nth Fusion LLC
Diritto del Lavoro - Giurisprudenza

Diritto del Lavoro - Giurisprudenza

Diritto del Lavoro + Diritto Sindacale in un’UNICA APP! 60 capitoli di teoria e più di 800 DOMANDE distribuite in 80 TEST per argomento! - TIP: Sfogliale! Ti serviranno a fissare un panorama schematico della materia. Usale come strumento da affiancare...

Price: Free Developer: MINDTIPS SRL
Casa Del Milagro

Casa Del Milagro

Bienvenidos a nuestra aplicación de Centro Cristiano Casa Del Milagro. Creemos que Dios es un Dios de propósito y que en el no existen las coincidencias, sino un plan divino. Es por eso mismo que estamos seguros que Dios tiene...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Más allá del éxito

Más allá del éxito

Los factores del éxito del Dr. John C. Maxwell es una aplicación para agregar valor a tu vida y presentarte un camino que va más allá del éxito. A través del currículo de seis lecciones diseñado para llevarse a...

Price: Free Developer: Juan Villanueva
Florence 1 Schools

Florence 1 Schools

The Florence 1 Schools app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone Can: - View district and school news...

Price: Free Developer: Florence 1 Schools
Florence County SD 3

Florence County SD 3

With the Florence County School District 3 mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media like Facebook and...

Price: Free Developer: Florence County School District Three Educational Foundation
Florence District App - AZ

Florence District App - AZ

The official Florence District App - AZ gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved! Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the...

Price: Free Developer: Florence Unified School District
Florence School District 2

Florence School District 2

The official Florence School District 2 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved! Anyone can: -View District and school news -Use the...

Price: Free Developer: Florence County School District 2
Marion-Florence USD 408, KS

Marion-Florence USD 408, KS

The official app for Marion-Florence USD 408, KS allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Marion-Florence USD 408
School District of Florence Co

School District of Florence Co

The School District of Florence County app allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and notifications from the district, including all of our schools. - You can select which schools to receive news, events, and notifications...

Price: Free Developer: Florence County School District
Hidden Florence 3D

Hidden Florence 3D

This free app gives you an unprecedented opportunity to experience the fourteenth-century church of San Pier Maggiore in Florence, while viewing its original altarpiece in the National Gallery, London. The project has been completed by researchers at the Universities...

Price: Free Developer: Calvium Ltd
Multiply - Florence Baptist

Multiply - Florence Baptist

Welcome to the Multiply App by Florence Baptist Church in Greater Cincinnati. We exist to multiply gospel impact on a local, national, and international level. This app allows you to be a part of that mission. Watch, listen to, and...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Florence augmenté

Florence augmenté

L'application Florence augmentée propose de découvrir les pricipaux monuments de la ville de Florence grace à la réalité augmentée ! L'application dispose de deux modes de fonctionnement. Le premier permet de découvrir et présente les principaux monuments de la ville....

Price: Free Developer: chardine marc
Cathedral College Wangaratta

Cathedral College Wangaratta

Bridge the gap between home and school with the Cathedral College app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about Cathedral College, push notifications for urgent updates, school newsletters and more. Key features of the Cathedral College app: ...

Price: Free Developer: Cathedral College Wangaratta
Rhema Word Cathedral

Rhema Word Cathedral

Welcome to the Rhema Word Cathedral app. This FREE app affords you access at your fingertips to RWC info, news, events, a “word study”, and message series featuring Senior Leader -- Bishop Victor L. Powell, as well as general...

Price: Free Developer: Rhema Word Cathedral, Inc.
St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne Virtual Tour

St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne Virtual Tour

A virtual tour of St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, Australia. Tour the impressive Neo Gothic Catholic Cathedral. The largest Cathedral in Australia, visited by over 500,000 annually. Learn its history and significance to the people of Melbourne. Stand in the...

Price: Free Developer: Glasshouse Creative Media Pty Ltd
Athens Cathedral

Athens Cathedral

Download the app made for Athens Cathedral and gain instant access to rich visual content with detailed descriptions about the exhibits and the history of the temple. The app acts as a digital guide when you find yourself inside...

Price: Free Developer: NOVOMATIX P.C.
Christ Cathedral Academy

Christ Cathedral Academy

Welcome to Christ Cathedral Academy. Christ Cathedral Academy is a Catholic school affiliated with the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose in the Diocese of Orange. Our mission is to form leaders who share the rewards of religious and academic study...

Lincoln Cathedral AR

Lincoln Cathedral AR

Interactive 360° videos provide an immerse experience, decide whether to look up at the majestic Gothic ceiling, or catch a glimpse of the decorative stonework walls, as you are directed on a virtual tour through spaces within the cathedral. Interacting...

Price: Free Developer: Hot Knife
All Saints Cathedral

All Saints Cathedral

All Saints Cathedral App helps church members in Kampala to, - send prayer requests and receive feedback from All Saints Cathedral Kampala Priests. - Allows users to keep notes about their Sunday services. - Allows access to news, sermons, events, documents and...

Price: Free Developer: Edward Shirambere
Cathedral Grammar

Cathedral Grammar

Cathedral Grammar School App for parent, staff and student community. Download this App to be kept up to date with everything that is happening at Cathedral Grammar School. It features access to school portals, calendar, Newsletters and push notification...

Price: Free Developer: Com Assist Solutions Pty Ltd
St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral

St Paul's, with its world-famous dome, is an iconic feature of the London skyline. Step inside and you can enjoy the Cathedral's awe-inspiring interior, and uncover fascinating stories about its history. This App is an audio and video tour of...

Price: Free Developer: ATS Heritage
Cathedral House

Cathedral House

This app will help you stay connected with the day-to-day life of Cathedral House. With this app you can: - Stay up to date with promotions - Stay up to date with push notifications - Stay up to date with Events

Price: Free Developer: Huddersfield Christian Fellowship

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